Friday, September 30, 2011

Deleted Scene: Take 10 - Death to the Undead?

Death to the undead?

CrisisCloud: *writes out a standing order for the common public to tackle anyone named BBM upon sight* ^_^
CrisisCloud: good luck >:D
Blackberrymew: *hides*
CrisisCloud: *smirks* and just because today's yer birthday... *updates the order to have people punch BBM for each year instead of tackling* >:D
CrisisCloud: oops :P did I do that?
Blackberrymew: (OO)
Blackberrymew: Remind me to punch ye for every word you speak next time I sees ye :P
CrisisCloud: (OO) *grabs pen and paper for next time we talk on here* :P I won't have to say a word
Blackberrymew: *stays well-hidden for duration of the week*
Blackberrymew: *updates ISC blog and switches hiding spots*
CrisisCloud: >:D hide all ye want, my minions will find ye
Blackberrymew: *keeps hiding*
CrisisCloud: *smirks* lot of good hiding it'll do ye >:D
CrisisCloud: *yawns*
CrisisCloud: now just to wait for ye to get up so I can spring the trap
CrisisCloud: *falls asleep*
Blackberrymew: *giggles* You'll never find me ^_^
Blackberrymew: Asides that, how did ye manage to fall asleep?! (OO)
Blackberrymew: *switches hiding spots and stays hidden*
ISCLui: *walks up to the still-sleeping EDJ* woah
ISCLui: *pokes it*
ISCLui: is it dead?
ISCLui: *shrugs and giggles*
ISCLui: *tackles it*
ISCLui: *nothing happens* uh-oh
ISCLui: *backs up slowly*
ISCLui: *hides*
Blackberrymew: (OO)
Blackberrymew: *hides with Lui*
Blackberrymew: *whispers* Lui.... what did you do to him?! (OO)
THEZelgius: *trips over EDJ* woah
THEZelgius: *finds Lui and Hanna* *raises eyebrows* what's with EDJ?
Blackberrymew: *points to Lui and whispers* He did it!
Blackberrymew: Ok, so he probably didn't. I know I didn't do it though. I just be minding my own business and BAM... the dude's alseep (OO)
Blackberrymew: *yanks DJ to the hiding spot* Now we be just watching to see if he wakes up.
THEZelgius: *blinks* wow, first time in like a year...
THEZelgius: *shrugs* I guess he needed it :P
Blackberrymew: Needed it?! the dude's pretty much been a walking zombie without it
Blackberrymew: well... a walking zombie with a brain.... and super powers..... and a twisted sense of humor.... and a growing conscience....
Blackberrymew: close enough
THEZelgius: XD
THEZelgius: ye almost sound sentimental
THEZelgius: (OO)
THEZelgius: *blinks twice* yeah, never mind
THEZelgius: *ahem* I feel like a zombie lately...five days of work in a row, and four hours of homework last night <_<
Blackberrymew: my sword can show you sentimental >_>
Blackberrymew: *ahem* anyway
Blackberrymew: You know, you need to really stop trying to kill yourself over there :P
Blackberrymew: What will ISC do if ye suddenly keel over with exhaustion like poor EDJ over there?
Blackberrymew: *peeks out of hiding spot* ....of course.... we're still assuming he isn't really dead, right?
ISCLui: *looks over at EDJ* yeah, just sleeping...hopefully
ISCLui: when was the last time we poked him?
Blackberrymew: ..that would be when you poked him... care to try again?
Blackberrymew: I'm sure there's a 39 1/2 foot pole around here somewhere <_< >_>
ISCLui: *giggles* he's no grinch, but hey :P
ISCLui: *sneaks up and pokes EDJ* *nothing happens*
ISCLui: uh-oh
Blackberrymew: *sneaks up next to Lui and also pokes EDJ*
Blackberrymew: *turns to Lui* ...duuuuuuuude.... I think you killed it (OO)
ISCLui: (OO) I didn't do it!
ISCLui: *rolls EDJ over onto his back* wow
ISCLui: *pokes BBM* what do we do with it?
Blackberrymew: *blinks* I don't know.... don't these things usually disintegrate into little glowy things if they're really dead or something?
Blackberrymew: then again, that could be something else...
Blackberrymew: *looks around* where'd DJ go? he's responsibly logical. I'm sure he'd have some kind of solution
ISCLui: *looks* he's gone!
ISCLui: at least he's not *points at EDJ* like that
ISCLui: ...glowy things...
Blackberrymew: Yeah.... kinda creepy, if you ask me
Blackberrymew: *ever so slowly takes EDJ's sword from it's sheath*
Blackberrymew: *turns to Lui and shoves the handle into Lui's hands* Here...
Blackberrymew: *in serious tone* out both your lives...
Blackberrymew: *turns back to EDJ and mutters to self* On the other hand, if he does turn out to be really dead, I'm going to be very, VERY upset with someone.
ISCLui: *looks at sword carefully* woah...
ISCLui: *puts it carefully into sheath and belts it to his hip* I shall use it to avenge whatever happened to him...assuming something happened to him :P
ISCLui: *looks around for Z* where did he go?
ISCLui: *pokes BBM* I'm going to go find him
ISCLui: *walks off in the general direction Z was last seen*
EvilJesterCS: *sneaks in and steals the body*
THEZelgius: *waves to BBM* hey, everything ok? I had to take a call there...
THEZelgius: *looks over* where's EDJ? and Lui...
THEZelgius: *facepalm*
Blackberrymew: *blinks*
Blackberrymew: he... and you... and him... and.... *gives up* yeah, I haven't the slightest clue.
Blackberrymew: You sure are popular. You need to stop having such distracting phone calls :P
Blackberrymew: I shall avenge EDJ's disappearance/death! We just need to figure out what happened to him....
Blackberrymew: He couldn't really be dead because if he was, I just missed all the shiny things. We both know that can't happen.
Blackberrymew: Secondly, he couldn't have just gotten up and walked off cause we know he'd most likely whack me upside the head for giving Lui his sword as soon as he woke up.
Blackberrymew: The only option then... is that he gained the new power of invisibility
Blackberrymew: in which case the only way we'll find him is if we trip over him
Blackberrymew: *turns up New Divide* Either way, I say we find EDJ before Shard gets to him.
