Friday, September 6, 2024

Chapter Sixty-Nine

Chapter Sixty-Nine

-Hybrid Hero Project HQ; Ukraine; May 12th, 2009-

Kandi was in the kitchen, hand mixing a large bowl of chocolate chip cookie dough while she hummed to herself. Her pink hair was tied back into space buns and her apron had a fresh coat of flour over it. The frilly apron had seen better days, but it was a gift from Hanna last year and it was Kandi’s favorite. She had her earbuds in and thus did not hear or see Mariah enter the room. “Fighting bad guys by moonlight,” Kandi sang to herself while she mixed. “Winning hearts by daylight. With her friends and team to help fight, she is the one-” She looked up and jumped. “EEEEEK!” She almost dropped the mixing bowl. Mariah also jumped back, not expecting Kandi to scream at her. “Don’t scare Kandi like that!” the baker scolded, clutching the cookie dough bowl for dear life. 

“Sorry, sorry!” Mariah apologized. “I didn’t mean to scare you!” 

“It’s okay,” Kandi responded in Japanese, waving a wooden spoon around after she set the bowl on the counter. She started scooping out and plopping balls of dough onto a prepared baking sheet. 

“I was going to ask if you’ve seen Savannah,” Mariah said, watching the baker. 

“Computer lab,” she answered. “What’s going on?” 

Mariah frowned and took on a serious tone. “I’m gonna go find Hanna.” 

“Ehhhhh?” Kandi looked up from her task. “She’s still not back yet?” 

The fox girl shook her head, red tail twitching back and forth. “Nope. Haven’t heard a word since last week,” Mariah answered. 

“Ah, okie dokie.” Kandi finished filling the cookie sheet. She turned to the oven and pulled out a tray of baked cookies. She swapped it out with the tray of unbaked dough and placed the fresh cookies on a cooling rack. 

Mariah sighed, turning toward the door. “Guess I’m gonna go find Savannah now. Wish me luck.” 

“Ah! Take some cookies with you!” Kandi immediately offered. She grabbed a spatula. 

Mariah turned back. “What am I going to do with cookies?” she asked. 

“Eat them, silly!” Kandi responded with a giggle. She placed some hot cookies on a plate and held the plate out to her friend. 

“Thanks.” The fox girl hybrid rolled her eyes and took the plate before making her way to the computer lab. 

As expected, the Original was busy typing away on a laptop, seemingly in her own world. Mariah set the plate of fresh cookies on the table in front of her as a peace offering before starting her request. “Can I have Hanna’s last location, please?”

Savannah looked up over the rim of her glasses, but did not stop typing. “Everest,” she answered. 

“Anywhere specifically?” Mariah asked. “It’s kind of a large mountain on an even larger range of mountains.” 

Savannah paused long enough to write a string of numbers on a sticky note. “Here are the specific coordinates,” she said, handing the note to Mariah. “Her signal hasn’t moved from that location this whole time.”

“Oh…” she took the note and stared at it. “That’s not good...” 

“No, it’s not,” the Original agreed somberly. She watched the screen in front of her, but did not resume typing. “I don’t know what you’ll find,” Savannah started. “But I’d prepare myself for the worst.” Mariah looked up with concern. “I would also be thinking about taking her place as the team leader, if I were you,” she finished. 

“You don’t think she’s coming back?” the fox girl asked. 

Savannah resumed typing. “I don’t know,” she answered, pushing up her glasses. “I don’t care.” 

Mariah frowned. “Hanna should come back. She belongs here. This is her home. Regardless of whether or not she leads the team.” 

The woman behind the laptop paused long enough to give her a look of disapproval. “Hanna is reckless, impulsive, irrational, emotional, undisciplined, and indecisive. She has no memory and no control. She does not listen and does not work well in team settings.” She went back to typing. “Does that sound like a good leader to you?” 

Mariah crossed her arms. “Hanna also won’t hesitate to give her life to save someone else’s. She worries about the wellbeing of others, no matter the state she herself is in. She is generous with what she has. She would rather go without than to see someone else in need. She is compelled to help those around her. She always has my back. Hanna is brave, kind, generous, strong, and selfless!” 

“That doesn't make her a hero,” the Original muttered. 

Mariah contemplated whether or not to ask her next question. “Do you really hate her?” she finally asked. Savannah did not answer. She continued typing as if there were no one else in the room. The hybrid sighed in frustration. “Look, I know you two fight a lot,” she said. “She might not mean that much to you, but she means a whole lot to me and Kandi and everyone else here. You’re the last person I would expect to throw her away.” She put her fists on her hips. “I’m gonna find her and I’m gonna help her, even if you won’t. She may be your Other, but she’s my friend. I’m not going to abandon her.” Mariah turned and walked toward the door. 

“Mariah,” Savannah said, stopping the fox girl in her tracks. The hybrid turned back. “If you do manage to find her,” she continued. “Bring her home.” 

Mariah nodded. “I will. And it won’t be because you asked me to.” 


- Hidden cabin in the woods; Mount Everest; Earth; May 12th, 2009-

Misty left the cabin and started walking out into the snow. She took a deep breath. “I probably shouldn’t have left them like that, but I can’t really help it.” She looked at her watch. “Good grief, it’s already eleven! That’s practically midnight! What am I still doing up?! I’ve got work tomorrow!” She sighed again. What am I talking about? I've got work every day. I’m still working. “Bah, listen to me. I should just put on a brave face and not be so selfish. These people still need my help.” Misty walked through the woods until she came to a little clearing. She shook her head and dug out her phone. She dialed a pre-saved number and let it ring. “Hello, I’d like to connect to Thorae please… Sori… Extension six two six. Thank you.”  She had to use a special line to get in contact with the person she needed to talk to. She waited, patiently listening to the beeps, buzzes, and elevator music between each connection. When the final connection went through, the phone rang three times before the other side picked up. 

Sarah answered, “Hey, Misty! How are things going down there? Almost have things wrapped up?” 

Misty scratched her head and laughed awkwardly. “Well, maybe? Not exactly.” She relayed a very brief version of her encounter with Hanna, DJ, frozen EDJ, mirror Lui, Ace, and Jester. 

Sarah whistled. “Wow, you’ve had a rough day.” 

“Yup, yup,” Misty agreed. “The rebels butting in was a bit of a surprise, but looks like the guild is clear. I don’t think they’re involved at all. I don’t like whatever’s going on with Ace and Jester, but I want to verify a few things first before making any decisions. I could also use a resupply. The cabin didn’t have much.”

“And you need to check in with your supervisors,” Sarah reminded. “They’re going to want this in writing.” 

“I know.” Misty sighed again. More paperwork. “Can you get me a teleport home? I’m ready to go.” She took out a GPS device.  

“Sure thing,” Sarah answered. “Is it just you or do you have Hanna and DJ with you?” 

“Just me. Ace and Jester said they’d help them get to Thorae through the Everest rift.”

“Oh, interesting. That’ll put them near Iridesa.”

“Yup.” Misty hugged her arms together and hopped around a little. “Can we hurry it up a little? I’m outside in the snow.” 

“Okie dokie. Read me the coordinates when you’re ready.” 

Misty read off the string of numbers from her GPS unit before she ended the call and waited. She looked up at the sky, breathing out clouds of steam in the cold air. The stars and planets twinkled. It was peaceful and calm. Thanks for helping me get to them in time. They’re an odd bunch. A bit rough around the edges maybe, especially Hanna, but they’re alright. They just need a little help. I don’t know how we’re going to fix this, but I trust You. You’ve never let me down. I’ll do the best I can here. The next thing Misty knew, she was teleported away to Thorae. Teleported home. 

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