Monday, February 21, 2011

Deleted Scene: Take 3, Part 3 - Semideath of Shard and Life to EDJ

Semideath of Shard and life to EDJ

Hannadrows: I'm curious as to why you seem to despise your life now. certainly living without pain and death would be a plus
CrisisCloud: the pain, most certainly. some of the other feelings I wouldn't mind having backCrisisCloud: life just seems...meaningless without them
Hannadrows: hmph, emotions are a weakness no living being should have to tolerate
CrisisCloud: *smirks* I'll trade places with you
Hannadrows: *smirks* now wouldn't that be the twist of the century...
Hannadrows: do you actually HAVE a way to trade places or was that more wishful thinking on both our parts?
CrisisCloud: ...more wishful thinking, but my offer to BBM and Z more than applies to you, if you're interested
Hannadrows: *eyes gleam red ever so briefly* oh, I'm more than interested...
CrisisCloud: *smiles* I was hoping you'd say that
Hannadrows: *tilts head* of course, there is the whole dying part of it.... any way around that?
CrisisCloud: *blinks* to be honest, I'm not sure
Hannadrows: do tell me you have some sort of plan in that feeble mind of yours, I have no tolerance for patience
CrisisCloud: •• course I do, the one I have just involves semi-death
CrisisCloud: *smirks and throws snowball at Hanna*
Hannadrows: *dullywatches it stop in midair and get thrown back to EDJ* like I said... seriously? CrisisCloud: *stops the snowball a few inches from his face* •• you're not the only one that can do that
CrisisCloud: *pushes it back*
Hannadrows: *smirks* *sends a few icicles through the snowball and into EDJ* whoopsie
CrisisCloud: *stares down blankly* I was a little warm anyway, thanks
CrisisCloud: you ought to teach me that sometime
Hannadrows: *mutters* as soon as you give me immortality
CrisisCloud: •• my pleasure *drops fireball on Hanna* oops
Hannadrows: *rolls out of the way* DUDE! What happened to the not dying part?! Are you insane?! I'm still living here!
CrisisCloud: *smirks* not for long
CrisisCloud: *throws down a dozen fireballs around Hanna*
Hannadrows: *sends up a thick ice shield and takes to the air before the fireballs reach her* if it's a fight you want, you could have asked...
CrisisCloud: ...what's the challenge again? we've been over this, unless you've already forgotten
Hannadrows: of course not
CrisisCloud: *looks up as thunder rumbles deeply*
Hannadrows: *growls* enough of your tricks, Iul! Will you grant me what I ask for without the grand display and never ending battle or not?!
CrisisCloud: fine then
CrisisCloud: *calls down lightning directly onto Hanna at the same time he flashes from the ground and stabs her through the heart*
Hannadrows: (OO) ... *attempts to breath only come out in short gasps*
CrisisCloud: *nods* better?
CrisisCloud: *opens portal to the other dimension* yeah, they taught Lui this and I learned it from him
CrisisCloud: ^_^ dark arts ftw *pushes Hanna through before she dies*
Blackberrymew: *stis up* SHARD! *blinks* wha...? *looks around* where'd...?
CrisisCloud: (OO)'re awake now. •• umm...hi
Blackberrymew: *blinks* ....EDJ? ....weird.... I thought... wait, did you see Hanna anywhere around here?
CrisisCloud: ...definitely not.
Blackberrymew: she was right here and we were talking, and I thought something was wrong, but then... I can't remember...
CrisisCloud: *nods* you passed out...she left a note for you which I took the liberty of reading ••
Blackberrymew: ... that's not surprising. Where is it?
CrisisCloud: ...the note?
Blackberrymew: ... no the snow. Yes, the note. if she left it, and you took it, I'd like it back please
CrisisCloud: *quickly notes scorch marks on the grass where the snow was* *hands BBM note*
Blackberrymew: *takes note and looks at it* EDJ... you really have to stop mixing things up. this isn't the note she left
CrisisCloud: ... *takes note back and reads it* ........
CrisisCloud: *facepalm*
Blackberrymew: *waves hand* forget the actual note, what'd it say?
CrisisCloud: ....something along the lines of "I took your iPod since you were sleeping...come find me if you need it. You know where I'll be"
Blackberrymew: vague, as usual... and wait, she took my iPod?! ah well, better her than Kandi
CrisisCloud: *nods quickly*
Blackberrymew: *slowly stands* ugh, I have a headache... probably due to that nightmare about Shard.
