Tuesday, April 2, 2024

Chapter Thirty-Eight

Chapter Thirty-Eight

That’s not good, DJ thought, watching Hanna and EDJ shake hands. He ducked back into the hall, turning to Lui. We need to leave

What about Hanna? Lui asked through mindspeak. 

DJ shook his head. We’ll have to come back for her later. We need to get out of here. Now. DJ gestured to go back the way they came. They snuck back through the hall, dipping into rooms as guard patrols passed by. They were about halfway to the exit, hiding in another room, while DJ was trying to figure out their next steps. If we can get out of here in one piece and get off this mountain, there’s a chance we can contact the- Jingling and scratching noises from behind caught his attention. DJ turned to see Lui playing with a red and white puppy. “What are you doing?” DJ asked in a hushed voice. “We’re supposed to be sneaking out of here.” 

“But I found a puppy,” Lui whispered back, the dog clambering on him and trying to lick his face. “Look, it has chicken legs! Can we keep it?” 

“Wha-” DJ didn’t have a chance to answer before sirens went off and a red light started flashing in the room. 

“Uh-oh,” Lui said, looking up at the red lights and hearing guards running down the hall.

“RUN!” DJ jumped to his feet and made a break for the exit, pulling Lui along behind him. 


With a firm grip on EDJ’s hand, Shard pulled him toward her. She created a dagger of ice and held it to his throat in the same split second it took for him to realize what was happening. 

“Eight times,” Shard said without emotion. EDJ raised a hand to halt the guards, despite his precarious position. “You tried to murder me eight times,” Shard repeated. “That’s not even counting the polar ice flood. Quite unlike my weaker self, I don’t forget and I don’t forgive. So tell me why I shouldn’t end your life right here and now.” 

EDJ smiled and answered calmly. “My only goal was to release you, my dear. While my methods may have been a bit… extreme… even you have to admit they achieved the desired outcome.” 

“Hmph.” Shard released him and stepped back with a disappointed frown. “I guess you really can talk your way out of anything.” 

“It’s a gift,” EDJ muttered, rubbing his neck. “You should know,” he said, taking a more serious tone. “A rash stunt like that won’t fly with me a second time. If I detect even the slightest hint of betrayal from now on… I’ll turn you to ash.”

“Maybe next time I’ll be more subtle,” Shard said with a wink. 

Psycho, EDJ thought. He sat back at his desk and typed away on a keyboard. “I have a few things I need to take care of as we start this venture. I’ll assign a couple classes, get you new armor, there’s even an ‘Evildoers Unite’ conference coming up you could benefit from.” EDJ glanced up at Shard. “If you want to go.” 

“Sure. Whatever,” Shard answered, grabbing the book and sitting down again. 

EDJ paused. “I suppose it would help if we outlined some goals. What do you want?” 

“Everything,” Shard commented absently, browsing the catalog. 

“Don’t we all?” EDJ rolled his eyes. “Give me something I can work with.” 

Shard closed the book with a snap and leaned forward. “I want half of everything you have.” 

“Bwahahahaha!” EDJ busted into a laugh before he could stop himself. “Oh… oh, you aren’t joking…” He cleared his throat. “That’s… Yeah, that’s not going to happen.”

“Then I want the castle,” Shard demanded. 

“Build your own castle,” EDJ countered. 

Shard pouted, sitting back and folding her arms again. “You’re not being very accommodating here.”

EDJ smiled and leaned forward. “How’s this: You can stay until you get your own place. I’ll give you the keys to Australia as soon as you help me finish taking over the world. Deal?” 

Shard leaned forward again, red eyes critical. “Australia, Alaska, and Kamchatka.” 

EDJ frowned. “You drive a hard bargain.” 

“I’ve had a hard life,” Shard answered with a smile. 

“Fine,” EDJ agreed, going back to typing on the keyboard. “Anything else I can do to ‘accommodate’?” 

“Lunch would be nice.” Shard shrugged, leaning back again “What’s a girl gotta do to get some food around here?” 

EDJ looked at the time. “I suppose it has been a while since you’ve had anything to eat…” He looked up at her with a pleasant smile. “Hungry?” 

Shard narrowed her eyes at him. “Famished.” 

“The cafeteria isn’t quite open yet, but I can have someone get you something,” EDJ said as he signaled to one of the assistants in the room. 

Stitches managed to find its way into the control room again during the conversation and came up to investigate Shard. The pup sniffed at her boots and barked, though its tail did not stop wagging. EDJ glanced over just in time to see a sneer of disgust cross Shard’s face. A long, sharp icicle was slowly forming in her hand as she glared down at the puppy. 

“Shard,” EDJ said with command. 

“Hmm?” She turned to EDJ. 

“Leave the dog alone,” EDJ warned. 

Shard smiled sweetly, letting the icicle immediately melt into a puddle on the floor. “I was simply going to put it out of its misery.”

“It’s not in misery,” EDJ responded, refocusing on his task as the puppy scampered out of sight.

“Compared to an existence of suffering,” Shard began quietly, watching EDJ. “Death is a mercy.” 

EDJ glanced at her again with a frown. He let out a long breath through his nose and continued typing. EDJ had dealt with more than his share of insane, power-hungry villains. The World Committee of Evil was chock-full of them. The wheeling and dealing he had to put up with every time he was forced to interact with them was enough to make anyone sick. But this? There was something terribly off about Shard that gnawed at the pit of his stomach. Even after everything Iul had been through and all the horrible people who crossed his path, he got a feeling around Shard he could only ever describe as unnerving. Not that Iul would ever admit it. 

“Would you like to see our transportation options?” EDJ asked, quickly changing the subject and bringing up a 3D model of said options. 

“Transport options?” Shard questioned with a raised brow, finally showing interest in something outside herself. 

“Of course,” EDJ answered. “It takes quite a bit of work out of going on the organization’s missions. It would give your wings a break and leave you at full strength. They’ll be excited to see your progress.” 

Shard sighed loudly in boredom. “If I have to, I suppose.” She looked over the options: snowmobiles, motorcycles, watercraft, hummers, and… were those living creatures with wings? “I never did care for organizations,” Shard muttered. “I’d rather be evil off on my own.” 

“My sentiments exactly,” EDJ said with a laugh. “However, it helps to have contacts in high places. It helps even further if they owe you something.” He narrowed his eyes at her expectantly. 

“Perhaps I do stand to learn a few things from you,” Shard said halfheartedly before noticing his look. “What? Expecting a ‘thank you’ for freeing me?” she asked, annoyed. 

“Only if you wish,” he said, going back to the screen. “Do you have any immediate goals in mind you’d like to work on before you start with the committee’s assignments?” 

“I’d like to start by destroying my weaker self’s irritating friends,” Shard answered. “You let them go, didn't you?”

“They’ve been shown the door.” EDJ paused in thought, realizing he hadn't actually checked whether they left or not. He pulled up the feed from outside the castle. The snowmobiles were untouched. “It seems they haven’t left after all.” EDJ raised the alarm, locking down all main exits. 

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