Friday, August 30, 2024

Chapter Sixty-Six

Chapter Sixty-Six

Misty threw three new logs into the fire, trying to get it going again. She plopped back onto the couch with a sigh and rubbed her eyes. She still could not remember who Ace and Jester were or why they looked so familiar. 

“Why didn’t I know any of this before,” Misty overheard Hanna asking. 

“Because most of it’s lies,” she answered, turning around only to realize Hanna and DJ were on the other side of the room discussing the events in whispers by themselves. They didn’t seem to hear her. She frowned. Whatever. At least those two liars can’t interfere any more. Where have I seen them before?! Misty watched the fire pick back up. She got up and prodded the logs with a poker. This is wasting so much time. I could have all of us teleported to Thorae, Lui rescued, and be back home by this time tomorrow. What was all that about only having one portal between Earth and Thorae? Rifts appear all over the globe. Maybe they meant he’s in the only unguarded portal? That, I would believe. And all that stuff about Others? I’ve studied Others a little and worked with plenty of them, but it’s still confusing to me. The number of Others an Original can have seems to be dependent on their personality, from what I can tell. I’ve got Eve. DJ’s got EDJ. That one’s obvious. I’m guessing Lui’s a good Other. I don’t know why Hanna was trying so hard to hide that. I’m sure she has her reasons. Still, it’s super frustrating being lied to your face. And that’s another thing! Where do those two guys off thinking they know what’s best for an entire planet?! Or two planets, for that matter! I’m gonna go have a long conversation with them in a second. Just need to warm up a bit.

“Do you believe them?” Hanna asked DJ, arms folded. 

“I’m not sure,” DJ answered. If there was any truth to the strangers’ words, and he believed there was at least a little, the entire situation became extremely complicated. If they spoke the truth, this problem extended beyond the individuals in the cabin, even beyond Earth. Originals, Others, separate worlds. It was a lot. He was absently staring at the stack of books he had pulled from the bookcase earlier. Not so much at them as through them while he thought, but his eyes lingered on the cover of the topmost book, depicting a little girl next to a mirror. How far does this go? Jester admitted to being an Evil Other. Is it even possible for one to become reformed to that extent?

Hanna twisted around to look at the frozen body of EDJ, as though only just now remembering he still existed. Thankfully, he was still encased in ice. The hasty blast of frost to his face was enough to keep him quiet, but Hanna could tell the layer was far too thin. It looked ready to melt off any minute. “Does EDJ even know how to get Lui out or has he been leading on us this whole time?” she asked.

“If Ace and Jester’s information is true,” DJ answered. “That would lead me to believe EO was lying.” Which was always a possibility. “Do you think we should trust them?” 

Hanna turned back to him in surprise. “You’re asking me? I'm the girl with the trust issues, remember?” 

DJ chuckled. “Heh, well, I guess that is true.” He walked back to the chair with the mirror to check on Lui. He didn’t see the Other in the frame at first. The room beyond the glass was dark. If there was anything of value to see in the background, it was almost impossible to see it now. DJ narrowed his eyes and changed angles. There Lui was. Resting in the back corner, leaning against the wall again. “Lui?” No answer. Poor guy is out cold. I don’t blame him. This whole ordeal has gone on a lot longer than it should have. Hang in there, buddy. Help is on the way. The Original returned to Hanna. “I was going to see if we could talk to Lui, but he’s sleeping. Probably a good thing. I don’t know that he would like our options either.” 

Hanna nodded. “I know he wouldn’t want us to get him out if it made him forget,” she said. “He probably wouldn’t want us to risk our lives going to the Other world to save him either.” Her shoulders dropped and her arms flopped to her sides in resignation. “Is Iceland even an option at this point?” 

DJ shrugged. “It’s going to take time to get there and even more time for them to figure out what’s going on.” He rubbed a hand over his face, fatigue catching up. “There’s a chance this Other world stuff is nonsense and they can get him out some other way.” 

“And if Ace and Joker aren’t lying?” Hanna pressed. 

“Then we’d still have to go to Thorae to get him out,” DJ answered. “We’d lose time, but we’d have help.” 

“He’s been in there long enough as it is,” she said quietly.

“I know.” 

“I’m not waiting.” 

I figured. DJ took a deep breath. “Out of those two options, I would choose going to this alternate world to save him and his memories.”

She nodded in confirmation. “We’re both going to this Other world, then?” 

“Hmm…” DJ contemplated for a moment before he shook his head. “No. I’d rather go alone… he’s my Other. If I go, I’m sure Misty would let you wait right here for us. Or you can take EO back.”

Hanna snorted. “Pfft, I’d much rather have you stay while I go to the Other world. You know that, right?” she asked with a smirk. “There’s no way I’m letting you go alone. The sooner you get that through your stubborn skull, the better.” 