THEZelgius: *rolleyes* aye, perish the thought of one of us missing the shiny things
THEZelgius: wait, you gave his sword to Lui?
THEZelgius: *blinks* interesting
THEZelgius: *ahem* yeah, him getting caught by shard like that might be...not good
EvilJesterCS: *drops the body into a crate and loads it into the back of a nondescript white van*
EvilJesterCS: *drives off* heeheehee!
Blackberrymew: yeah, the sword thing was probably not a good idea. I don't know what came over me
Blackberrymew: *thinks* so, we need a plan to find EDJ
Blackberrymew: you wouldn't happen to have a tracking device on him or anything, would you?
THEZelgius: *gasp* I would never do such a thing! *cough* it's in the backpack *cough*
Blackberrymew: Ri-ight. I'll just leave finding his exact wherabouts to you.
Blackberrymew: *borrows an ice cream truck and hops into the driver seat*
Blackberrymew: So, navigator, where to?
THEZelgius: *blinks* you can just borrow an ice cream truck?
THEZelgius: *grabs a drumstick cone out of the freezer* they went thataway *points north*
Blackberrymew: You have to admit, ice cream trucks are fairly inconspicuous *drives north*
Blackberrymew: Besides, we get free ice cream. Let's just hope no little kids see us.
THEZelgius: *smiles* aye, no need to accidentally run one of 'em over with your driving
THEZelgius: *looks at GPS* he's moving fast, straight north still
THEZelgius: I thought he was....not moving...
Blackberrymew: *mutters something about not being THAT bad of a driver*
Blackberrymew: I have it! He turned invisible and took off, hoping we would be distracted long enough for him to create another death ray device and use it on us while we were still debating his whereabouts.
Blackberrymew: Tis all elementary, my dear Watson.
Blackberrymew: Unless of course ye have another idea.
THEZelgius: *gasps* would he do that now? I thought he was almost better than that :P
THEZelgius: *shrugs* I guess tis possible, just...unexpected
THEZelgius: *looks down* still north
THEZelgius: we're gaining on him slowly though
Blackberrymew: Hmm *nods and steadily increases speed*
Blackberrymew: I thought he was making excellent progress under the better-a-villain program.
Blackberrymew: He still might be, it's hard to tell at this point. kind of a make or break situation if he does have invisibility powers, don't ya think?
THEZelgius: *shudders* if he's turned us all, we're doomed if he goes evil :O
Blackberrymew: Umm... and warn me when we get close. I don’t want to accidentally run him over if he's invisible.
Blackberrymew: He's undead so it won't matter to him, but I have a driving reputation to save :P
THEZelgius: ...accidentally? ye'd do it on purpose and blame it on somebody else XD
THEZelgius: or hide the mess...
THEZelgius: *ahem* either way, aye, I'll make sure ye don't run this one over just in case
Blackberrymew: Oh come on, I am NOT that evil. Ok, evil others have pretty dark pasts, but get real.
Blackberrymew: If anything, I'm the dependable one who heals SA every time he blows up.
Blackberrymew: *blinks* Oooooh, forgot I had those healing powers back when EDJ was unconscious.... my bad....
THEZelgius: *rolls eyes* aye, that might have come in handy
THEZelgius: although, ye never knows given the kinds of evil tricks we've been known to have to put up with
THEZelgius: (OO) he just turned straight east...about 8 miles ahead of us
THEZelgius: if we turn now, we could catch up
Blackberrymew: *tries not to turn too sharply* Thanks for the warning :P
Blackberrymew: Any clue where in particular he might be headed?
Blackberrymew: Besides some place to blow us up, of course
THEZelgius: there IS a nuclear warhead launch facility that way
THEZelgius: (OO)
THEZelgius: oh dear
THEZelgius: I very much hope he hasn't gone back to the dark side <_<
Blackberrymew: Dude, this is no time for your anti-humor jokes >_>
Blackberrymew: *thinks* if he HAS gone to the dark side, we're pretty much all dead except Shard
Blackberrymew: He already took over the world once, so he can't have too much motivation to take it back again... assuming he ever let it go in the first place
Blackberrymew: sooooo that leaves.... what other options does that leave?
THEZelgius: well, we could consider that he actually was unconscious and got kidnapped by one of our enemies
THEZelgius: :P
THEZelgius: *ahem* I made sure he let it go
THEZelgius: *sighs* we're catching up pretty quick now
Blackberrymew: Pfft, kidnapped? EDJ? He's not THAT incompetent
Blackberrymew: ...usually...
Blackberrymew: Still, I suppose we can't eliminate the improbable, however impossible it may seem.
Blackberrymew: It must be irritating how much trouble he can be. I'll put him in a plexiglass box for you when we find him.
THEZelgius: *laughs* it would be kind of cool to have a whole person in a box I could put on display :P
THEZelgius: but you did say he was unconscious for a while...or at least was pretending to be...who knows what happened...
THEZelgius: *shrugs* we'll figure it out *glances at GPS* he stopped...there's the launch facility. it's just past a foot trail about a mile and a half from where the locator is
Blackberrymew: Ri-ight.... so you want me to actually stop and get out and walk for that or can I risk driving it?
Blackberrymew: Not that it really matters to me, I can fly either way :P
THEZelgius: *rolls eyes* aye, so can he...I think
THEZelgius: did he still have his wings?
THEZelgius: *shrugs* we can risk it...the ice cream truck should make it :P
THEZelgius: assuming he's on foot, we'll catch him before he makes it there
Blackberrymew: *slows truck* ...uh...Z... *points out window* ...what is that?
THEZelgius: (OO) it looks like....
THEZelgius: could it be?
THEZelgius: *stares*
Blackberrymew: It can't be... *tries to keep eyes on non-road*