CrisisCloud: ...what was it about?
Blackberrymew: I haven't the faintest idea. all I reamember is she was Hanna, then she wasn't, then she was screaming, but not really screaming, and that she was happy, but not the good happy... and ... Idk, it was weird
CrisisCloud: *blinks* interesting
CrisisCloud: and it certainly doesn...umm...excuse me for a second...I left my cookies in the oven
Blackberrymew: .... *blinks*
CrisisCloud: *runs off and hides behind a corner*
Blackberrymew: *sits on a rock and sighs* weird part is, I haven't seen much of either Shard or Hanna since.... ick, evil headache
CrisisCloud: *opens up portal again and jumps in*
CrisisCloud: *lets the EDJ clone go out and then closes the portal*
Blackberrymew: *blinks* wait *looks around* how is EDJ baking cookies if we're out here? ... how did I get out here to begin with? bah, evilness...
CrisisCloud: *clone returns with a tray of cookies* want one?
Blackberrymew: um, no thanks. I'm sure there good and all, but your reputation with cookies precedes you
CrisisCloud: *shrugs* *throws cookies into the field and they explode*
Blackberrymew: ......
CrisisCloud: *smiles* good choice
Blackberrymew: *facepalm* obviously.... though, that brings me to another question...
CrisisCloud: ...that being?
Blackberrymew: before, you had mentioned an offer to turn me into an undead... um... person thing. and I've thought a lot about it, but....
CrisisCloud: *nods* deal's off anyway, you don't have to reject it ••
Blackberrymew: Heh, thanks. I really want to help, but...
CrisisCloud: *smirks* I found a taker, so don't worry about it
Blackberrymew: *blinks* really? I'm not sure if I should be happy... or worried anyway. who in the world would want to go through what you have?
CrisisCloud: ...*isn't sure he should answer*
Blackberrymew: you know what, it doesn't matter. if you've actually found someone who can help you, more power to you
CrisisCloud: heh, ok
CrisisCloud: *runs* I'll be back
Blackberrymew: um... ok...
CrisisCloud: *hides around the same corner as before*
CrisisCloud: *portal opens and EDJ jumps out holding an unconscious Hanna*
Blackberrymew: *sigh* EDJ's acting a lot weirder than usual.... probably the stress
CrisisCloud: *pushes the clone back into the portal and closes it*
CrisisCloud: *drops Hanna and runs back with another sheet of cookies*
Blackberrymew: *blinks* these ones explosive too?
CrisisCloud: *chews on a cookie* doesn't look like it
CrisisCloud: I installed a mini-kitchen over there *points to behind the large boulder*
Blackberrymew: *glances from cookie to EDJ then back again* a mini-kitchen... can I see it?
CrisisCloud: *nods* sure
CrisisCloud: *walks ahead of BBM and pushes Hanna into the corner out of view* right up here *points at ovens*
Blackberrymew: *follows* whoa... nice... odd, but nice
CrisisCloud: ^_^ aye, nobody'd expect to see it out here in the wilderness
Blackberrymew: nk
Blackberrymew: EDJ... can I ask ye something?
CrisisCloud: ...sure?
Blackberrymew: ...are you feeling ok? you've been acting a little lately. and, although I hate to say it, you worry me, but not the bad kind of worry... at least, not for the most part...
CrisisCloud: *laughs* I'm doing ok, you know how things are for me...mostly
Blackberrymew: *nods* yeah... how's Z been?
CrisisCloud: *blinks* he's doing alright...dealing with some challenges, but I guess that's to be expected. took the whole fiasco with his friend hard and all.
Blackberrymew: *winces* that's not good. but, I guess he'll be ok... you'll tell him I said hi, won't you? and that things will get better *smiles*
CrisisCloud: *nods* of time I see him. tell Hanna I said hi too ••
Blackberrymew: sure. not too sure how she'd react, but ok. heh, she can't be too far, my iPod is nearly dead
CrisisCloud: *chokes back a laugh*
Blackberrymew: *raises eyebrow* don't choke on a cookie or anything...
