Friday, September 30, 2011

Deleted Scene: Take 10 - Death to the Undead?

Death to the undead?

CrisisCloud: *writes out a standing order for the common public to tackle anyone named BBM upon sight* ^_^
CrisisCloud: good luck >:D
Blackberrymew: *hides*
CrisisCloud: *smirks* and just because today's yer birthday... *updates the order to have people punch BBM for each year instead of tackling* >:D
CrisisCloud: oops :P did I do that?
Blackberrymew: (OO)
Blackberrymew: Remind me to punch ye for every word you speak next time I sees ye :P
CrisisCloud: (OO) *grabs pen and paper for next time we talk on here* :P I won't have to say a word
Blackberrymew: *stays well-hidden for duration of the week*
Blackberrymew: *updates ISC blog and switches hiding spots*
CrisisCloud: >:D hide all ye want, my minions will find ye
Blackberrymew: *keeps hiding*
CrisisCloud: *smirks* lot of good hiding it'll do ye >:D
CrisisCloud: *yawns*
CrisisCloud: now just to wait for ye to get up so I can spring the trap
CrisisCloud: *falls asleep*
Blackberrymew: *giggles* You'll never find me ^_^
Blackberrymew: Asides that, how did ye manage to fall asleep?! (OO)
Blackberrymew: *switches hiding spots and stays hidden*
ISCLui: *walks up to the still-sleeping EDJ* woah
ISCLui: *pokes it*
ISCLui: is it dead?
ISCLui: *shrugs and giggles*
ISCLui: *tackles it*
ISCLui: *nothing happens* uh-oh
ISCLui: *backs up slowly*
ISCLui: *hides*
Blackberrymew: (OO)
Blackberrymew: *hides with Lui*
Blackberrymew: *whispers* Lui.... what did you do to him?! (OO)
THEZelgius: *trips over EDJ* woah
THEZelgius: *finds Lui and Hanna* *raises eyebrows* what's with EDJ?
Blackberrymew: *points to Lui and whispers* He did it!
Blackberrymew: Ok, so he probably didn't. I know I didn't do it though. I just be minding my own business and BAM... the dude's alseep (OO)
Blackberrymew: *yanks DJ to the hiding spot* Now we be just watching to see if he wakes up.
THEZelgius: *blinks* wow, first time in like a year...
THEZelgius: *shrugs* I guess he needed it :P
Blackberrymew: Needed it?! the dude's pretty much been a walking zombie without it
Blackberrymew: well... a walking zombie with a brain.... and super powers..... and a twisted sense of humor.... and a growing conscience....
Blackberrymew: close enough
THEZelgius: XD
THEZelgius: ye almost sound sentimental
THEZelgius: (OO)
THEZelgius: *blinks twice* yeah, never mind
THEZelgius: *ahem* I feel like a zombie lately...five days of work in a row, and four hours of homework last night <_<
Blackberrymew: my sword can show you sentimental >_>
Blackberrymew: *ahem* anyway
Blackberrymew: You know, you need to really stop trying to kill yourself over there :P
Blackberrymew: What will ISC do if ye suddenly keel over with exhaustion like poor EDJ over there?
Blackberrymew: *peeks out of hiding spot* ....of course.... we're still assuming he isn't really dead, right?
ISCLui: *looks over at EDJ* yeah, just sleeping...hopefully
ISCLui: when was the last time we poked him?
Blackberrymew: ..that would be when you poked him... care to try again?
Blackberrymew: I'm sure there's a 39 1/2 foot pole around here somewhere <_< >_>
ISCLui: *giggles* he's no grinch, but hey :P
ISCLui: *sneaks up and pokes EDJ* *nothing happens*
ISCLui: uh-oh
Blackberrymew: *sneaks up next to Lui and also pokes EDJ*
Blackberrymew: *turns to Lui* ...duuuuuuuude.... I think you killed it (OO)
ISCLui: (OO) I didn't do it!
ISCLui: *rolls EDJ over onto his back* wow
ISCLui: *pokes BBM* what do we do with it?
Blackberrymew: *blinks* I don't know.... don't these things usually disintegrate into little glowy things if they're really dead or something?
Blackberrymew: then again, that could be something else...
Blackberrymew: *looks around* where'd DJ go? he's responsibly logical. I'm sure he'd have some kind of solution
ISCLui: *looks* he's gone!
ISCLui: at least he's not *points at EDJ* like that
ISCLui: ...glowy things...
Blackberrymew: Yeah.... kinda creepy, if you ask me
Blackberrymew: *ever so slowly takes EDJ's sword from it's sheath*
Blackberrymew: *turns to Lui and shoves the handle into Lui's hands* Here...
Blackberrymew: *in serious tone* out both your lives...
Blackberrymew: *turns back to EDJ and mutters to self* On the other hand, if he does turn out to be really dead, I'm going to be very, VERY upset with someone.
ISCLui: *looks at sword carefully* woah...
ISCLui: *puts it carefully into sheath and belts it to his hip* I shall use it to avenge whatever happened to him...assuming something happened to him :P
ISCLui: *looks around for Z* where did he go?
ISCLui: *pokes BBM* I'm going to go find him
ISCLui: *walks off in the general direction Z was last seen*
EvilJesterCS: *sneaks in and steals the body*
THEZelgius: *waves to BBM* hey, everything ok? I had to take a call there...
THEZelgius: *looks over* where's EDJ? and Lui...
THEZelgius: *facepalm*
Blackberrymew: *blinks*
Blackberrymew: he... and you... and him... and.... *gives up* yeah, I haven't the slightest clue.
Blackberrymew: You sure are popular. You need to stop having such distracting phone calls :P
Blackberrymew: I shall avenge EDJ's disappearance/death! We just need to figure out what happened to him....
Blackberrymew: He couldn't really be dead because if he was, I just missed all the shiny things. We both know that can't happen.
Blackberrymew: Secondly, he couldn't have just gotten up and walked off cause we know he'd most likely whack me upside the head for giving Lui his sword as soon as he woke up.
Blackberrymew: The only option then... is that he gained the new power of invisibility
Blackberrymew: in which case the only way we'll find him is if we trip over him
Blackberrymew: *turns up New Divide* Either way, I say we find EDJ before Shard gets to him.
THEZelgius: *rolleyes* aye, perish the thought of one of us missing the shiny things
THEZelgius: wait, you gave his sword to Lui?
THEZelgius: *blinks* interesting
THEZelgius: *ahem* yeah, him getting caught by shard like that might be...not good
EvilJesterCS: *drops the body into a crate and loads it into the back of a nondescript white van*
EvilJesterCS: *drives off* heeheehee!
Blackberrymew: yeah, the sword thing was probably not a good idea. I don't know what came over me
Blackberrymew: *thinks* so, we need a plan to find EDJ
Blackberrymew: you wouldn't happen to have a tracking device on him or anything, would you?
THEZelgius: *gasp* I would never do such a thing! *cough* it's in the backpack *cough*
Blackberrymew: Ri-ight. I'll just leave finding his exact wherabouts to you.
Blackberrymew: *borrows an ice cream truck and hops into the driver seat*
Blackberrymew: So, navigator, where to?
THEZelgius: *blinks* you can just borrow an ice cream truck?
THEZelgius: *grabs a drumstick cone out of the freezer* they went thataway *points north*
Blackberrymew: You have to admit, ice cream trucks are fairly inconspicuous *drives north*
Blackberrymew: Besides, we get free ice cream. Let's just hope no little kids see us.
THEZelgius: *smiles* aye, no need to accidentally run one of 'em over with your driving
THEZelgius: *looks at GPS* he's moving fast, straight north still
THEZelgius: I thought he was....not moving...
Blackberrymew: *mutters something about not being THAT bad of a driver*
Blackberrymew: I have it! He turned invisible and took off, hoping we would be distracted long enough for him to create another death ray device and use it on us while we were still debating his whereabouts.
Blackberrymew: Tis all elementary, my dear Watson.
Blackberrymew: Unless of course ye have another idea.
THEZelgius: *gasps* would he do that now? I thought he was almost better than that :P
THEZelgius: *shrugs* I guess tis possible, just...unexpected
THEZelgius: *looks down* still north
THEZelgius: we're gaining on him slowly though
Blackberrymew: Hmm *nods and steadily increases speed*
Blackberrymew: I thought he was making excellent progress under the better-a-villain program.
Blackberrymew: He still might be, it's hard to tell at this point. kind of a make or break situation if he does have invisibility powers, don't ya think?
THEZelgius: *shudders* if he's turned us all, we're doomed if he goes evil :O
Blackberrymew: Umm... and warn me when we get close. I don’t want to accidentally run him over if he's invisible.
Blackberrymew: He's undead so it won't matter to him, but I have a driving reputation to save :P
THEZelgius: ...accidentally? ye'd do it on purpose and blame it on somebody else XD
THEZelgius: or hide the mess...
THEZelgius: *ahem* either way, aye, I'll make sure ye don't run this one over just in case
Blackberrymew: Oh come on, I am NOT that evil. Ok, evil others have pretty dark pasts, but get real.
Blackberrymew: If anything, I'm the dependable one who heals SA every time he blows up.
Blackberrymew: *blinks* Oooooh, forgot I had those healing powers back when EDJ was unconscious.... my bad....
THEZelgius: *rolls eyes* aye, that might have come in handy
THEZelgius: although, ye never knows given the kinds of evil tricks we've been known to have to put up with
THEZelgius: (OO) he just turned straight east...about 8 miles ahead of us
THEZelgius: if we turn now, we could catch up
Blackberrymew: *tries not to turn too sharply* Thanks for the warning :P
Blackberrymew: Any clue where in particular he might be headed?
Blackberrymew: Besides some place to blow us up, of course
THEZelgius: there IS a nuclear warhead launch facility that way
THEZelgius: (OO)
THEZelgius: oh dear
THEZelgius: I very much hope he hasn't gone back to the dark side <_<
Blackberrymew: Dude, this is no time for your anti-humor jokes >_>
Blackberrymew: *thinks* if he HAS gone to the dark side, we're pretty much all dead except Shard
Blackberrymew: He already took over the world once, so he can't have too much motivation to take it back again... assuming he ever let it go in the first place
Blackberrymew: sooooo that leaves.... what other options does that leave?
THEZelgius: well, we could consider that he actually was unconscious and got kidnapped by one of our enemies
THEZelgius: :P
THEZelgius: *ahem* I made sure he let it go
THEZelgius: *sighs* we're catching up pretty quick now
Blackberrymew: Pfft, kidnapped? EDJ? He's not THAT incompetent
Blackberrymew: ...usually...
Blackberrymew: Still, I suppose we can't eliminate the improbable, however impossible it may seem.
Blackberrymew: It must be irritating how much trouble he can be. I'll put him in a plexiglass box for you when we find him.
THEZelgius: *laughs* it would be kind of cool to have a whole person in a box I could put on display :P
THEZelgius: but you did say he was unconscious for a while...or at least was pretending to be...who knows what happened...
THEZelgius: *shrugs* we'll figure it out *glances at GPS* he stopped...there's the launch facility. it's just past a foot trail about a mile and a half from where the locator is
Blackberrymew: Ri-ight.... so you want me to actually stop and get out and walk for that or can I risk driving it?
Blackberrymew: Not that it really matters to me, I can fly either way :P
THEZelgius: *rolls eyes* aye, so can he...I think
THEZelgius: did he still have his wings?
THEZelgius: *shrugs* we can risk it...the ice cream truck should make it :P
THEZelgius: assuming he's on foot, we'll catch him before he makes it there
Blackberrymew: *slows truck* ...uh...Z... *points out window* ...what is that?
THEZelgius: (OO) it looks like....
THEZelgius: could it be?
THEZelgius: *stares*
Blackberrymew: It can't be... *tries to keep eyes on non-road*

