Friday, January 14, 2011

Deleted Scene: Take 3, Part 2 - The Not So Death of Lui

The Not So Death of Lui

*Lui runs in*
ISCLui: (OO) EDJ!! BBM!!!
Blackberrymew: *glares* what do YOU want?!
ISCLui: *runs to EDJ*
ISCLui: *just as he's dying, Lui pushes EDJ through a portal*
ISCLui: I want my friends
ISCLui: *stands up and glares at BBM*
Blackberrymew: ...... yeah, I want them too. dead, that is
ISCLui: (OO)
ISCLui: Ye already have one
Blackberrymew: *smiles*
ISCLui: *portal closes*
ISCLui: *looks curiously as Friend Like That comes on to his music player*
Blackberrymew: *blinks* HEY, he still has my sword!!
ISCLui: *giggles* aye
Blackberrymew: ah well... *ignores music and makes a new ice sword* there we go *smirks*
ISCLui: (OO)
ISCLui: *watches*
ISCLui: Cool sword
TdWmAcEy: Lui
ISCLui: *nods* TDW
Blackberrymew: hehe
ISCLui: *realizes he forgot his sword*
Blackberrymew: *examines ice sword's edge* should do the job....
ISCLui: ....
ISCLui: *pulls pocket knife out of his bag*
ISCLui: *facepalm*
Blackberrymew: *turns to Lui* .....that's the best ye got, huh?
ISCLui: twould seem so :P
Blackberrymew: *shrugs* can't make this any easier than it already is
ISCLui: *giggles at the next song* Just Call My Name
Blackberrymew: >_>
ISCLui: Tis going at random too ^_^
ISCLui: *looks through bag*
ISCLui: textbook, bag of chips, cookie, soda....
ISCLui: what's THAT doing in there?! *pulls out short sword*
Blackberrymew: >_> took you long enough
ISCLui: Hehe
Blackberrymew: ready then? or do you have homework to finish?
ISCLui: ....he ripped it all up...
Blackberrymew: *laughs* Aye
ISCLui: still haven't fixed that
Blackberrymew: guess you never will *shrugs*
ISCLui: (OO)
ISCLui: Why's that?
ISCLui: 'Something Different'
Blackberrymew: *charges suddenly and drives sword through Lui's shoulder* because, you won't live that long
ISCLui: (OO)
ISCLui: *pulls sword up and catches BBM's face*
ISCLui: Good ALWAYS defeats evil
ISCLui: *wonders what that says about EDJ*
ISCLui: (OO) 'Sending SOS'
Blackberrymew: *shakes head and backs up* you've got your ideals mixed, kid *slashes at Lui again*
ISCLui: *blocks the attack* *hurt arm hangs limply*
ISCLui: don't get to do it every day, do ye?
Blackberrymew: indeed not
ISCLui: *smiles*
Blackberrymew: hmph *tackles Lui and pins him to the ground, pressing sword against his throat* then again, maybe that's a good thing...
ISCLui: aye, twon't happen again if ye do that
TdWmAcEy: *blinks*
Blackberrymew: *smiles* that's the point
TdWmAcEy: this doesn’t look good
ISCLui: *watches as DJ sneaks up behind BBM*
ISCLui: Weird song choice....
ISCLui: 'Never going back to OK'
Blackberrymew: *stifles a laugh* do you know how long I've been waiting to kill you?
ISCLui: No idea
ISCLui: We never did talk about how long ISC went from the Prologue to part 26
Blackberrymew: indeed *rolleyes*
TdWmAcEy: *watches*
ISCLui: Can we talk about that?
Blackberrymew: *jams sword through Lui's other shoulder and twists sword* of course not!
ISCLui: (OO)
THEZelgius: *grabs BBM by the hair and yanks her upward* I think not
Blackberrymew: YIKES!