CrisisCloud: heh, thanks
CrisisCloud: *points to fridge* help yerself if you want something... •• this seems to be my place to go hide from Lui
Blackberrymew: *laughs* Thanks. Can't say I'd blame you. I should probably be getting back though.... it's like *looks at watch* ....ick....
CrisisCloud: *laughs* aye. I forget that you actually need sleep sometimes
CrisisCloud: *hears a bump in the corner*
CrisisCloud: (OO) *whacks arm on the counter loudly*
Blackberrymew: *blinks* what was that?
Blackberrymew: please tell me that wasn't a bug...
CrisisCloud: ...course not...
CrisisCloud: *looks down* rat
CrisisCloud: *picks it up and throws it over the boulder*
Blackberrymew: (OO) ... yeah, understandable, considering the location....
CrisisCloud: *hears bump in the corner again* ok, ye needs to go here ••
CrisisCloud: *sees Hanna move out of the corner of his eye*
Blackberrymew: yeah, yeah, I get it... I still feel really bad for not taking you up on your offer though. If there's anything I can help you with, just let me know, ok?
CrisisCloud: *nods* certainly
Blackberrymew: ...right... bye then
Blackberrymew: *leaves*
CrisisCloud: *goes back to baking to keep up appearances*
Shardsice: *slowly stands up and grimaces* and ye couldn't have gotten rid of her a little sooner?
CrisisCloud: •• she doesn't take a hint well
Shardsice: indeed not, blind as a bat, she is
CrisisCloud: *nods* how was your trip through the OD?
Shardsice: between being unconscious and dying... I'd rather not talk about it...
CrisisCloud: heh, twas the easiest way. you have to admit it
Shardsice: easy for you, maybe. Mr. ultimate and unlimited power. I had a life to lose, you know
CrisisCloud: *nods* had being the key word here
Shardsice: *smirks* indeed
Shardsice: so what gives? why'd you finally give me this life? I thought you were all for the whole "let's not give power to the corrupt one" vote. even afterward, you could have let me die
CrisisCloud: •• I'm desperate to escape, what can I say
CrisisCloud: *is suddenly reminded of the Jack vs. Barbossa fight*
Shardsice: *shakes head*
CrisisCloud: besides, it comes at no risk to me...for now
Shardsice: for you, no. but now what about the others? *evil smile*
CrisisCloud: *smirks* I have some bargaining chips left wouldn't dare hurt them
Shardsice: *folds arms* and why not?
CrisisCloud: heh, and why would I tell you? why should I?
Shardsice: because the only thing stopping me from finding and tearing out the hearts of your pals is curiosity
CrisisCloud: *shrugs* as your creator, so to say, I have power over you. much like Lui does over me, ironically
Shardsice: *raises eyebrow* ri-ight, like I'm going to believe that
CrisisCloud: *smirks* your choice to not believe me. you think I would be so dumb as to create you without having a way to enforce your end of the bargain?
Shardsice: *blinks* um.... yes..?
CrisisCloud: ...foolish girl...
Shardsice: says the one who turned me into an immortal....
CrisisCloud: well, as long as you do intend to help me, I don't really care
Shardsice: have you ever known me to help anyone other than myself?
CrisisCloud: *laughs* think about it. helping me IS helping you.
Shardsice: yeah, I suppose getting rid of the competition IS kind of helping...
CrisisCloud: •• now you're starting to figure things out
Shardsice: I try not to think things through unless I have to. too much time is wasted otherwise. though that still leaves your friends unguarded in the end
CrisisCloud: •• are they really a threat to you?
Shardsice: not really, I just can't stand them >_>
CrisisCloud: then let me take them far away from your vision. ALIVE.
Shardsice: it's more fun to kill them. besides, Lui's had it coming from the start
CrisisCloud:'ve already killed several of those clones running around...just kill the rest of those
Shardsice: no, no, no, it's not the same. I mean, it was pretty close the first time... and the second.... but... *growls* he needs to die
CrisisCloud: •• and how do you expect to know when it's the real one?
CrisisCloud: perhaps you've already killed him?
Shardsice: if I had, there wouldn't really be a plot to all this, now would there? besides... I know he's still alive because SHE'S still alive...
CrisisCloud: ...that works...
CrisisCloud: •• well, you're still under obligation to help me, regardless of your reasons at this point
Shardsice: *sigh* fine, whatever. any ideas?