*Out of nowhere, Misty, BBM, and Z are reunited*

Misty: *watches DJ get tackled again*
DJ: *hits the ground and notices a particularly sharp rock a few inches from his head* Whoa
Misty: (OO)
BBM: .... *blames EDJ*
DJ: *blinks* poor EDJ
Misty: *shakes head*
DJ: *wipes a tear away before Misty can notice*
Misty: ... *hands DJ tissue*
DJ: *accepts tissue and wipes eyes* Poor EDJ
BBM: *nods*
Misty: Wait... Why is DJ crying over EDJ? Did I miss something?
DJ: *nods* Probably XD
Misty: (OO) Should I be worried?
BBM: Maybe
DJ: *looks at Savvy with a smirk*
Misty: ..... He didn't die again.. did he?
BBM: ......
Misty: *shakes Savvy* Did he?!
BBM: Maybe
DJ: ......
Misty: ... Sorry. :P
DJ: (OO)
BBM: .....
Misty: ........................
DJ: *draws sword* MY EDJ!
Misty: ….
BBM: *backs away*
DJ: *EDJ walk by* Oh. Nvm *puts sword away reluctantly*
Misty: hahaha
BBM: *blinks* Hey, DJ
DJ: *shakes head* aye?
BBM: I found EDJ
DJ: ^_^
BBM: ^_^
Misty: ^_^
*a while later*
BBM: DJ, being the studious one, has prolly keeled over by now.
Misty: *nods* Most definitely
Not DJ: ... *shifty eyes* must...hide...body...
BBM: .....
Misty: hahaha wow, DJ
Not DJ: EDJ to ye
Misty: Hi, EDJ!
BBM: *shakes head* Least ye not be dead dead
EDJ: *laughs* hihi *nods* Most certainly not dead or undead
Misty: *blinks* When did you become not undead?
EDJ: *smirks* Wouldn't ye like to know?
Misty: .... Yes. As your friend, you should tell me.
EDJ: ... Two months ago
Misty: What?!?! How did I miss this?!
EDJ: *laughs* Ye weren't the only one
BBM: Hmmm
Misty: Savvy! How come you didn't inform me?
BBM: *blinks* .....
Misty: I depended on ye! *shakes head*
BBM: I didn't think it worked! :P How was I to know?
EDJ: *nods* Shard doesn't think it worked either, as far as I know
BBM: That's good
EDJ: Aye, VERY good XD

Monday, August 8, 2011

Part Twenty-Six

Eve: *lands bike on opposite side of the ship* Ok, George. There they are! *points*

George: *lands next to Eve* Aye, I see them. *gets off the bike and draws sword, then runs toward Cryptic*

Eve: *follows George with sword drawn*

George: *calls to Misty as he's running* Who's the girl he's talking to?


Hanna: *looks at Cryptic with violet-colored uncertain eyes* *thinks* He's lying to me. Everything he says is a LIE! No one can help me. He doesn't care. He will tell me anything he has to just to get me to come quietly. Then the CS will do whatever they want... including possibly destroying Earth...but they guard the entrance to the portal... the only other way to rescue Lui. If I go with him...I may find a way to rescue Lui without endangering the others. *looks down and says quietly* ...I'll go...

Cryptic: That's a good dear. Now, come with me. *holds out his hand for Hanna*


DJ: *looks over toward Hanna and Cryptic with wide eyes* WHAT?! We can't just...

EDJ: Forget it. She can make up her own mind, just like I did. I'm done with her after this.

DJ: You...IUL! We can't leave her to Cryptic! I don't care what she was going to do. We have to look out for each other.

EDJ: Fine, you go rescue her. She's just going to take Lui and leave us if we rescue her!


Eve: That's Hanna! And we CAN'T let her go with him! *runs* CRYPTIC! Leave her alone, NOW! *slashes sword at Cryptic*

Hanna: *quickly stands and creates a wall of ice so fast that Eve's torso gets embedded in the ice mid-swing*

Eve: *is hit so hard with the sudden wall of ice that she is knocked unconscious* HA-- *passes out*

Hanna: *glares at Eve with blue eyes and whispers* Don't do anything we'll both regret. *turns to Cryptic* Call off the attack. I'll go with you. Just...leave them...please.

Cryptic: Very well, my young ice princess. *signals for the pirates to leave, then turns to Eve’s prone form* Ah, so nice of you to drop in, my dear. I hope you didn't have any bad intent with that attack of yours. *draws sword and slashes at Eve's neck*

George: Cryptic! NO! *dives in front of Eve, taking the blow instead* *falls to the ground, mortally wounded* L...lady Eve...I'm sorry.... *dies*

Cryptic: Well then. Two birds, one stone, it seems. *slowly wipes his sword and prepares it for another attempt* Anyone else?

Hanna: I asked you to leave them! *glances at George then back to Cryptic* No more death! I don't want anyone else getting hurt.

Cryptic: *shrugs* He deserved it after that. But for your sake, I'll leave Eve here. Ironic, she's the one that led him into his sin against me. Just like in the stories they're trying to feed you. *holds out hand* Now, shall we?

Hanna: *looks back at Eve with guilt* Sorry. *raises hand and hesitates* ...Lui...this is for Lui... *takes a deep breath and takes Cryptic's hand* L-let's just go...


DJ: *stares in shock as the events on the cruiser unfold* Hanna....

EDJ: Told you. Shall we just go get Lui ourselves then?

DJ: I...I don't believe it. Why?

EDJ: And we tried so hard...I thought she was almost there. *looks up* Why did you let this happen?! *quietly* Maybe she IS a lost cause...

DJ: Always hope, Iul. Always. You did your part, now we have to leave it. But I guess you're right, staying here isn't going to help Lui OR Hanna. Let's go before anything else happens.

EDJ: *walks into the control room below the ship's deck and turns it toward La'Esk*

DJ: *sits down on the deck* Hanna...I don't believe what EDJ says. There must be some reason you're going with Cryptic. Don't worry, we'll take care of our own end, you deal with what you have to. Not even evil Hanna can overcome your love for'll be ok. *softly* Always. Always hope.


Cryptic: *leads Hanna to a two-seat bike and flies off back to the Orca* Considering that DJ was probably released by those bumbling traitors, it's good that Hanna's coming without a fight.

Hanna: *watches the ships* It's far better for my friends if I stay away from them. Whatever happens now, I cannot let her out...I will not let her out. *shivers*...none of this is right... *sigh*

Cryptic: *lands the bike and helps Hanna off* Well then, allow me to lead you to your quarters. You'll be staying in the guest suite until arrival. Computer, fresh food and clothes, a bed, pretty much anything you could ask for.

Hanna: T-thanks... Royalty treatment? Heh, reminds me of the good old days when things weren't so complicated. *sigh* ...Cryptic... *presses lips together in thought before continuing* you know what the CS is going to do with Lui ... my...uh... the one in the mirror...?

Cryptic: Ah, the one you love. Such a sad thing that you would be torn apart that way.

Hanna: *face reddens considerably*

Cryptic: I'm a true admirer of love, although I've never truly experienced it. Blame that on the CS and their cruel experiments if you desire. It's the same thing that happened to EDJ, only mine was more advanced and brutal. But I'm sure you find all this rather off subject. To answer your question, no I don't know what their plans are. I'm just the messenger slash delivery man, if you understand where I'm coming from.

Hanna: *clenches fist* I don't need your sympathy or your long explanations as to why you're as sickly cunning as you are. I'm only coming to protect the one I- *catches self* ONES I love... *glares* Don't ridicule me.

Cryptic: Ah, a sore spot that one is. Don't worry, I would never think of judging you upon that. Like I said, I'm just the delivery man... after this, I'm free from their service. I'm glad you actually have ones to love though. Perhaps it's just fate that I have no one. I care not. Enjoy your stay on the Orca. *leaves Hanna*

Hanna: *stunned expression* *relaxes a little* ...he is... unnerving... *goes to room and locks door behind her* Hmm... not that that will really stop anyone on this ship, but maybe that will preserve my sanity for a bit longer. *looks around nicely furnished room* ...Not bad... *picks up an apple off a tray of fruit on a nearby table and takes a bite*
*strolls over to closet and goes through the clothes on one side* Too big, too small, too bright, not my style, can't tell what that is, reminds me of Kandi, is that a leotard?! Ugh...too weird... *checks other side and nearly jumps back in shock* ...whoa... Black dresses, shorts,
gloves, boots, and white belts... *narrows eyes* Did they...? *takes another bite of the apple and slowly walks back to table* Even though I made the choice to go willingly to the CS, I only came to free Lui and keep everyone else from getting killed by pirates. Cryptic apparently doesn't see me as too much of a threat right now, but how will the CS react? I highly doubt they will be as carefree. *glares at fruit tray* This was a suicide mission from the start... I'm walking right into their hands. *drops the apple and flings the silver fruit platter off the table in frustration, sending fruit all over the floor* *sits against wall* Once they get a hold of me, it's over. But I made my choice, there is no going back. *hugs knees and closes eyes* Hopeless...

*scene switch*

*Lui is in a vast field with beautiful green grass and wildflowers, but is chained to a large metal pole standing in the middle of the field*

Lui: Hanna....I'm so sorry for everything. It's my fault you and the others are in this mess. I hope you're all ok.

*as he's talking to himself, a man appears out of a portal*

Man: Oh the melodrama...true love separated by fate. I'm afraid your hopes are unfounded. As we speak, Hanna is being delivered to us by an old friend of yours. She took the bait, it's just a matter of time before the world is ours! Nothing can stop us with the kind of power we will control.

Lui: No... it can't be! Hanna...

Man: Of course, it wouldn't be right if we used her without letting her see you one last time. After that, your usefulness will be fully realized.

Lui: You monster!

Man: Sticks and stones.

Lui: Hanna's much too strong for the likes of you to take just wait and see. What about the others?

Man: Mostly escaped, but they shall be dealt with in time, I can assure you that. They won't even make it to the Clocktower.

Lui: That's what you think. How many times have they escaped you already?

Man: Faulty circumstances, and sheer luck. They won't get away again, I swear it upon my name.

Lui: And that is?

Man: Ultimasi. Not that it matters...

Lui: I just want to know it so I can retell the tale of your defeat after...your defeat.

Ultimasi: You keep dreaming, boy. It won't make a difference after a few hours. Hahaha! *disappears back into the portal*

Lui: Hmmm.....

*scene switch*

Hanna: *whispers* ...Lui... I hope you’re alright...

*knock is heard on door*

Voice: Priso-err... Miss... Hanna...?

Hanna: Go AWAY!

*rattling is heard as the door opens and a couple guards walk in*

Hanna: Don’t just go barging into my room! What do you want?!

Guard: We heard some kind of noise and were ordered to check on you.

Hanna: I don’t care if you thought I was dying, LEAVE ME ALONE! *throws an orange at guard*

Guard: *catches the orange in one hand* We were ordered not to harm you, though perhaps some discipline would remind you to be more courteous to your hosts.

Hanna: *jumps to feet and shoves the guard against wall, bringing the sword to his throat* I am here of my own free will, but that does not mean I’m not being held captive.

Guard: Hah, it’s obvious you have no plans to give in. What is it you want from the CS?

Hanna: Why do you care?!

Guard: Must be something of great value for you to give yourself up like this, yet the way you’re struggling would make me think otherwise...

Hanna: *glares* I’m willing to go as far as I have to, to accomplish my task. If that includes killing you now, so be it!

Guard: *grins evilly* Weak. *starts laughing* If you really wanted to kill me, you would have done so already.

Hanna: *eyes briefly flash red* Get. Out. *squeezes eyes shut and screams* GET OUT!! *a truckload of snow materializes and shoves the CS guards out of the room. The door slams shut and is instantly covered by a thick sheet of ice* I... I need to get out of here... *rushes to the other side of the room and jumps through open porthole*

Guard: *climbs out of snowdrift outside Hanna’s door and brushes self off*

Second guard: Master Cryptic will not be pleased...

Guard: Hah! Pleased? The only emotion he knows is apathy. He won’t care. Besides, I was only toying with her. Wouldn’t hurt to see why the CS wants her so badly.

Second Guard: It’s not our place to question.