THEZelgius: *puts her in headlock*
ISCLui: (OO) be careful
ISCLui: Don't hurt her
Blackberrymew: LET GO!! wait, what?
ISCLui: Don't hurt her...
THEZelgius: *rolleyes* If you insist
THEZelgius: *grabs sword out of BBM's hand and crushes it*
ISCLui: ^_^
Blackberrymew: >_> there goes another one
THEZelgius: *rolleyes*
THEZelgius: I got your SOS, Lui
ISCLui: That music player is epic
Blackberrymew: *growls* who cares about the music player?! let me go!
THEZelgius: Don't think so
TdWmAcEy: Z!
TdWmAcEy: ^_^
THEZelgius: *waves* Hey TDW
TdWmAcEy: hey
ISCLui: *hugs BBM*
Blackberrymew: (OO)
Blackberrymew: *stares into space for a bit then fights to get free again* LET GO RIGHT NOW!!!
THEZelgius: (OO)
THEZelgius: *lets go*
ISCLui: *lets go*
ISCLui: *looks at BBM* are you ok? Your arm and face are bleeding...
Blackberrymew: *breathes heavily and glares* NO, I'M NOT OK!! *turns to Z* can I borrow your sword?
ISCLui: ...
THEZelgius: pfft
THEZelgius: yeah right
ISCLui: *hands BBM a package of herbs*
ISCLui: Misty's gift
Blackberrymew: *slaps package away* I don't care!
THEZelgius: ....
ISCLui: *sniffle*
Blackberrymew: *closes eyes and clutches head with a wince* Grrr... so close....
THEZelgius: *shakes head* Give it up, BBM
Blackberrymew: *glares* you stay out of this!
THEZelgius: *rolleyes* If I did, he'd have been dead
ISCLui: (OO)
ISCLui: would not
THEZelgius: ....
Blackberrymew: *shakes head* then let me finish what I started! *swiftly creates icicle and embeds it in Lui's torso* now I will remain free....
ISCLui: *gasps*
THEZelgius: *draws sword and whacks BBM broadside on the side of the head*
ISCLui: I.....uhhh..BBM?
ISCLui: *passes out*
Blackberrymew: *falls to the side unconscious*
THEZelgius: *gestures to TDW*
THEZelgius: Can ye take care of her for me?
Hannadrows: *slowly opens eyes* ...ugh... what...? *blinks to focus*
THEZelgius: (OO) That was faster than I thought....
Hannadrows: *sits up a little* ow... Z? what are…? *gasp* ...L-Lui...? (OO) ...what? How? *looks at Lui then Z then back again*
THEZelgius: .....
THEZelgius: Are ye ok?
Hannadrows: ....I....*shakes head* ....I did this.... didn't I? *starts to cry*
THEZelgius: *nods*
THEZelgius: *hands Hanna Lui's handkerchief*
Hannadrows: *wipes eyes and tries to keep from sobbing* *crawls over* ....Lui....
ISCLui: *coughs*
THEZelgius: *sits down*
Hannadrows: Lui...I...I don't...I'm so sorry... I...just... *looks down*
ISCLui: *looks up and smiles* Ha...Hanna...
Hannadrows: *hugs Lui and sobs* ...I'm so sorry. I didn't EVER want you to get hurt...
ISCLui: *nods slowly* ik
Hannadrows: *looks around swiftly* there has to be some way we can fix this... there has to... DJ?
THEZelgius: *shrugs* you know where that package went?
TdWmAcEy: hanna
TdWmAcEy: hmmm
TdWmAcEy: ^_^
Hannadrows: Macey? *stands up with a wince and looks around* ...t..there... *picks up package and sits next to Lui* Macey... can you help me? ...p-please?
TdWmAcEy: yes
TdWmAcEy: i would be glad to
ISCLui: :)
TdWmAcEy: what you need help with lass?
Hannadrows: *sniffles* t-this.. this.. *hands fumble with package* I can't help...
THEZelgius: *hands BBM some clean cloth and a canteen of water*
Hannadrows: *sniffles* thank you...
THEZelgius: aye
THEZelgius: *looks at Lui* Ye'll be alright
ISCLui: *nods*
THEZelgius: Where's EDJ?
Hannadrows: *shakily hands Macey package* there's medicine in there... I just... I can't... *sigh* *looks up* Iul? (OO)
THEZelgius: (OO)
TdWmAcEy: *grabs package carefully*
TdWmAcEy: its okay I got it
TdWmAcEy: *smiles*
Hannadrows: thanks Macey.... *lower lip trembles* Iul...I... I tried to stop her, but... and he...he just kept fighting...and ...
ISCLui: he's in the OD
THEZelgius: (OO) I see
THEZelgius: Right now, we need to focus on Lui
Hannadrows: *looks down and nods*
TdWmAcEy: okay
THEZelgius: *hands him two pills* Take those, you'll wake up later
ISCLui: (OO) ok... *takes medicine*
TdWmAcEy: there
ISCLui: *waves* see ya later…Hanna, TDW, DJ
ISCLui: *falls asleep*
Hannadrows: *tries to smile, but can't* ....he...he'll be ok...right? *holds Lui's limp hand*
THEZelgius: aye
Hannadrows: she was never supposed to get to him... she was never supposed to be NEAR him....