I’m the stubborn one?” DJ leaned back with a baffled look on his face. 

“Naturally,” she answered. “Where do you think Lui and EDJ get it from? Honestly, trying to keep you three in line is enough to drive anyone crazy.” Her smirk turned into a genuine smile. 

DJ laughed easily for a moment before giving in with a nod. “I would be glad to have you along in case something happens. Hopefully nothing does though.” It was good to know they were still a team, even after the events in EO’s castle. Hanna had his back. They’d be able to get Lui out together, no matter what faced them in this alternate world. It was the alternate side of Hanna he had to worry about. A concern he dismissed for another day. This day was full of enough trouble as it was. 

“Did you understand what they called me at the beginning?” Hanna asked tentatively. 

“No, but I wouldn’t dwell on it.” DJ looked around the cabin. “Where did Misty go?” 

Hanna also turned around. Misty disappeared from her spot on the couch without a sound. She did make a sound, just neither of them heard it. Misty emerged from the back room, fully bundled up in her multiple layers of winter weather gear. She marched past the two and went to the door. “I’ll be right back,” she said as she left. 

Misty found the two strangers standing not far from the cabin. They seemed to be in the middle of a conversation so she approached quietly and hid behind a tree, hoping to figure out what was going on without them trying to cover their tracks. 

“You really think my hat’s stupid?” Ace asked, turning the top hat in his hands. 

“It ain’t doing you any favors, bro,” Jester replied, tossing rocks in the air out of boredom. “Makes you look old… like, thirty.” 

“Thirty isn’t old.”

“It isn’t young.” 

Ace put his hat on with a huff. “See, this is exactly why you never get sent on any diplomacy missions. You have no filter.” 

“I deactivated it years ago,” his brother answered. “I can’t help you have no sense of style.” 

I’m not getting anything from this. “Excuse me.” Misty emerged from her hiding spot. 

“Well, if it isn’t another little earthling Original,” Jester muttered. “Do you always throw your guests out into the snow? That’s pretty rude, you know.” 

“You busted into my cabin uninvited,” Misty answered. “Want to tell me why you’re lying to these poor people? They’re just trying to get their friend back.”

Ace stepped in before his brother could shoot a smart reply. “While we might have twisted some facts to better suit our needs,” he started politely. “I can assure you that we only have the best of intentions. These matters do not require your involvement. I apologize if the conversation of Other worlds was a bit beyond your comprehensi-”

“Ok, you can stop right there,” Misty interrupted, putting a hand up. She pulled out a badge and showed it to them. “I work for the Organization of Rebellious Others. I live in Thorae. I’m well acquainted with what goes on there.” The wide-eyed look of pure mortification on Ace’s face even made Jester chuckle with a tight-lipped smile. “You’re taking my job and making it go from bad to worse,” Misty continued. “If you hadn’t shown up, Lui would be out of that mirror and at home in bed by now! But no, now I have to do things the long, complicated way. And that way means more paperwork. And I hate paperwork!”

“I- I sincerely apolo-”

“Save it. Why didn’t you tell them they could teleport to Lui?” Misty demanded, placing a hand on her hip. 

“Because they can’t.” Jester answered instead of his flustered brother. “There isn’t a teleporter in the world that can get them to where Lui is being held right now. Not safely, anyway. His life very much hangs in the balance here. We’re trying to get everyone in and out alive, even if that means taking the long way.”

Misty narrowed her blue eyes and stepped back. Their narrative changed. “What do you mean?” she asked. 

Jester was about to say something before his brother intervened. “We can’t tell you any more than that without jeopardizing our mission.” Ace glared at Jester for a second before smiling at Misty. “This information is top secret.” He bowed. “I am sorry. I truly meant you no disrespect, ma’am. Huma-” He stopped himself. “Originals… can be tricky sometimes. Knowledge of Thorae and Others is a closely guarded secret among certain parties.” 

“Believe me, I know,” Misty commented, rolling her eyes. She finally felt like she was getting somewhere. “Can you tell me who you work for?” 

Jester gave a broad grin. “The Rebellion.” 

Misty stared back at him with wide eyes. It finally clicked. That’s where he’s from?! I knew he looked familiar! I’ve seen him with the boss! She wrinkled her nose. “Well, that’s great! Sounds like we’ve been on the same side this entire time!” 

“We tried telling you as much,” Jester said with amusement. 

“I guess you can come back inside then.” Misty turned back to the cabin. “Just quit lying to them.” I guess I shouldn’t be so hard on them. I didn’t exactly tell Hanna the truth either. I need to come clean. Ugh. What a mess. 

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