Guard: *waves a dismissive hand* Do the Elite Guard get their positions by only doing as they’re told? *shrugs* I’ve had my fun. As long as she doesn’t do anything foolish, we’re fine.

Hanna: *flies in the direction opposite of the Orca* If I can just make it back to the others, there’s still a chance we can save Lui. Eve was able to get DJ off the... *stops* ...that’s right... he saw you leave with Cryptic... and who knows what’s going through EDJ’s head after the way you treated him. *clutches head* STOP IT! Haven’t you caused them enough pain? *looks back at the Orca*

*scene switch*

*a few hours later, just as the sun is starting to rise*

DJ: *gets up from one of the cabins below deck and looks around* My phone should be charged now, at least I can contact somebody back at the academy and let them know I'm alright. *walks over to the table and picks up his phone* Ooh, new voicemail. *opens inbox*

Automated voice: You have...two new messages. To hear your messa...

DJ: *ignores the rest of the recording and presses the button to hear the voicemail*

Lui: DJ, it's me. They said you and Hanna were on the way here, and they couldn't let that happen the way it is. I'm supposed to tell you to turn yourself in, or they...they'll kill me... *sniffle* They have a bunch of soldiers waiting for you at the shore...they know you're in a pirate boat and it's just you and EDJ. They're giving you two hours. DJ...don't do it! *a slap is heard and then Lui and one of the guards wrestling for the phone drowns out part of Lui's message* *Lui shouts into the phone as he's losing control of it* Tell Hanna I love...

Automated voice: End of message. To hear thi...

DJ: *hangs the phone up and stares at the wall* Lui...I have to do something...but, I...I..*slams fists into the table, making his stuff jump off it a couple inches* *sigh* I have to tell EDJ...they don't want him, just me. Maybe there's a chance... *gets all of his things organized and ready to go, then walks over to the control room* EDJ?

EDJ: Yeah? We're almost to shore, just a couple miles out.

DJ: Good. I got a message on my phone...

EDJ: Wow, I'm so happy for you... *rolls eyes*

DJ: It was from Lui...they're waiting for us at the shore and if I don't give myself up in two hours, they'll kill him.

EDJ: ....that's not good news at all...

DJ: Yeah, no kidding. But we don't really have much choice.

EDJ: But if Hanna's already with them, and we give ourselves up, how are we possibly going to get Lui out?

DJ: That's the thing, they only asked for me. You *points at EDJ*, aren't part of the bargain. You need to get off the ship before we land and get ahead of us somehow. I'll go along with them as long as it takes, ok?

EDJ: *sigh* I do love a good challenge in the morning. You sure this is going to work?

DJ: Like I said, do we really have any other options?

*scene switch*

Cryptic: *wakes up refreshed and rejuvenated* I love a good night out at sea, if only there weren't all these...distractions, I suppose, that need dealing with first. *scowls* Ugh, I'd better get an update on Hanna, before I forget. *calls the guards over* How's our passenger?

Guard: You mean icicle breath down there, sir? Ornery as usual, but still mostly cooperative last time I checked.

Cryptic: And that long ago again?

Second Guard: *checks watch* Half an hour, sir.

Cryptic: Fine, fine. You may go. See to it that she's in proper condition upon arrival, please.

Guard: Yes, Master Cryptic. *both guards exit*

Cryptic: Such a bother. However, the time of my freedom from this is near at hand, just to deliver the cargo as promised. *walks over to his private chambers and sits down at the organ* Ah, the only thing I can say I ever came close to loving. *starts playing softly* And the CS had to go and wreck all that! *the music picks up with feverish intensity, until it can be heard even from outside the ship* Aaaghh! You'll pay for your dealings, fools! *picks up a glass vial sitting on the organ and throws it against the door*

Hanna: *opens door and looks at Cryptic* Bad timing? I suppose now wouldn't be the best time to tell you the CS has blockheads for guards. Though you probably already knew that.

Cryptic: *whirls around* What are you doing in here? Ugh, never mind. I'm sorry you probably heard that. I don't have time to go into it all. Are you sure you're still going forward with this? Not that there's a lot of choice in the matter, but still. I'm not COMPLETELY insensitive, you know.

Hanna: *folds arms* I couldn't possibly care less. I did have some... second thoughts about my decision. Though I can assure you, it will not happen again. *glances at the organ* You play well. Though maybe a lower key would have suited you better... that and you ended it rather harshly. *shrugs indifferently* Personal opinion.

Cryptic: *nods* I'll keep that in mind for the next time. I suspect that the next tune will be something a tad more lighthearted, if the CS keeps up their end of the bargain. I'm sorry you had to be involved this way. Do let me know if there's anything I can do to help. *smiles sincerely* Now, we'll be arriving shortly, so I suppose you should make any final preparations now.

Hanna: *narrows eyes* I'm handing myself over to the enemy. What do you expect me to prepare, a will? *shakes head* You only know as much as they need you to know. You don't know their plans, so there is really no way you can help.

Cryptic: I was thinking more along the lines of clothing, food, email. I can guarantee that you'll find me to be much more lenient than the CS ever will be, so I suggest you take advantage of what little freedom you have left. If you have nothing further to say at this time, I would kindly ask you to leave me to gather my thoughts for the duration of the voyage. But before you go, I have something I'd like to give you. *turns and walks over to a drawer underneath the organ*

Hanna: *tentatively steps closer* It's not going to render me unconscious or anything, is it? I somewhat doubt it will, but one can never know. Despite your feigned change of heart, you certainly would have taken me to the CS by force if necessary

Cryptic: *laughs* Nothing of the sort. *opens the drawer and pulls out a long, narrow box* *closes the drawer and hands the box to Hanna and opens it, revealing a pearl necklace* Just a small gift, hope you like it.

Hanna: Um...thanks. I guess... *studies pearls closely* ... familiar... *shakes head and skeptically looks back at Cryptic* Why?

Cryptic: You remind me of one of the only memories I have from before...well, you know of what I allude. Truth be told, I highly doubt they would actually let me go free after I deliver you. They would probably just as soon kill me the moment you're in their hands. I just thought it would be...mutually advantageous...for us to watch each other's backs.

Hanna: *sigh* You're probably right, as much as I hate to admit it. Just so you know, you haven't gained my trust by any stretch of the imagination... but you have my respect... to a degree.

Cryptic: Nor would I expect to gain your trust that easily. About the necklace now, as you could expect, it's not just any necklace. The middle pearl has a communication device you can use to contact any of your friends, as well as myself. The others are actually miniscule anti-personnel explosives that break off the chain by squeezing the sides in. They will probably run you through a gauntlet of various detectors, but I believe that the necklace will get through all of them with no problems.

Hanna: *stares at the pearls* ...any of my friends... What about...? ... never mind. *closes box* Thank you, Cryptic. That's decent of you. *looks back at door* I suppose you want me to leave now, huh?

Cryptic: Unless you have anything else you had wanted to say or ask. Thank you for your time.

Hanna: Heh, time is a fickle substance. Which reminds me, how much longer is this three-hour tour going to be? Can't exactly say I'm enjoying the wait, no offense.

Cryptic: *looks out the window at the rising sun* I would expect us to be arriving within the half hour. If you have anything else that needs taking care of, I would do it now.

Hanna: Fair enough. *thoughtfully looks at Cryptic* Maybe he isn't as bad as I first thought. Maybe he... No. He hasn't changed. He's still the enemy, MY enemy. He's only looking out for himself, not unlike her... *glances at organ* You can resume playing that. I'm sure it's far more productive than throwing stuff at helpless doors. *walks out of the room and closes door behind her*

Cryptic: That seemed to go well enough. *opens the window and lets the sea breeze float into the cabin* Now the hardest thing left on the agenda is getting Hanna in and myself out, both preferably alive. *sigh* If I could go back and do things again...

*scene switch*

Eve: *wakes up with splitting headache and a shooting pain from the waist down to her knee* ugh.. wha-what happened... *holds her head and tries to stand* Whoa! *starts to fall and grabs the deck rail* Ugh... I need meds...

*tries to walk down the stairs, grabbing her right side with her left hand and holding the stair rail with her right hand* *limps down the stairs and down the hallway and finally reaches the medical office*

Ok... now then... *looks around for some anesthesia, but finds it all missing* hhhmmm... Man, if only Misty were here with those happy pills... Pfft, if only Misty were here period. *looks for anything that might help* Well, these crutches will have to do for now. *uses the crutches and reaches the deck*

Now what? I guess I should go look for anyone else who might be able to help... *starts to go around the deck, wincing at the pain, but trying to ignore it* I'll try the other end of the deck.

*starts to walk to the other side when she notices Brady sitting on a bench staring at the water* Oh, good! *she hobbles over to Brady* Hey, you wouldn't happen to know how to drive this thing, would you?

Brady: *doesn't look up* You're on your own. I've got enough of my own problems to take care of, thanks

Eve: *is unsure of what to say* Yeah... bu-but, aren't you supposed to protect Hanna or something like that? You can't do that if you're just sitting here! I'm an evil other, and even I know you can't protect something just by sitting here. *leans against deck's railing* From what I've heard, a lot is at stake here...

Brady: *slowly stands up and glares at Eve* You THINK?! The lives of this very world, as well as countless others, are at stake here! Hanna's gone, DJ's gone, Vix's gone, and I'm helpless to do anything about it! I should have done something during the confrontation last night, but I...I malfunctioned. Orpheus was right, I'm a complete defect. Now, what do you want?

Eve: *raises eyebrow* Ok, you are making noooo sense whatsoever. If all these worlds are at stake... pray tell, why are you just sitting here doing nothing about it? Just because you malfunctioned, doesn't mean you should get this upset about it! Everyone makes mistakes. You realized you have, now get over it. Anyway, I need you to help me steer this ship to La'Esk. *starts to walk to control room*

*turns around* By the way, one malfunction doesn't make a complete defect. *starts walking again*

Brady: *sits back down again* Whatever. I'm deteriorating far too fast to be of much more use, even to these fool heroes. *sighs and stands up again* Wait. I'll help you, but I can't guarantee anything.

Eve: *stops and waits for Brady to catch up* Ok. As long as you try, that's all I ask. *walks into control and sits down* *closes eyes and breathes deep* Ok... *opens eyes* Now then, here's the map, and here's the controls, but I have no idea how to work any of it.

Brady: And you got this again?

Eve: Umm... mainly by hobbling. Twasn't easy, I am here to tell you.

Brady: It's simple, really. *sits down next to Eve and starts operating the ship* We're going to La'Esk. You're sure that's where you need to be? There's seriously nothing but trouble and more trouble there.

Eve: Yes, that's where we need to go. See? *points to map* If you go to La'Esk, you can get to this Clocktower that y'all need to get to for some reason a lot faster this way. If you wanted to go a different way, it would take an extra 4-6 days, depending on traffic.

Brady: Hanna's...friend...and DJ's other, Lui, is up there with the Clockwork Syndicate against his will. They're using him as bait to get the both of them together so they can be used as a weapon powerful enough to destroy entire worlds. I'm going to set this thing to autopilot, and then I'm going to go find something to do for the remaining few hours. I suggest you take that time to decide whether or not you really want to continue on this path.

Eve: *watches Brady leave the room* *sits there and tries to decide what to do* I guess I'll walk back to my room and see if my equipment is still there.
*walks back to room and sits on bed* I guess I should put all this away. *starts to pack*

*scene switch*

Hanna: *walks back to room, moving the half-melted snow as she enters* *opens box and looks at pearls again* Maybe I should try contacting Brady. It wasn't fair for me to leave like that without telling him... even if he probably already knew it would happen... or did he? Ugh, time travel is so confusing. Even so, he's not going to be happy about this... *takes pearls out of box and closely inspects them* Cryptic can't be trusted, but that doesn't mean he's lying. Just because the last pearls I wore were restrainers... *attaches pearls around neck* Not that it matter this late in the game, can't get much worse than it already is.

*scene switch*

DJ: *an hour later* Ok, time for you to disappear. Make it convincing so they don't kill both Lui and me right off, ok?