*Out of nowhere, Misty, BBM, and Z are reunited*

Misty: *watches DJ get tackled again*
DJ: *hits the ground and notices a particularly sharp rock a few inches from his head* Whoa
Misty: (OO)
BBM: .... *blames EDJ*
DJ: *blinks* poor EDJ
Misty: *shakes head*
DJ: *wipes a tear away before Misty can notice*
Misty: ... *hands DJ tissue*
DJ: *accepts tissue and wipes eyes* Poor EDJ
BBM: *nods*
Misty: Wait... Why is DJ crying over EDJ? Did I miss something?
DJ: *nods* Probably XD
Misty: (OO) Should I be worried?
BBM: Maybe
DJ: *looks at Savvy with a smirk*
Misty: ..... He didn't die again.. did he?
BBM: ......
Misty: *shakes Savvy* Did he?!
BBM: Maybe
DJ: ......
Misty: ... Sorry. :P
DJ: (OO)
BBM: .....
Misty: ........................
DJ: *draws sword* MY EDJ!
Misty: ….
BBM: *backs away*
DJ: *EDJ walk by* Oh. Nvm *puts sword away reluctantly*
Misty: hahaha
BBM: *blinks* Hey, DJ
DJ: *shakes head* aye?
BBM: I found EDJ
DJ: ^_^
BBM: ^_^
Misty: ^_^
*a while later*
BBM: DJ, being the studious one, has prolly keeled over by now.
Misty: *nods* Most definitely
Not DJ: ... *shifty eyes* must...hide...body...
BBM: .....
Misty: hahaha wow, DJ
Not DJ: EDJ to ye
Misty: Hi, EDJ!
BBM: *shakes head* Least ye not be dead dead
EDJ: *laughs* hihi *nods* Most certainly not dead or undead
Misty: *blinks* When did you become not undead?
EDJ: *smirks* Wouldn't ye like to know?
Misty: .... Yes. As your friend, you should tell me.
EDJ: ... Two months ago
Misty: What?!?! How did I miss this?!
EDJ: *laughs* Ye weren't the only one
BBM: Hmmm
Misty: Savvy! How come you didn't inform me?
BBM: *blinks* .....
Misty: I depended on ye! *shakes head*
BBM: I didn't think it worked! :P How was I to know?
EDJ: *nods* Shard doesn't think it worked either, as far as I know
BBM: That's good
EDJ: Aye, VERY good XD

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