CrisisCloud: ...none whatsoever... *smirks*
Shardsice: as to be expected, I suppose
CrisisCloud: *ahem* I've gotten so far as to discover that bond that I mentioned previously.
CrisisCloud: I can go through the OD now and it won't affect me in any way...
CrisisCloud: it's almost as if I have to be mortally wounded in order for the conversion to work, but that's obviously a problem
Shardsice: nk
CrisisCloud: so we pretty much have nothing. but there must be something
Shardsice: there must obviously be something. if we have nothing, the only thing left is something >_>
CrisisCloud: and you say that I make no sense...
CrisisCloud: *sigh* I want to go destroy a city
Shardsice: by all means, go ahead. it's not like they have anything that will stop you
CrisisCloud: *nods* ik that
CrisisCloud: *flies to Pittsburgh*
Shardsice: so, now I'm stuck with this loser until I find a way to finish what I started... fair trade, I guess
Shardsice: *rubs temples* I need to find a way to be rid of him.... mayhaps a library will have what I need....
CrisisCloud: *flings fireballs at the public library*
CrisisCloud: wanton destruction...I love the smell of death in the morning
Shardsice: *looks at clock* nice timing too.
CrisisCloud: *thinks* tis quite late...early...for ye, is it not?
Shardsice: like I care
CrisisCloud: *points at surviving library in alexandria*
CrisisCloud: *stabs librarian*
Shardsice: *shakes head*
CrisisCloud: ...right, book about the occult...or whatever it is we're here for...
Shardsice: seems to me you're only looking to make my job harder anyway >_>
CrisisCloud: *shrugs* I'm just stress relieving
CrisisCloud: I can stop if it helps
Shardsice: no thanks, I simply wonder at how one minute you can be the most deadly person alive and yet still be as childish as you are
CrisisCloud: childishly antiredundant as it gets
Shardsice: pretty much
CrisisCloud: *points at book shelves*
Shardsice: *looks over the books* you go look on the other half of the library, the kid's section in particular. I don't trust your fire hazard tendencies
CrisisCloud: ^_^ you want me to find that book about ponies and rainbows you were looking for?
Shardsice: yeah, yeah, go do tha- wait, what? I never looked for any pone-.... oh.... that.... um.... sure, go ahead
CrisisCloud: *nods* *runs off skipping toward the brightly-colored children's section*
Shardsice: *shivers* way too much exposure to death, methinks
Shardsice: or lack thereof
CrisisCloud: *returns with book about assassins and ninjas* can I check it out?
CrisisCloud: ...oh, wait...the librarian's dead...
CrisisCloud: nvm
Shardsice: *shakes head* there's got to be something in here that can help me >_>
CrisisCloud: *chucks book at Shard with unicorns on the cover*
Shardsice: *ducks* very funny
CrisisCloud: *finds a dusty old tome hidden on the top shelf of the kids books*
Shardsice: *pulls books out of shelves and onto the floor* something, something, something...
CrisisCloud: *pulls it down and blows the dust off* woah..."how to kill people who think they're undead"
Shardsice: *continues to pulls books off* find anything in lala land?
CrisisCloud: *shrugs* nah *throws book in the burning pile on the floor*
Shardsice: *shakes head* not surprising. it's like his mind goes on shut down when all the serious tasks are finished
CrisisCloud: *pulls random books off the shelves* world war two and the turtles, monkey island adventures, the evil wizard, thorae tales...
Shardsice: *blinks* what was that last one?
Mistysmountains: *tilts head*
CrisisCloud: (OO) MISTY!
CrisisCloud: it's an undead party!
Shardsice: *turns* oh.... her....
CrisisCloud: *tosses books into the fire and tackles Misty*
Mistysmountains: *points to Shard* what's up with her?
CrisisCloud: the she's undead now
Mistysmountains: *facepalm*
Shardsice: *smirks*
CrisisCloud: •• I thought it was Hanna, but it was really shard
Mistysmountains: way. to. fail, EDJ......
Shardsice: nk, it's both of us
CrisisCloud: she still has to help me get undead now
Mistysmountains: I see
CrisisCloud: *get non-undead
CrisisCloud: in fully alive
Shardsice: or just dead
Mistysmountains: Never! err.. in this condition anyway...
CrisisCloud: •• nk
CrisisCloud: we're having a good 'ole book burning trying to find something that can help
Mistysmountains: (OO)
CrisisCloud: *looks at more books* flying silver dragons...