EDJ: Yeah, yeah. You know how I love a nice swim in the morning. You're going to owe me big time if we pull this off.

DJ: Assuming neither of us dies, yes. We've been there before though, don't worry too much.

EDJ: Yup. Hey, good luck, alright?

DJ: Thanks. You too. For Lui!

EDJ: Yeah, sure. *climbs over the back side of the ship and dives into the dark water a few hundred yards off-shore*

DJ: *sighs* Here we go. *pilots the ship the rest of the way to shore and allows the CS to board*

Officer: Ah, so nice of you to join us. I've heard so much about you.

DJ: Likewise.

Officer: *stops* Umm...sure... *shudders* Guards! Take him to the transport, and see to it that this ship is inspected immediately.

Guard: Sir, yes sir! *a pair of guards in full body armor come and take DJ to an escort vehicle*

Officer: *waves* Have a nice trip! Your stay, however, not so much...ha...haha...hahahaha!!


EDJ: *climbs out of the water after the CS escorts have taken DJ away* Oh goody, now I get to follow on foot. *starts jogging in the same direction as the vehicle tracks...toward the Clocktower* DJ, I'm starting after you now. Should be enough distance between us. Meet you at the Clocktower...just hang in there, ok?

DJ: Y=Yeah, you too. I hope you kept up with that distance running...

*scene switch*

*Ace, Naomi, Misty, and Alzymus left the plains some time ago and are travelling through a large rock field, strewn with huge boulders wobbling precariously on top of other rocks*

Ace: This really is slow going, you guys. Naomi's not doing too well, and I could use a rest myself. You two, Misty and Alzymus, keep heading toward the docks and we'll catch up with you in a few minutes.

Alzymus: Well, alright. Misty, is that alright with you?

Misty: *shrugs* Sure. Y'all try to catch up as soon as you can.

Ace: Yeah, yeah.

Alzymus: Ok, let's go.

*Misty and Alzymus walk ahead, leaving Ace and Naomi behind*

Ace: Finally. I thought I'd never get the chance.

Naomi: Never get the chance... to do what? I have suspected Ace had a thing for me, and we haven't been by ourselves for a long time... (OO) What if he's going to propose?! *thinks* I'll just act like I don't notice and see what happens… I thought we'd never get a rest... *sits on rock*

Ace: *sits down next to Naomi* Y'know, we haven't been able to be by ourselves in forever. I've been waiting to do this a long time. *reaches into his pocket and pulls out a little black box, then hands it to Naomi*

Naomi: *grabs box and opens it to see ring* *tries to find words* Ace... I... I don't know what to say...

Ace: *stands up* And to be honest, I could care less what you say. *draws sword* Time to die, you rebel! *twirls behind Naomi and slashes her neck open* Bye, Naomi. I'll make sure the Syndicate takes good care of your pathetic little rebellion. *watches as
Naomi crumples to the ground, then walks off in the opposite direction of Alzymus and Misty*

*scene switch*

*while Ace is taking care of Naomi*

Misty: So, Alzymus, now that you're not trying to get a hold of Zione, why are you still helping us?

Alzymus: That's part of the problem...I AM still trying to get a hold of Zione. He just happens to be going to the same place you are. I probably should have told you all this a while ago. I have reason to believe he's going to join the Clockwork Syndicate...and I can't let that happen.

Misty: *raises eyebrows* Wow, the CS is the happening place nowadays...

How do you plan on stopping him?

Alzymus: Well, my plan right now was to work with you and your friends to take them down, catching Zione in the process. If that's all right with you guys. Seems we have a common enemy now. How about you? Why have you been helping Hanna and DJ?

Misty: *shrugs* Fine with me. Seems the more people we have, the better anyway. Well, ever since I had an... accident with my other, I've helped people with their others. I saw Hanna and DJ needed help, so I teleported to Everest to help them. I never imagined it would get this complicated.

Alzymus: *raises eyebrows* You have an other too? Do you mind talking about that accident? It's fine if you don't...I know how the issue can be for some people.

Misty: *nods* Yes, I do indeed have an other, Eve. She... well... *stares into space for a few seconds* She killed my sister. After that, I brought her here, just so that she can't hurt anyone else. So far, it seems to be working. Something about Thorae seems to change her. I'm not sure what it is though. But ever since then, I've tried to help people with their others. Makes for a lot of traveling, but *shrugs* tis ok.

Alzymus: Your...sister? *blinks* I'm sorry to hear about that. You probably didn't know this, but Tellians are unable to have others. We don't have any of the problems concerning them that you do.

Misty: Thanks...

*nods* I did not know that... *looks and sees the docks* Oh, we are here. *turns in circles* I don't see Ace and Naomi anywhere... *shrugs* ok well *turns to Alzymus* Lead the way.

Alzymus: Right. *points to the ground* There are vehicle tracks here, and a lot of footprints. I'd say most of them are only an hour or so ahead of us, actually...we just missed whatever happened here. *continues walking slowly, but suddenly stops* *points to the ground* These tracks here are even more recent. Not more than half an hour, I'd wager. But why did one person wait behind the rest and then follow? That's quite strange. *looks up at the dock* There's a ship tied to the's not flying any colors, which is also strange.

Misty: *looks at where the tracks lead* They seem to lead in the direction of... *looks up* The Clocktower.

*looks from the tracks to the ship* want to follow the tracks, or investigate the ship first?

Alzymus: *looks in the direction of the Clocktower* I vote for the ship. We might get an idea of what happened here...and what's going on up there. *points at the tower*

Misty: *nods* Sounds like a good idea.

Alzymus: It's huge, isn't it?

Misty: *looks at the tower* Aye, tis huge. If it weren’t evil, it would be epic. *follows Alzymus to ship*

Alzymus: *steps onto the deck and looks around* *goes below the deck and looks around more* Before whoever brought those vehicles came, there were probably two people here. Based on the computer room, one of them was there most of the time. The other was in that bunkroom down the hall. A bunch of people came on board after the ship docked and searched through the boat, based on the footprints here. This used to be a pirate boat, but there would be more than just two people and a whole lot less equipment still here if the pirates had been in control of it. There were pirates in it recently though...there are signs of several more people...not to mention signs of a struggle on the deck.

Misty: Agreed. *walks below to the bunkroom* Not much left here. *walks back to deck and looks around* Hey... wait a second... *picks up piece of DJ's armor* Alzymus! *turns to Alzymus* This is a piece of DJ's armor! I'm sure of it. *runs down to computer room* If DJ was here, that means one of the others might have been here with him. *looks around for something that might help* Hmmm... *walks over to window* *opens it* Here's footprints, it looks as if one of them jumped out of the ship. *sees piece of black cloth caught on window* And I think I might know which one... *walks back upstairs to show Alzymus*

Alzymus: So it was DJ and EDJ, then. But why would they be with a group that large? Unless...they're CS. *frowns* That can't possibly be good. *thinks* You said that EDJ went out the window, right?

Misty: That's sure what it looks like. I think we should head on after them and... *voice trails off and she looks out to sea* and there seems to be another ship coming in.

Alzymus: *follows Misty's gaze* Aye, I see it. Large cruiser, by the looks of it. Shouldn't be long until it arrives...maybe if we're lucky, somebody we know is following DJ and EDJ...

Misty: *nods* I hope so. *sits on deck and waits* I sure hope so...

*scene switch*

Eve: *walks onto deck* Ah, we are coming into port. Good.

Brady: I take it you still want to continue, then. Alzymus and Misty are on that dock waiting for us. Looks like EDJ and DJ beat us here in that pirate ship...they're probably already headed toward the Clocktower. Even after I told them to stay away from the Clockwork Syndicate, they still persist in throwing themselves into danger over and over again! *scowls* Well, I suppose that would leave it up to us to go after them. Maybe if we're lucky I can overtake them before they get DJ to the tower. If they get both Hanna and DJ up's all over. *looks at Eve* Are you SURE you're still with me here? I won't allow any distractions...I can't allow myself

Eve: Why do you keep thinking I'll quit? Yes, I want to continue.
*looks at ship sitting at the dock* And I bet you Alzymus and Misty will help us as well.

Brady: I'm sure...the whole lot of you have no concept of the danger you're in. Don't blame me when something bad happens. Let's just hope that we get there in time, ok? *ahem* I'm sorry for raining on your happy parade. Perhaps I should try to think higher of you...hard as that is for me.

Eve: Now listen here. I may not be from the future like you, and I may be an evil other, but just because I am those things, doesn't mean you have to act the way you have been. Being from the future doesn't make you any more special then the rest of us. And further more, if you think any of us are enjoying this, you are dearly mistaken. I don't know about the others, but I know it can't be fun for any of them. I think all I'm trying to say is, stop thinking so highly of yourself.

Brady: *stares at Eve blankly* Sure, sure.

Eve: ... Ok then, at least we agree... sorta. *walks down to controls to dock the ship* This one.... *flips a blue lever* Then the red one... *turns red wheels* And then this last one *turns the key* There we go. *walks back up to the dock. You ready, Brady?

Brady: Yeah, as ready as I'll ever be. *walks to the railing and leaps overboard LotR style*

Eve: *walks down and follows Brady*

Brady: *watches Eve* That was anticlimactic. You could at least try to be a little more exciting...

Alzymus: *walks up to Brady* I'm sure that you're well aware of what's going on here. Are you two headed toward the Clocktower as well?

Misty: *turns the corner and sees Eve* *is taken aback and takes a few steps back* *is at a loss for words*

Eve: *sees Misty* Ok... this is it. You can do this. Just tell her what happened. She'll understand... if I'm lucky...

Misty: *finally finds words* EVE! what in the world are you doing here?! *narrows eyes* And whose side are you on?

Eve: *walks closer to Misty* Misty, I have to tell you.. I didn't--

Misty: *holds up hand* Now's not the time. If you are actually on our side... then we better get down to business. Now then... are you headed for the Clocktower?

Eve: *blinks* I...uh... I think so. *turns to Brady* Are we?

Brady: *doesn't take his eyes off Alzymus* Yeah, that's the plan. Road trip, anyone?

Alzymus: As if we have a choice...

Brady: That's what I've been telling Eve for DO have a choice.

Alzymus: Not as far as I'm concerned, I don't. Now, let's go before this trail gets any colder. They're not more than a couple hours ahead of us.

Brady: *nods* I'm well aware of that. Let's go then, seeing as you insist. *leads the group toward the Clocktower*

Misty: *follows Brady* *stops mid-stride and turns full circle* Wait, where's Hanna? *looks at Alzymus then Brady*

Brady: *facepalm* You REALLY don't want to know.

Misty: *steps in front of Brady* Yes, I REALLY do want to know.

Brady: Fine, then.

Alzymus: .....

Brady: Hanna's gone with the Clockwork Syndicate...Cryptic, if you wish to be more specific. Although I don't think any of you except for Eve here actually knows who Cryptic is. Short story, he doesn't actually work for them, but he's being blackmailed by them...the cost of his freedom was either DJ or Hanna.

Misty: So what you are telling me is, they have both of them?

Eve: *tilts head back and forth* Mmmm... yeah. Pretty much.

Misty: And that the only way to get there is by walking?

Brady: Unless you can magically grow a pair of wings...or if Alzymus were actually big enough to carry us...

Alzymus: I actually could probably take you one at a time, although I don't know how much time that would save.

Misty: I see... I don't know if that would save much time. Besides, it would be too dangerous. *thinks* *snaps fingers and grins* what if I told you, I could get us a car within 10 minutes?

Alzymus: That would be a lot better than me carrying people...not to mention a lot faster.

Brady: If you said that, I would say go right ahead.

Misty: That's what I thought. Ok... *pulls out phone and dials Sarah*

Sarah: Hello?

Misty: Sarah! I need you to teleport 4 people.

Eve: Wait... I thought it was only you goi--

Misty: *to Eve* Shhh... *to Sarah* Can you?

Sarah: Sure thing! And they are all with you?

Misty: Yup.