THEZelgius: (OO)
Hannadrows: *shakes head* how does this always happen?
THEZelgius: *shrugs*
THEZelgius: Don't worry
TdWmAcEy: did you give him the medicine?
THEZelgius: not yet, just sleeping pills
TdWmAcEy: come on!
TdWmAcEy: we have to give it to him
THEZelgius: aye
THEZelgius: *points to the icicle* We have to remove that, then pour the medicine mixed with that water in quickly
THEZelgius: *takes out the leaves and crushes them, then drops them in the water*
THEZelgius: *carefully looks over at Lui*
THEZelgius: *thinks* Hanna, ye can pull that out?
THEZelgius: Or make it poof or something...
Hannadrows: *reaches for icicle, but pulls away* ....I...I can't...I... *looks at Lui then back to the icicle* *reaches hand to it and it ever so slowly begins sliding out*
THEZelgius: *holds canteen*
Hannadrows: *icicle slides all the way out and is tossed away* *exhales a shaky breath*
THEZelgius: (OO) *pours the medicine in*
TdWmAcEy: *watches
THEZelgius: ...what happens now?
TdWmAcEy: we wait
TdWmAcEy: see if it works
THEZelgius: *nods* Misty didn't really say what happens after that
Hannadrows: *looks at Lui and tries not to burst into tears again*
THEZelgius: (OO)
Hannadrows: *whispers* if she had succeeded... if he really did...
THEZelgius: Don't think that >_>
Hannadrows: how can I not?! I almost KILLED him!
THEZelgius: Almost being the key word
THEZelgius: *watches as the wound starts to close* :o
TdWmAcEy: *nods*
TdWmAcEy: this is good
TdWmAcEy: *smiles and stands up*
Hannadrows: *stares at Lui* this won't happen again... this will never happen again...
ISCLui: *wakes up slowly* I....I saw him…
THEZelgius: (OO) LUI!
TdWmAcEy: *stands over Lui*
TdWmAcEy: saw who?...
ISCLui: *cough* Iul...
TdWmAcEy: blinks
Hannadrows: *watches without moving*
ISCLui: *looks around* ...Han..Hanna?
Hannadrows: *hugs Lui* don't ever leave me again... please...
ISCLui: *nods*
ISCLui: I won't
THEZelgius: *walks over and packs up canteen and spare medicine*
Hannadrows: *sniffles*
TdWmAcEy: how sweet...
THEZelgius: *drags TDW away*
THEZelgius: <_<
TdWmAcEy: What?
TdWmAcEy: what are you doing?!
THEZelgius: Leave them be for now
TdWmAcEy: *stomps*
ISCLui: Hanna...Iul...he's alive
THEZelgius: They need their time...
TdWmAcEy: "their time"?
THEZelgius: He goes back to being trapped in that mirror until next time we do this or when TMO actually gets back
TdWmAcEy: pfft
Hannadrows: *looks down* how? how do you know? he... I... *shakes head and looks up* how can he still be alive?
ISCLui: I pushed him through that portal right as he ...expired
ISCLui: He's alive, in semi-angel form in the OD
Hannadrows: *nods* ...I hope you're right... I didn't mean to...
ISCLui: *nods* tis ok
ISCLui: he's fine
Hannadrows: *shakes head* doesn't make what I did any less severe
ISCLui: ik
Hannadrows: *sigh*
THEZelgius: *yawns*
ISCLui: we shall work on that evil side...
ISCLui: twas EDJ's fault though :P
Hannadrows: *smiles a little* it wasn't ALL his fault... *stands up and almost falls*
ISCLui: (OO)
Hannadrows: *leans against a tree* Ugh... *holds arm and shakes head*
ISCLui: Are ye alright?
ISCLui: They didn't give ye that medicine >_>
Hannadrows: *looks at blood on hand* ...I...I'm fine...I'll live...
Hannadrows: It's fine... it's nothing I don't deserve, really... *pushes away from tree*
ISCLui: *slowly stands up*
ISCLui: *grabs Hanna's hand again and runs*
TdWmAcEy: hey!
TdWmAcEy: where you two going!?
TdWmAcEy: *stands up and starts walking after them*
THEZelgius: *holds TDW back*
TdWmAcEy: Z!
TdWmAcEy: *glares*
TdWmAcEy: let me go....
THEZelgius: <_< remember what I said earlier?
TdWmAcEy: I care not
TdWmAcEy: fine.....
ISCLui: *runs off into the sunset ((again))*
TdWmAcEy: bye then
Blackberrymew: well...that was interesting....
THEZelgius: *laughs* aye
THEZelgius: *likes the idea with EDJ*
THEZelgius: Remind me to remind you to remind me to write a note telling myself to write a note to include that in ISC
Blackberrymew: *salutes* Aye aye!
THEZelgius: ^_^
Blackberrymew: *writes* and they lived happily ever .... who scribbled this out the first time I wrote it? <_< >_>
THEZelgius: *laughs*

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