Mistysmountains: *sways on the verge of fainting*
Mistysmountains: I think I need to sit down...
CrisisCloud: dancing ponies *throws it at Shard*
Shardsice: *ducks again* why do I even... ugh
Mistysmountains: I can't believe... y'all are burning books...
CrisisCloud: under the rainbow...
CrisisCloud: undeadness
CrisisCloud: *shrugs* *burns all of those*
CrisisCloud: *pokes Misty* btw, you're in the OTHER library in Alexandria, Egypt
Mistysmountains: I am?
Mistysmountains: I thought I was home...
Mistysmountains: typing on a computer... ••
Shardsice: you're not, trust me >_>
Mistysmountains: pfft, trust? YOU?
Shardsice: *smirks*
Mistysmountains: EDJ, I think she's crazy
Shardsice: not anymore so than he has
CrisisCloud: no less than I am
Mistysmountains: *poof*
Shardsice: *shakes head*
CrisisCloud: *points at book in front of Shard* how about that one?
Mistysmountains: *comes back* (OO)
Mistysmountains: NOT ISC!!
Mistysmountains: *grabs it and poofs*
Shardsice: do you even remember what you were supposed to be looking for?
CrisisCloud: ....aye....

CrisisCloud: *points at book in front of Shard*
Shardsice: *folds arms* well? I'm not stopping you from picking it up *slides the book over with her foot*
CrisisCloud: *picks up book* aye, this is it
Shardsice: *shrugs* if it is, then it is. if it isn't, then it isn't.
CrisisCloud: *reads book*
CrisisCloud: *finishes the first page*
Shardsice: what makes you so sure it's the right book if you can't even get through the first chapter?
CrisisCloud: *finishes book*
CrisisCloud: ^_^ yay for three page books
Shardsice: well?
CrisisCloud: have to repeat after me...
CrisisCloud: 2
Shardsice: *narrows eyes*
CrisisCloud: *waits*
Shardsice: *sigh* 2
CrisisCloud: ODBMTL
Shardsice: *blinks*
CrisisCloud: *waits*
Shardsice: ... *uncertainly* ODBMTL
CrisisCloud: MMA!
CrisisCloud: *poof*
Shardsice: .....
CrisisCloud: *is swallowed by portal*
CrisisCloud: *reappears behind Shard*
CrisisCloud: *pokes Shard* your turn
Shardsice: *jumps* YO! Don't come out of no where like that! what happened?
CrisisCloud: ...I came out of the portal ^_^
Shardsice: I can see that
CrisisCloud: well?
CrisisCloud: did it work?
CrisisCloud: (OO)
CrisisCloud: *runs*
Shardsice: yeah, smart move
CrisisCloud: •• you were supposed to follow me so I could test it on you
Shardsice: you really think I'm that dumb? ••
CrisisCloud: ....yeah
CrisisCloud: *stabs Shard*
Shardsice: *yanks sword out* talk about a no good backstabbing little.... *sigh* you'll never learn
CrisisCloud: well then
Shardsice: *hands sword back* I'll give you a headstart
CrisisCloud: ...why?
Shardsice: cause, you died too swiftly the first time *smirks*
CrisisCloud: *laughs* ikr?
Shardsice: the only person ever capable of stopping me, and now you're as weak as you once were. just for old times' sake, I'll give you a day
CrisisCloud: *shakes head* if you insist
CrisisCloud: *flies off*
CrisisCloud: •• good luck!
Shardsice: *smirks* he's the one who's going to need it...
CrisisCloud: *poof*
Shardsice: *nods* *takes book and hides it* now then.... now that that is settled... I wonder if BBM would mind a little visit...
Mistysmountains: *narrates* And we leave our characters with us wondering this... Is Shard really evil? (...must you ask?) Is EDJ really unundead? And! will BBM be safe and make an appearance? Find out, next time!
Blackberrymew: *continues narration* On "The random adventures, alternate endings, commentaries, and conspiracies of Ice Sword Chronicles."
CrisisCloud: *concludes narration* And now back to our regularly scheduled program, after a word from our sponsors.
CrisisCloud: *cue The Amazing Race commercial*
CrisisCloud: *turns up in Jerusalem*
CrisisCloud: ^_^ shard won't find me here

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