Sarah: Alrighty.

Misty: Beam us up, Scotty! *hangs up phone* Y'all ready?

Alzymus: I think so. What is it that we're actually doing?

Misty: *grins* Teleporting back to HQ.

*They all teleport back to Misty's office*

Misty: Hey, Sarah.

Sarah: *tosses Misty the keys* Y'all be careful.

Misty: *nods* of course. I'll call you when we get down there.

Eve: Misty, couldn't we just get transported straight to the CS tower?

Misty: It would be handy, but Sarah doesn't have the coordinates to there. *leads the group to the parking garage* There it is. *points to blue 3000 GT* Hop in! *hops in front*

Alzymus: I'd rather ride a has to be much faster than that hunk of metal you're sitting in. *frowns*

Brady: Dude, you have NO idea whatsoever. Shotgun! *hops in next to Misty*

Alzymus: If you say so. I still don't like the idea though... *jumps in the back* At least the seats are more comfortable.

Misty: Yeah, well, I've had bad experiences with dragons. And besides, Al, can I call you Al? When I told you about the car you were all for it. And I know that dragons don't have these, so just a reminder... don't forget to buckle up.

Eve: *nods* She's got a point. *hops in the back*

Misty: Eve sure has changed... but I don't know if it's for better or not. Only time will tell I suppose... Ok... *drives car out of parking garage and towards the Clockower at two-thirds speed it can go*

Brady: *yawns* Wake me up when it's over.

Alzymus: Umm... *grabs buckle and fumbles with it trying to get it on*


Christina: *is walking down a long road staring at crystal ball* Hhhmmm… It says I shall have an encounter with some people I’ve already met… This thing must be broken because I don’t see anyone around here. *puts ball away* *turns around to see a car getting closer* Hey, maybe I can get a ride to the CS tower. *stands in the middle if the road and waves*

Brady: Oh look, there's another one of our oh-so-delightful friends...Misty, you wouldn't happen to have the capability to actually run someone over, would you? I don't particularly feel like stopping.

Misty: *glares at Brady* No. For two reasons, one, it's wrong. And two, she's our friend. And a third one, just for kicks, I just got the car washed. *stops car near Christina and asks her* You want to help us?

Brady: *facepalm*

Christina: Help you? YOU'RE the one with the car! By the way, scoot over. *hops in next to Eve* So, where are you headed this gorgeous day in Thorae? I was just on my way to the Clocktower. *whispers to Eve* I hear that 's the place to be these days.

Misty: By help us, I meant help us get Lui, Hanna, and DJ from the Clocktower.

Eve: *scoots over* We are headed for the Clocktower, so I suppose you picked just the right car.

Misty: *nods and starts driving again*

Christina: Of course I'll help you get goth girl and DJ back. Oh, and Mario too. *nods*

Misty: *nods* Good. That makes at least five of us then. And if EDJ, Ace and Naomi are there to help us, that adds three more. We shall see, what we shall see.

Christina: Of course we'll see what we see. How can we see what we can't see? Anyways, I was leaving with Hairam to fix the awesome deficiency on Earth until I realized it. Wherever I'm not, there's automatically an awesome deficiency! So where'd you get the car, reminds me of Batman.

Brady: Just what we need...another mouth to feed. Although, that means another sword by which to bleed.

Alzymus: Hey Christina. I'm Alzymus, and I don't think we've met yet.

Christina I can feed my own mouth , very much thank you. That's why I brought this bag of food that YOUR not getting, Romeo. Now then, hi there, girly wing dude. Do you have a brother with black wings that looks cooler than you?

Alzymus: *blinks* Depends on your definition of brother.

Christina: Brother... you know, like a brother in law without the law part.

Alzymus: Most certainly not.

Brady: ...they're more like sworn enemies...

Christina: Your brother's your enemy?! Well no wonder you don't get along!

Alzymus: He's my brother only in the fact that we live in the same world, and the males all consider each other brothers. He just happens to be my enemy because he tried to assassinate the chief of the joint tribe.

Brady: Blah, blah, blah. Nobody really cares, Alzymus.

Misty: Brady, you’re just jealous because you don't have an interesting story to tell everyone. That, or you just plain won't tell for some odd reason.

Brady: Yeah, pretty much choice two there, Meredith. That's my final answer. No, I just get interrupted every time I try to tell one, so there's no point in bothering.

Misty: First off, the name's Misty. Secondly, if everyone were quiet, then would you tell it?

Brady: Tell you what...after we rescue all of the idio- ...friends at the Clocktower, I'll write a whole book for you. *rolls eyes*

Christina: Looks like someone got up on the wrong side of the bed this morning.

Brady: Whatever. *points ahead to a large city with immense walls and guard towers at regular intervals along its length* Now, are any of you wanted among the Syndicate, or will we be able to get inside La'Creval without trouble? This is the capital city of La'Esk, and more or less the headquarters of the Syndicate's power.

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Deleted Scene: Take 9 - Interview the Evil Genius!

Interview The Evil Genius!

Misty: Good afternoon, sir. If I understand correctly I can contact an EDJ at this address, correct? We at 33.3 FM radio would like to interview EDJ at some point soon. Could you give him this message for me?
From all of us at 33.3 FM radio, thanks.
Misty McCluney

EDJ: EDJ speaking...what's in it for me? Heh

Misty: If you help us out, not only will we send you a special prize in the mail, but you will also win a trip for 2 to London... No, that was a total lie. We can't afford that. But, you shall receive something in the mail. What do ya say?
Misty McCluney, President and founder of 33.3 FM radio

EDJ: MAILZ!!! Count me in ^_^ What sorta survey thingy be this?

Misty: Since you are sorta, kinda a co-author of ISC, I'd like to ask you some questions about that. A while back I interviewed your co-author, Savvy. Would this be all right with you?

EDJ: Heh, sorta kinda indeed. I'm the brain behind most of DJ's work after all. That's perfectly fine with me.

Misty: Ok. ^_^ *drags EDJ to radio station* Ok, we're starting in 3...2...1...
*talks into mic* Good afternoon, and thank you for joining us at 33.3 Fm radio. I'm your host, Misty. And today we have a special guest, EDJ, who helps write the book Ice Sword Chronicles. EDJ, thank you for taking time to be here with us today.

EDJ: *mock salutes* It's my pleasure, Misty. How are you today?

Misty: I am doing very well, thanks. First off, I'd like to ask, how did you all start writing ISC?

EDJ: Hmm, you know, that would probably be better answered by my Other, DJ. But as far as I can remember, ISC began as a simple game of chaining alternating thoughts that have absolutely nothing to do with each other. Also known as the Wrong Answers to Obvious Questions game.

Misty: That's interesting. Now, I heard that you all don't exactly have an... outline as to what is going to happen. Does this make things more difficult, or not so much?

EDJ: That's correct, Misty. And actually, it doesn't really get in the way too much. ISC's always been about the spontaneity and random moments of the authors, so not having any outline actually allows us to be more creative. We certainly have specific end goals in mind, but the paths to those ends are mostly open.

Misty: Very interesting. Now, time for a commercial break.

*commercial voice* Are you tired of losing your left socks? And why does it always seem to be after the laundry? Well, worry no more! For we have a product that we're sure you'll want to buy! Your packages of socks come not only with 1 left sock, but 3! That's right! 3 left socks for the price of 1! With this, you will be able to do at least 3 loads of laundry before you have to buy more left socks! And you can get this great radio offer for only $19.99. You heard me! $19.99. But you must call now!

*back to radio show*

Misty: We're back. I'm Misty and today we are interviewing Ice Sword Chronicle co-author, EDJ. Who, I have just learned, is actually a character in the story. Can you tell us a little bit about that, EDJ?

EDJ: Ah, I'd be happy to, Misty. I consider myself to be sort of the tragic hero of ISC. Sure, I start out as being an evil super villain and all, but as time passes, the reader actually gets to know the real me. And I end up really becoming the hero I was meant to be, but we wouldn't want to spoil any surprises, so I can't really say too much about that bit. But there's definitely some exciting things about it.

Misty: After you become... I wouldn't say not evil, but less evil than more, Do you look back and wish you had stayed that way?

EDJ: Well, becoming...less evil...led me to being undead, to make a very long story short. But I would make the same decision every single time if I had to do it again. To answer the question that is ISC, I would go to the ends of life itself for love. Wow, that sounded really sappy.

Misty: *plays pre-recorded "awww..."* That's really sweet and... Almost hard to imagine. How are you hoping ISC plays out?

EDJ: Yeah, the whole evil genius that lost his edge thing's going there. Whatevs, you know? Anyway, I'd love to see ISC turn into the media darling that it is meant to series, movies *cough* not like Eragon *cough* cartoon series, video games, the little collectible bobble heads, the whole deal!

Misty: Well, that's really great. But I was kinda referring to the story itself...

EDJ: Oh, that. I'd love to talk more about it, but I was threatened within an inch of my non-life if I said anything about what's next. So I can't really tell you anything new specifically about where we're going, but it's definitely leading up to the grand finale, the big tuna, the whole enchilada, the final countdown! *starts singing* It's the final countdown! *ahem* I mean, stay's going to be awesome.

Misty: Sorry, folks. I tried. *smiles* It's been great having you on the show today, EDJ. Thanks again for coming on. Is there anything you would like to say to our listeners before we leave?

EDJ: Well, besides to say thanks for watching, I'll just say... *thinks* oh! Always Hope!!

Misty: Always hope, now there's a saying to live by. Thank you all for listening this evening. *looks at camera on ceiling* I would also like to thank our web audience who is watching us this evening. *waves* *camera switches off* That's a wrap! Thank you once again, EDJ. *shakes his hand* You will be receiving your prize in the mail shortly.

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Deleted Scene: Take 8 - Interviews? We do those too

Interviews? We do those too

Misty: *ahem* Here we are today with Savannah, coauthor of the famous book Ice Sword Chronicles.

BBM: *smiles and waves at the camera*

Misty: How's it feel to be a part of this really-hope to be someday-famous book?

BBM: *giggles* It's awesome. I'm really surprised it came so far. I'll tell you, it's absolutely wonderful! ^_^

Misty: Yes, it is AMAZING that it has. I mean... err... next question. I heard that y'all are considering making it into a movie, is this true?

BBM: Ah, yes, there has been some debate on that. I think my fellow coauthors are jived to turn it into a movie. I, on the other hand, M. Can I call you M? Personally, I'll only accept it as a movie if it turns out as well as Lord of the Rings. You know all these new movies based on books turn out horrible, so I just want ISC to be appreciated for what it truly is: Epic.

Misty: Of course you can call me M. I see, I see. Yes, I do understand about the movies being different from the books.
It is extremely aggravating when they do that. But tell me, I also hear you haven't even finished the book yet. How is that coming?

BBM: It's going... slow, to tell you the truth. We move along perfectly well when we're all together and not busy, but then we slow down. The same thing happened last year. As soon as summer rolled along, things stopped for months at a time. But I think we're making progress now, even if only a little.

Misty: *nods* This makes perfect sense. Well, it looks like our time is up.

BBM: *nods*

Misty: Tune in next week to find out what REALLY happened to your lost socks

BBM: Do I REALLY want to know? (OO)

Misty: *shrugs* THAT is the question now, isn't it?

