Friday, March 8, 2024

Chapter Twenty-Seven

Chapter Twenty-Seven

“I’ve got an idea,” EDJ said, crouched next to Lui and watching him with a condescending smile. “If you care so much, then challenge me.” 

“W-what?” Lui asked in confusion, blinking through the tears. 

“You heard me.” EDJ stated. “Challenge me. Unless… you’re scared?” 

“No,” Lui answered quietly, looking EDJ in the eye. “I’ll… I’ll fight...” 

“...Lui…don’t…” DJ groaned as he regained his breath, still pinned to the ground by the guards. 

“Huh, just when you think you know someone…” EDJ muttered before his face broke into a wide grin. 

“If I win…” Lui started nervously. “You have to call off the attack on Hanna and let us go.” It was a long shot, but Lui didn’t have a whole lot of options left to work with. 

“Alright! I'll agree to that,” EDJ answered without hesitation. “Try it! Let’s go!” EDJ clapped and stood up. As he stepped away, he nodded to the guards holding Lui. A few guards pulled the furniture out of the way and backed up to the wall, creating as much space as possible in the cramped room. The ones holding Lui let him stand and pushed him toward the open circle.

That was weird, Lui thought. What if I lose? He didn’t even ask... Lui glanced at the tv screen. Hang in there, Hanna

“What’s it gonna be?” EDJ asked, handing his cape to one of the guards before turning to face Lui. “Blades? Elements?” 

“Hand-to-hand,” Lui answered. 

“Ah, sportsmanlike.” EDJ snickered. “Should have expected that from you. Fair enough.” 

Lui glanced from DJ to EDJ and back, suddenly feeling like he made an incredibly bad decision. He swallowed the fear and took a back stance, clenched hands shaking. 

EDJ chuckled with his mouth closed, staring Lui down and starting to circle. “You never did well in those combat classes, did you?” EDJ asked.

“Well enough to pass,” Lui shot back. 

“Only because the enemy was holding back!” EDJ started the fight by advancing with an axe kick and a double punch. Lui dodged the first attack and avoided the other two while keeping his hands up. Lui retaliated with a straight punch, side kick, and spinning side kick. EDJ blocked all of the attacks as though they were nothing. He sent a roundhouse kick for Lui’s head, only for Lui to duck. EDJ followed up with a front kick, which landed in Lui’s chest and sent him to the floor. Lui gasped and coughed as EDJ circled again. “We’re not sparring here, bud,” EDJ said, looking down on him with a vile grin. “Get up.” 

Lui scrambled to his feet and got back into a fighting stance, breathing hard. EDJ punched once then advanced with a front kick. Lui dodged the punch and canceled out EDJ’s attack with his own kick. Lui went in for another straight punch, only for EDJ to twist and hit him in the side. This knocked Lui off balance and to the ground a second time.

“Bwahahahaha,” EDJ laughed. “Pathetic!” He stared down at Lui. “DJ and I can go rounds all day long, but you? You’re weak.”

“I am NOT!” Lui attempted to get up again, only for EDJ to kick him down before he was even on his feet. 

“You are!” EDJ laughed again. 

“...stop bullying him…” DJ wheezed through gritted teeth, fury in his eyes.

“He asked for this, remember?” EDJ looked back at his Original. “He wanted a fight.” EDJ turned to watch Lui stand again. “Wonder why we’ve never had a real fight until now…” 

Lui’s chest was heaving as he took a fighting stance again. “Because… there’s still good in you...” Lui got his breathing under control as he stared back at EDJ. “Because deep down… we’re still friends...” 

“I would agree with you,” EDJ said slowly. “But then we’d both be wrong.” 

EDJ began circling again and Lui matched the pace. EDJ pushed forward with a tornado kick. Lui dodged and double punched. When EDJ swerved back, Lui followed up with a spinning side kick. EDJ blocked and charged with a front kick again. At the last possible second, Lui changed his footing, twisted, and caught EDJ’s head with a spinning hook kick. EDJ landed on the floor, dazed. EDJ blinked and stared up at Lui, seemingly stunned that Lui was able to hit him at all. Lui grinned in triumph. Maybe this fight could be won after all. EDJ’s blank stare turned into a mischievous smirk. Without warning, EDJ threw a fireball at Lui. Lui gasped and dove out of the way. 

Using the change in fight as a distraction, DJ elbowed the guard holding him and broke free. DJ dove forward, activating a device on his wrist which expanded a collapsible buckler embedded in his vambrace. EDJ jumped up and threw three more fireballs at his opponent, which Lui had to duck and roll away from to avoid. Lui sprung to his feet and threw his left hand out toward EDJ to shoot a lightning bolt. EDJ grabbed the outstretched arm and pulled, twisting himself behind Lui and throwing his opponent off balance. Lui turned in time to see the glint of metal as he fell back, hearing the all too familiar sound of a sword being pulled from its scabbard. Too late. Lui lifted his hands and closed his eyes as EDJ raised his sword. A loud clang rang in Lui’s ears. Lui opened his eyes and looked up to see DJ standing over him, shielding him. EDJ bared his teeth and growled, his sword against DJ’s shield as the two stared each other down. DJ’s stance was sound and his voice was stern. “I told you to leave him alone.” 

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