BBM: Nope, tisn't. I've already decided I don't want to know. XD

Misty: Then you better not tune in next week. XD


Sunday, June 5, 2011

Deleted Scene: Take 7, Part 1 - Frozen Calamari

Frozen Calamari

ISCLui: *giggles* how come you're listening to my music?
CrisisCloud: not...
ISCLui: whatever :P you're listening to my music ^_^
ISCLui: *poof*
Blackberrymew: *plays Mr. Blue Sky* ^_^
CrisisCloud: *doesn't say what's playing* <_< >_>
Blackberrymew: *smirks*
CrisisCloud: ......
CrisisCloud: cruelty to EDJs is a crime :P
Blackberrymew: says who? :P
CrisisCloud: *draws sword* me
Blackberrymew: *folds arms* yeah? whatchya gonna do about it?
CrisisCloud: *throws sword at BBM* make ye stop XD
Blackberrymew: *sidesteps the sword* why? this is fun :P
CrisisCloud: *creates new sword* until somebody loses an eye :P
Blackberrymew: yeah, how does that work with the undead? *creates an icicle and throws it at EDJ*
CrisisCloud: *blinks* I didn't necessarily mean me :P
CrisisCloud: *watches icicle melt as it flies by his hand*
Blackberrymew: *folds arms* and you say I'm no fun
CrisisCloud: XD fine *watches a storm roll in suddenly* ^_^
CrisisCloud: *looks up as fireballs rain from the sky*
Blackberrymew: .....
CrisisCloud: hehe, ye didn't think I'd just sit around without training for new abilities, did ye?
Blackberrymew: ... maybe?
CrisisCloud: *smirks and watches the makeshift meteor shower* so much for that
Blackberrymew: *dodges an oncoming fireball* how come things have to always be to your advantage?
CrisisCloud: ....because I'm the stronger one?
Blackberrymew: you are not! :P
CrisisCloud: *grins* then why don't I see icicles falling from the sky instead of fireballs?
Blackberrymew: *jumps out of the way of another fireball* cause... uh... cause... I... um
Blackberrymew: no reason
CrisisCloud: *raises eyebrows* fair enough ^_^ well does that answer yer question then? XD
Blackberrymew: not really :P
CrisisCloud: *pulls out squid launcher* fear me!
Blackberrymew: have GOT to be kidding me.....
CrisisCloud: ^_^ despicable me has epic ideas for weapons
Blackberrymew: *facepalm*
CrisisCloud: *fires squid launcher*
Blackberrymew: *watches squid plot at her feet* .... wow, that was *steps over squid* that was really something :P
CrisisCloud: .......
CrisisCloud: *thinks* now what?
CrisisCloud: *reloads launcher with a turkey*
Blackberrymew: ......
Blackberrymew: I didn't think that was physically possible....
CrisisCloud: ^_^ neither was dying and yet living
Blackberrymew: ye got me there XD
CrisisCloud: >:D HA! *fires squid/turkey launcher at BBM*
Blackberrymew: *watches the turkey fall to the ground, flapping violently, then run off* might want to rethink your strategy
CrisisCloud: *throws launcher at BBM* :P like that?
Blackberrymew: *grabs launcher, pulls up another squid and aims at EDJ with a grin* sure *shoots a frozen squid*
CrisisCloud: (OO) *grabs a flaming wok and thaws the squid* calamari ^_^
Blackberrymew: XD
CrisisCloud: *grins* resourcefulness will always defeat frozen squid
Blackberrymew: either that or a hungry stomach :P
CrisisCloud: XD quite
Blackberrymew: *rests launcher on shoulder* so, we gonna continue this petty fight in a truce or an actual epic battle? choose quickly, this thing is slimy...
CrisisCloud: hmmmm *looks at dagger stock hidden in his cape* ah, I've got a few left here still ^_^ epic battle it is
Blackberrymew: *tosses aside launcher and brushes shoulder off* sweet *draws sword*
CrisisCloud: *creates sword made out of pure emerald* your move :P
Blackberrymew: wait, what? how? that's not even logical! :P
CrisisCloud: XD that’s usually the idea
Blackberrymew: XP
CrisisCloud: *leaps toward BBM and flings a dagger at each leg with a flip of his wrist*
Blackberrymew: *flips backward and lands in a crouch* *ground trembles and a stream of water bursts through and smashes into EDJ*
CrisisCloud: *gets thrown up into the air by the force of the water* wait, since when could ye do THAT?! *hovers in the air cautiously*
Blackberrymew: *smirks* spring break in WI ^_^
CrisisCloud: (OO) interesting *makes note in phone and then pulls out a bundle of 25 daggers and drops them all over BBM*
CrisisCloud: oops *smirks*
Blackberrymew: let me get that for you :P *freezes daggers and sends them shooting back to EDJ*
CrisisCloud: *raises eyebrows* how thoughtful of you ^_^
CrisisCloud: *watches them all fly past and then fall back down again*
Blackberrymew: *sets the daggers in a sphere around EDJ, then has them all shoot toward the center*
CrisisCloud: (OO) *melts the ones at the bottom of the sphere and drops through the bottom, catching the thawed ones by the hilts*
Blackberrymew: interesting, you're the first person I know to escape that
CrisisCloud: *grins* there's a first time for everything
Blackberrymew: indeed ^_^
CrisisCloud: like this *dive-bombs towards BBM with both daggers pointed straight down*
CrisisCloud: bah, I have needs to go :P *pulls up and hands the daggers to BBM*
Blackberrymew: *grumbles and takes daggers* we'll finish this another time then
CrisisCloud: *buries a dagger into both of BBM’s arms* didn’t think I’d cheat, did you?
Blackberrymew: *clenches teeth* c-course not... *freezes and pulls them out* *exhales*
CrisisCloud: (OO)
CrisisCloud: *poof*
Blackberrymew: *sits down with a sigh and stares at arms* he is soooo going to pay for that
Blackberrymew: *pulls some herbs from a pocket and tends to wounds* Heh, seems we're getting more creative though

Monday, April 18, 2011

Deleted Scene: Take 3, Part 6 - The Weakness of Shard

The Weakness of Shard

FreakShow: Poking you is fun
ShardsIce: so is shoving an icicle through you, I'd bet
FreakShow: *shrugs* prolly
FreakShow: but that would hurt
FreakShow: I was not aware pokes hurt that much
ShardsIce: they usually don't, but they annoy beyond belief >_>
FreakShow: *shrugs* ok, no more pokes
ShardsIce: *nods*
FreakShow: *pokes Shard again*
ShardsIce: You just said no more pokes! >_>
FreakShow: I know! and the funny thing is, you believed me *laughs*
ShardsIce: *glares*
FreakShow: *hides behind tree*
ShardsIce: *clenches fist* *takes a deep breath* Heh, you're doing well *smirks*
FreakShow: mmm, thanks
FreakShow: why are you holding back though? I find that odd
FreakShow: unless you aren't, and just have nothing to hold back
FreakShow: *smirks *
ShardsIce: That's it! You're going down! *shoots into the air* come out from behind that tree!
FreakShow: mmmm, I would rather not *looks at fingers and leans against tree*
FreakShow: quite the show you got there... too bad I am the Ring Master *evil laugh*
ShardsIce: *stays in the air* what’s that supposed to mean?!
FreakShow: *shrugs* you figure it out, I have no clue
FreakShow: *sildes out from behind tree*
ShardsIce: *glares* I could unleash my total fury, though I like to pace myself... otherwise, you'd be dead before I could enjoy killing you
FreakShow: *giggles* I have no fury... just I-don't-care feelings
FreakShow: *sets the grass on fire* *puts on gasmask*
ShardsIce: creepy grass... it does burn green... *cough* *flies higher*
FreakShow: mhmm, it also contains a chemical that causes intense hallucinations and paralysis, if breathed in *giggles again*
ShardsIce: *cough* you expect me to believe that?! *cough* you're far more delusional than I thought
FreakShow: *shrugs* its your choice to believe it or not. I am simply the messenger
FreakShow: and I have been called delusional many times...
ShardsIce: *cough* *cough* ...doubt....
FreakShow: aww, don't give up THAT easily. Think girl! *shakes head*
ShardsIce: *glares* I'm NOT *cough* giving in *cough* just *cough* *looks around*
FreakShow: just what? Buying time you cannot pay for?
FreakShow: ahh, that is a good one
ShardsIce: waiting *cough* for *spots lake* THAT! *dives into the water*
FreakShow: ahh, very resourceful. Very good *claps*
FreakShow: *starts to dump oil in lake*
ShardsIce: *part of the lake freezes and icicles shoot out at FS*
FreakShow: eek! *melts the icicles quickly, setting the oil on fire in the process*
FreakShow: *hides behind another tree*
ShardsIce: *walks out of the lake and looks around*
FreakShow: *pauses* I hate to cut our little chat short, but I must vanish for a time *smirks* *disappears*
SA: wow, it’s pouring! and Freak Show actually helped figure out the main plot line for TSA... but what do you care? *thinks*
ShardsIce: ...exactly... *winces*
ShardsIce: *blinks* *shakes head* nah....
SA: is something wrong?
ShardsIce: course not... just... *blinks* why are you purple? and now I'm seeing double *shakes head*
SA: ..... O.o I am not purple... I dare say something IS wrong
ShardsIce: *shakes head* no, it’s not. ....and now you're yellow.... *blinks*
SA: ................
ShardsIce: (OO) there are three of you....
SA: *waves hand in front of Shard’s eyes* Focus!
ShardsIce: what do you think I'm TRYING to do?!
SA: you are trying to push help away, that’s what
SA: now what is wrong??
ShardsIce: I'm not pushing help aw... bubbles... Augh! *squeezes eyes shut* everything's in so many colors! ...and...and... *falls to knees*
SA: yes you are. You are telling me nothing is wrong, when something clearly is
ShardsIce: *clutches head* I'm FINE!!
SA: no, you’re not
ShardsIce: I can take care of myself, so just back off!
SA: *shrugs* fine
ShardsIce: *glances up and jumps back* Get away from me! All of you!
SA: there is only one of me *says softly*
ShardsIce: *shakes head vigorously* there has to be at least 30 of you...all in different colors...Stop moving already!
SA: *puts a ring of fire around you* yeah... too bad I am no doctor. Hopefully that will keep you there while I think *thinks*
ShardsIce: *tries to fly away, but crashes back to the ground* ...ow... come on... *tries to stand and falls* ugh
SA: fascinating
ShardsIce: *curls up and closes eyes* Stay away from me! At least put the red flames out! PLEASE?!?!
SA: *shuts off the fire* at least you got THAT color right
ShardsIce: *shivers* just....stay...away....
LadyofGraceAndHope: maybe it was a bad time to come
SA: *shrugs* I don’t know
SA: Shard is suffering from hallucinations, it seems
LadyofGraceAndHope: oh dear, that’s very sad. Poor girl
ShardsIce: I don't need your PITY!!
SA: then you shall not get it
SA: yeah... I could help her, but why would I want to do that?
LadyofGraceAndHope: you have a point there
SA: *holds up little blue bottle* I suspect Freak Show did this... and if so, judging by the scorched grass, this could make Shard all better
ShardsIce: *blankly stares back*
SA: *smiles* but she wants me to stay away. It is her choice... though she seems to be paralyzed as well now
LadyofGraceAndHope: well, now’s a good time
SA: *shrugs* *dips a little dart it bottle and shoots Shard with it using a blowgun* I love those things
LadyofGraceAndHope: why did you do that?! wait... will it help her?
SA: aye, it is an antidote
ShardsIce: *blinks*
LadyofGraceAndHope: uhmmm why would there be grass that burns green if the grass is already green?
ShardsIce: *coughs weakly* who cares... deadly stuff...
SA: no kidding
LadyofGraceAndHope: I don’t care for grass that is already green
ShardsIce: yeah... *tries to sit up* *fails* black grass you can always count on to already be dead
SA: true that
SA: ^_^ glad you are alright though
ShardsIce: speak for yourself >_>
ShardsIce: *tries to sit up again* ugh *pulls dart out* did you really have to shoot me?
SA: yeah, since you would not let me near you
ShardsIce: what could I really do about it while paralyzed?
SA: well, if I made you unparalyzed, you might have been angry that I got near you, and then badness
ShardsIce: *growls* can one of you at least help me up?
SA: oh, right *hands Shard a stick*
LadyofGraceAndHope: *walks over and grabs Shard’s hand*
SA: oh fine *walks over and grabs the other hand, pulling Shard up*
ShardsIce: whatever *tries to stand on own* Now if you'll just let me go...
LadyofGraceAndHope: let her go?
SA: *ahem* are you sure you can stand?
ShardsIce: Sure I'm sure! Now let me go!
SA: *lets go*
ShardsIce: *falls* ouch.... grrr...
SA: ......
ShardsIce: all right, fine, so I can't. Big deal
SA: *shrugs* you should soon enough
ShardsIce: *nods* at least you're getting your normal color back...
ShardsIce: I'd like to knock his lights out one of these days... *tries to stand again* he had no right to toy with me like that
SA: of course he didn't, he did it cause he wanted to *helps support Shard*
ShardsIce: did I ask for help? >_>
SA: nope, but you needed it
ShardsIce: says you
SA: duh
LadyofGraceAndHope: can you feel anything?
ShardsIce: *thinks* I mostly feel.... anger... annoyance... and apathy...
LadyofGraceAndHope: what have you done today, Shard?
ShardsIce: Yo, no reason to go accusing me! I didn't do anything today! Really!
ShardsIce: *thinks* ok, I tried to fight the freak guy and I got whooped. That's it
LadyofGraceAndHope: haahaha, he whooped you!
ShardsIce: *glares* I was doing all right until he cheated!
LadyofGraceAndHope: well, you cheat a lot too
ShardsIce: *folds arms* what's your point?
LadyofGraceAndHope: hehehe, my point is you cheat a lot and he cheated you this time instead you cheating and beating him
ShardsIce: I see your point, I'm going soft... I KNEW this would happen! *sulks*
LadyofGraceAndHope: you amuse me greatly!
ShardsIce: *wrinkles nose* how's that? Is it the fact that I got BEAT or the fact that I'm going SOFT?!
LadyofGraceAndHope: BOTH!
ShardsIce: *runs sword through LOGAH* *apathetically* let's not let the word out, deary. No need to let the whole world know
FreakShow: you are a bit tooo soft Shard
LadyofGraceAndHope: I don’t die any more!
FreakShow: and I lack style, actually...
ShardsIce: *yanks sword out of LOGAH* do tell me there is a cure for weird
FreakShow: death
FreakShow: destruction
FreakShow: ...poison gas.... *smirks*
ShardsIce: *glares*
LadyofGraceAndHope: *laughs crazily*
FreakShow: *blinks*
ShardsIce: *chops LOGAH's head off*
LadyofGraceAndHope: *new head pops up*
FreakShow: hey! I did that earlier
ShardsIce: *chops new head off* he did
FreakShow: I need more ways to kill people... *thinks*
ShardsIce: *shrugs* I say if you find a way, stick with it
LadyofGraceAndHope: *another head pops up* we could do this all night, sugar....
FreakShow: *shakes head* where is the fun in that? The style? If you just do it one way, it becomes predictable, and then people can dodge it
ShardsIce: *chops LOGAH's legs off*
ShardsIce: *chops LOGAH in half*
ShardsIce: try that on for size XD
FreakShow: .... now there is a conundrum
LadyofGraceAndHope: *jellies back together*
ShardsIce: *hacks LOGAH in half the other way*
ShardsIce: how I dislike these immortals, they never die >_>
ShardsIce: *twirls sword and stabs FS*
FreakShow: now..... that was unexpected....
FreakShow: *laughs* jk jk
ShardsIce: *twists sword and yanks it out* is there NO respect for the evil around here?!
FreakShow: *shakes head* ‘fraid not
FreakShow: define "evil"
ShardsIce: me *sheathes sword* how about a way to kill you?
FreakShow: there are various ways to kill me. and you evil? I suppose... you need to be a bit less merciful though, methinks *smirks*
ShardsIce: I'm not trying to be merciful! AUGH! This is USELESS!
FreakShow: yeah, it is uber frustrating when your foe just won't die
ShardsIce: No kidding *sigh* back in the day, mortals feared me. People knew not to mess with me... *facepalm*
FreakShow: and now, people view you as a softie
ShardsIce: more or less >_>
FreakShow: you need to do something so evil, it would put you right back up there
ShardsIce: you think I don't know that?
FreakShow: *snorts* yeah
ShardsIce: *sigh* it matters not. I could fight to win my respect back, but in the end.... I'd rather die now than die a pitiful shadow cowering in fear after years of fighting have withered me away to nothing more terrifying than a bunny....
LadyofGraceAndHope: am I seriously that goofy at night
ShardsIce: you want me to answer that?
LadyofGraceAndHope: yes
ShardsIce: you are no more insane than my sister, Kandi
LadyofGraceAndHope: the brown haired one?
ShardsIce: she has black hair like I do... just she wears pink... a LOT of pink...
ShardsIce: Anna would be the brown haired one
LadyofGraceAndHope: they must be beauties!
ShardsIce: *shrugs* Anna could lose a few pounds and Kandi got all her looks from me, considering she could be my twin
ShardsIce: so... I guess Kandi looks awesome *shrugs*
LadyofGraceAndHope: *stares*
ShardsIce: *glances down at self and looks back up* I know I'm beautiful, but quit staring... it's rude in most countries...
LadyofGraceAndHope: hehe shocking, you’re talking about rude!
ShardsIce: *shrugs* I also talk about stealing from me, lying to me, cheating me, and double crossing me LadyofGraceAndHope: yeah, I lied to you
LadyofGraceAndHope: big deal right!
ShardsIce: if it's to me, it IS a big deal. If it's anyone else, I'll be the first in line to dish it out
LadyofGraceAndHope: fool......
ShardsIce: why do you keep calling me a fool? It's annoying >_>
LadyofGraceAndHope: because Shard, I like annoying you!
ShardsIce: obviously
ShardsIce: *growls* who are they to tell me I'm not evil?! I'm NOTHING but evil!
ShardsIce: One day, immortals. One day they will cower before my reign of terror. The very mention of my name will once again strike fear into the hearts of those who claim bravery. They will wish in vain for death end to their suffering.
ShardsIce: my day will come
FreakShow2: yes it will... ^_^

Deleted Scene: Take 3, Part 5 - The Light of Truth

The Light of Truth

ShardsIce: ....Macey.... lesson number five... cheat
GuardianofLight1: *light sword flashes into view*
ShardsIce: *winces* again with the flashing lights
GuardianofLight1: *twirls sword around* should have wore sunglasses then
EvilMacey: ack.... *glares*
GuardianofLight1: *smiles*
ShardsIce: what are you so happy about?
GuardianofLight1: who said I was happy? I just smiled. It could be a weary smile, a resigned smile
EvilMacey: I dislike this lad
GuardianofLight1: *eyes flash as he looks at Macey*
ShardsIce: *whispers to Macey* be careful with this one, he be .... different...
EvilMacey: *blinks and tilts head* Different?
GuardianofLight1: *smiles again*
ShardsIce: you find that amusing?
EvilMacey: *glances at GL*
GuardianofLight1: who said I was laughing?
EvilMacey: *narrows eyes*
GuardianofLight1: ye assume too much, Shard
ShardsIce: *smirks* keeps me alive
GuardianofLight1: *shrugs*
GuardianofLight1: *points sword at Macey*
EvilMacey: don’t point that thing at me, fool!
GuardianofLight1: fool, am I?
ShardsIce: *watches* this should be interesting...
GuardianofLight1: *glances at Shard*
GuardianofLight1: *creates a second sword and points it at Shard* indeed
ShardsIce: *blinks* cheater
GuardianofLight1: isn't that your rule number 5?
GuardianofLight1: I am just using my available resources to even the odds
ShardsIce: *smirks* call it what you want
GuardianofLight1: I shall *swords hum slightly* heh, lightsabers... *coughs*
ShardsIce: now THAT is really cheating... atypical of your kind...
EvilMacey: aye!
ShardsIce: *shakes head* ugh
GuardianofLight1: they are not REALLY lightsabers :P
GuardianofLight1: they are swords made of light
ShardsIce: whatever, they're too bright for my liking
GuardianofLight1: like I said, you should have worn sunglasses
ShardsIce: >_>
EvilMacey: *narrows eyes*
GuardianofLight1: tsk tsk
ShardsIce: I've had enough of this. *nods to Macey* take him out
EvilMacey: but you said he’s different
GuardianofLight1: *chuckles*
ShardsIce: now you are amused
GuardianofLight1: I am. You tell her to take me out as if that were something easy
ShardsIce: should be
GuardianofLight1: *laughs* and why is that?
ShardsIce: *turns to Macey* I guarantee you, lop off his head and, just like any other human, he dies
GuardianofLight1: who said I was human? *grins*
GuardianofLight1: I suppose that is mostly true
ShardsIce: *growls a little* you sure ask a lot of dumb questions
GuardianofLight1: you are the one making a lot of dumb statements
ShardsIce: *glares*
GuardianofLight1: *laughs*
ShardsIce: what do you find so funny?!
GuardianofLight1: lots, the fact that you are so flustered
ShardsIce: *folds arms* I am NOT!
GuardianofLight1: suuure *points both sword at Macey*
EvilMacey: I do not like you at all, Guardian of light
GuardianofLight1: that’s too bad
EvilMacey: *glares*
ShardsIce: *turns to Macey* what are you waiting for?! Kill him already!
EvilMacey: *hesitates* I’m scared...... *glances back at Shard*
ShardsIce: *glares*
EvilMacey: *grabs sword and slowly walks forward* *eyes turn to a solid black*
EvilMacey: *she smiles slightly and stands in stance* I’m ready...
GuardianofLight1: *twirls sword in right hand and gets in a defensive stance*
ShardsIce: *watches*
EvilMacey: you can make the first move... *watches*
GuardianofLight1: *lowers swords and chuckles* I think not
EvilMacey: coward are you?
GuardianofLight1: me? *laughs*
EvilMacey: *nods*
GuardianofLight1: no
EvilMacey: *pulls out dagger*
GuardianofLight1: I am just dignified enough to let the lady make the first move
EvilMacey: how noble.... *rolls eyes*
EvilMacey: *dashes quickly to the right and swipes a low cut to an upper*
GuardianofLight1: *blocks with sword and slashes with the left one*
EvilMacey: *jumps back and blocks with right sword*
EvilMacey: Is that all you got!
GuardianofLight1: *left sword flashes and turns into a shield*
EvilMacey: that’s not fair!
GuardianofLight1: it’s not?
EvilMacey: *glances at Shard*
EvilMacey: never mind...
ShardsIce: *smirks*
GuardianofLight1: ^_^
EvilMacey: *puts attention back to GL*
EvilMacey: go on,... make your first move.
GuardianofLight1: *points sword at TDW*
GuardianofLight1: riiight
GuardianofLight1: you’re EM, forgive me
EvilMacey: *holds up sword*
GuardianofLight1: *sword extends several inches*
EvilMacey: *takes a step forward* men first
GuardianofLight1: *brings large, rectangle shield up and charges at EM*
EvilMacey: *closes eyes* *whispers words in a different dialect*
GuardianofLight1: *vanishes in front of EM and reappears behind her with out making a sound*
EvilMacey: *blinks* *starts to turn around*
GuardianofLight1: *taps EM's shoulder* hi
ShardsIce: *facepalm*
EvilMacey: *gasps* ACK!
EvilMacey: *stumbles back some*
GuardianofLight1: *eyes flash bright blue*
EvilMacey: *holds sword out and watches his eyes*
GuardianofLight1: *watches*
EvilMacey: *Slowly calls Shards name* S-sh-shard.... *takes a step back*
ShardsIce: what do you want?
GuardianofLight1: what happened to you EM? You used to be good. It is sad to see you in this state
EvilMacey: *bursts out* NO! Don’t play that with me!
GuardianofLight1: it’s the truth
EvilMacey: NO! It’s not....... it cant be!
EvilMacey: I remember nothing of that!
GuardianofLight1: it is... have you already forgotten?
EvilMacey: *narrows eyes* you’re LYING!
GuardianofLight1: am I? you know deep down, I am not
GuardianofLight1: you’re friends surrounding you, laughing together, having a good time, fighting side by side
EvilMacey: SHA--.....* puts hand beside head* STOP....
ShardsIce: *walks forward* Ok, ok, enough chit chat. *points sword at GL* stay away from her, you hear?
GuardianofLight1: It seems I have fallen deaf to your petty threats, Shard
ShardsIce: *glares*
GuardianofLight1: *appears behind EM and places a shining hand on her shoulder* you know it is true... do not listen to her lies, they will get you nowhere
EvilMacey: * pain pierces head* NO!
GuardianofLight1: *sends images of her past into EM's head*
EvilMacey: *looks around*
ShardsIce: I said stay away from her!*charges and slashes at GL, making sure not to hit EM*
EvilMacey: *stares*
GuardianofLight1: *vanishes and reappears in front of her*
EvilMacey: *blinks*
ShardsIce: *twirls sword and jabs*
EvilMacey: I”m confused.....
GuardianofLight1: *dodges and hugs EM* don't be...
ShardsIce: *blinks*
EvilMacey: *shakes*
GuardianofLight1: *glows brighter*
EvilMacey: what are you doing?! I don’t like this feeling of.....
ShardsIce: *shoves GL away from EM* CUT IT OUT!!
GuardianofLight1: *staggers and looks at Shard* you cannot silence the truth
EvilMacey: what is wrong with me?!
GuardianofLight1: listen to the truth EM...
ShardsIce: *narrows eyes* you listen to him and all you worked for will be lost
EvilMacey: *tears start streaming down face* *looks all over the place*
GuardianofLight1: it is not too late
EvilMacey: *closes eyes*
GuardianofLight1: we miss you
ShardsIce: *grabs EM's hand and pulls her away* Don't listen to him!
EvilMacey: *winces* the voices......again.....
GuardianofLight1: *sends light beam that swirls around EM*
EvilMacey: *sighs*
ShardsIce: *glares* grrrr.... *charges at GL*
GuardianofLight1: *flashes over to EM again*
GuardianofLight1: I do not have to give in to your demands. Make your choice EM
ShardsIce: *grits teeth* if you will not listen to me, you will die... *rushes forward and runs sword through GL*
EvilMacey: It’s like a game of tug of war one side says to let go...the other…*stares forward*
GuardianofLight1: *lets sword go through and turns, twisting it out of her hands and sends a barrage of light at Shard*
ShardsIce: ACK!! *falls back*
EvilMacey: Shard....all that you said....was it true?
GuardianofLight1: *yanks sword out and grunts, blood pouring out of the wound*
ShardsIce: Of course it was! Look! Even now his life is flowing out of him!
EvilMacey: but he didn’t even fight back....
GuardianofLight1: *stabs sword through Shard’s leg and into the ground, pinning her*
ShardsIce: *screams in pain*
EvilMacey: *walks slowly over to GL and looks into his eyes putting a hand on his shoulder*
EvilMacey: was what you said...was that true?
GuardianofLight1: *falls to knees and starts to pant* aye...
ShardsIce: *trembles a little* YOU'RE USELESS!!
EvilMacey: *images start flashing through her mind*
GuardianofLight1: *falls to the ground and breaths no more*
EvilMacey: *gasps and stands up* I- I think I understand...........
ShardsIce: *shakily reaches for sword and yanks it out*
GuardianofLight1: *stops glowing*
ShardsIce: *breathes heavily* ....I told you he would die... foolish mortal...
EvilMacey: *gently picks GL up and carries him over to a nearby tree*
ShardsIce: *tries to stand, but falls back to the ground* Ugh... you *turns to EM* what have you done?!
EvilMacey: I have seen the truth. I was blinded by your words. Now the light has showed the truth
ShardsIce: *growls*
EvilMacey: *stares at Shard sadly* I feel so sorry for you...
ShardsIce: not this again
EvilMacey: *takes out flask and leans down and pours it into GL's wound*
ShardsIce: *blinks* ...what about ME?!?! Stop wasting it on the one already dead!
EvilMacey: *walks over to Shard and stares at her*
EvilMacey: *shakes head* he will not die.
EvilMacey: *stares at her sadly*
GuardianofLight1: *sword glows faintly next to Shard*
EvilMacey: you have been blinded as well, Shard
ShardsIce: by the glowstick?! No kidding! Get that thing away from me
EvilMacey: no…by evil and lies *picks up sword gently*
EvilMacey: I have seen it..... you will be changed one day.
ShardsIce: *pained smirk* you have no idea what you're talking about
EvilMacey: *smiles warmly at her*
ShardsIce: *struggles to stand again*
GuardianofLight1: *sword starts to fade*
ShardsIce: oh, I see you found the off switch. Nice work
EvilMacey: *runs over to GL and lays the sword in his hand*
ShardsIce: .....
GuardianofLight1: *sword bursts into a million beams of light and fly into GL*
ShardsIce: ...that...was kinda spooky...
GuardianofLight1: *starts to glow*
GuardianofLight1: *wound flashes and heals*
EvilMacey: this feeling... it’s strange
EvilMacey: *smiles* I LOVE IT!
EvilMacey: *hugs herself feeling loved*
GuardianofLight1: *glows brightly and stands*
ShardsIce: *finally stands and uses sword for support* ...ugh...bleh, you sicken me...
GuardianofLight1: *hugs EM* you are no longer EM...
GuardianofLight1: *vanishes*
LadyOfGraceAndHope: my names is LOGAH
ShardsIce: ...superb...
LadyOfGraceAndHope: *smiles at Shard*
ShardsIce: *glares*
LadyOfGraceAndHope: would you like some help with that there leg?
ShardsIce: No, I like limping with jolts of pain coursing through my leg... WHAT DO YOU THINK?!?!
LadyOfGraceAndHope: I think you do not like all, but of course you wont admit that
ShardsIce: no duh, just fix it so I can be on my merry way
LadyOfGraceAndHope: *takes out vial* this is some medicine to heal wounds such as yours, since you are wounded...
ShardsIce: you figure that out on your lonesome?
ShardsIce: *falls to the ground with a wince* would you heal this before I have to slap you to China?
unknown: someone is in a bad mood
ShardsIce: >_>
LadyOfGraceAndHope: *walks over and smiles at Shard then pours medicine on her wound*
unknown: *shakes head* why?
ShardsIce: *grits teeth* because she doesn't want to die, that's why
LadyOfGraceAndHope: *stops medicine* No, I am not afraid of dying
LadyOfGraceAndHope: You have to have all of this medicine in your wound
ShardsIce: .....what's your point?
LadyOfGraceAndHope: tell me you’re sorry and I continue
ShardsIce: What?! Your friend is the one who did this to me! Why do I have to apologize?!
LadyOfGraceAndHope: Forgiveness
ShardsIce: *blinks*
LadyOfGraceAndHope: that’s right, Shard, ask for forgiveness
ShardsIce: Why? >_>
JackSilver: have you always been evil, Shard?
ShardsIce: pretty much
JackSilver: that is hard to believe…
LadyOfGraceAndHope: it’s the only way to go back to yourself
ShardsIce: I AM myself, now give it here! *makes a grab for the medicine*
LadyOfGraceAndHope: *holds it up and away from her*
LadyOfGraceAndHope: no, you aren’t
ShardsIce: *points sword at LOGAH* listen lady, just hand it over and we can forget this ever had to happen...
LadyOfGraceAndHope: No, I won’t
ShardsIce: *glares*
JackSilver: *stares at Shard*
ShardsIce: what are you looking at? >_>
LadyOfGraceAndHope: *watches her intently and smiles* you need to feel loved.
LadyOfGraceAndHope: *glances over at Jack*
JackSilver: aye
ShardsIce: *blinks* excuse me?
JackSilver: *hugs Shard*
ShardsIce: (OO)
LadyOfGraceAndHope: *grins*
LadyOfGraceAndHope: that’s exactly what I was waiting for *hugs Shard as well*
ShardsIce: *wriggles desperately* GET OFF ME!!!
LadyOfGraceAndHope: *holds tightly*
JackSilver: ^_^ *does not let go*
ShardsIce: I SAID LET GO!!!
JackSilver: no!
LadyOfGraceAndHope: Never!
CrisisCloud: *hugs Shard* ^_^
ShardsIce: ACK!!
CrisisCloud: Hi
ShardsIce: *screams* LET ME GO!!!
CrisisCloud: ..... *plugs ears*
ShardsIce: *shuts eyes* S-STOP! PLEASE!!!
JackSilver: you need this, Shard...
CrisisCloud: *wonders where Lui went*
ShardsIce: (OO)
LadyOfGraceAndHope: you need it soooo much!
CrisisCloud: *backs up and calls him*
LadyOfGraceAndHope: absorb the love, girl!
CrisisCloud: Like a sponge ^_^
JackSilver: ^_^
LadyOfGraceAndHope: *nods*
ShardsIce: NOOOO!!! NEVER!!! *squirms around even more*
CrisisCloud: Ah, he's coming
LadyOfGraceAndHope: *keeps iron grip* goody
ShardsIce: NO! NO! NO!
LadyOfGraceAndHope: YES!
CrisisCloud: See ye later, I have to catch him first
LadyOfGraceAndHope: YES!
JackSilver: yes....
ShardsIce: NOOO! ... if ...if he....
JackSilver: *hugs tighter*
ISCLui: *waves*
ShardsIce: (OO)
ISCLui: Hihi
LadyOfGraceAndHope: hello!
JackSilver: hi
ISCLui: *steps closer*
LadyOfGraceAndHope: *hugs tighter*
ISCLui: You're funny ^_^
LadyOfGraceAndHope: Come join us, Lui!
ISCLui: *giggles* *steps a little closer*
ShardsIce: *struggles to get free* LET GO!
ISCLui: I like you, what's your name? ^_^
ISCLui: *hugs*
ShardsIce: (OO)
ISCLui: *giggles*
ShardsIce: *goes very still*
JackSilver: ^_^
LadyOfGraceAndHope: *chuckles*
LadyOfGraceAndHope: *sings* SHARD IS LOVED!
ISCLui: ^_^
ShardsIce: ....
LadyOfGraceAndHope: *continues to hug Shard*
ShardsIce: *shakes head*
ISCLui: *steps back* You're my new friend *giggles*
HannaDrows: I'm your old friend
ISCLui: ^_^ YAY!!!
HannaDrows: *sigh*
LadyOfGraceAndHope: is this a good thing?
ISCLui: *claps and jumps up and down*
JackSilver: ^_^
HannaDrows: *blinks* you guys can let go of me now...
ISCLui: *giggles* She's mine, after all
HannaDrows: ....
ISCLui: Hehe
HannaDrows: *blushes* j-just let go
JackSilver: *backs up*
LadyOfGraceAndHope: aye *lets go*
HannaDrows: *takes a deep breath*
ISCLui: *giggles again*
LadyOfGraceAndHope: *watches observantly*
HannaDrows: *smiles a little*
ISCLui: ^_^ *runs off giggling into the sunset*
LadyOfGraceAndHope: I’m satisfied.
HannaDrows: *watches him with a smile*
LadyOfGraceAndHope: She’s good to do as she wishes
JackSilver: *tilts head*
LadyOfGraceAndHope: oh, and you will no longer need the medicine
LadyOfGraceAndHope: You never did. ^_^
HannaDrows: *blinks* *looks back at LOGAH* I didn't?
LadyOfGraceAndHope: *shakes head* You didn’t
HannaDrows: *blinks* I don't understand...
LadyOfGraceAndHope: you have passed the test I was assigned to give to you
HannaDrows: *tilts head*
JackSilver: *coughs* and the sword was made of light
LadyOfGraceAndHope: you will understand, in due time
HannaDrows: .....o...k....
LadyOfGraceAndHope: ^_^
JackSilver: Always Hope
HannaDrows: *sigh*
JackSilver: *grins*
LadyOfGraceAndHope: cheer up lass
HannaDrows: *smiles a little*
LadyOfGraceAndHope: *smiles warmly at her* ^_^
HannaDrows: ...thanks...
JackSilver: *pokes Hanna*
HannaDrows: *blinks* what?
JackSilver: hi
HannaDrows: ...hi....
JackSilver: ^_^
LadyOfGraceAndHope: heh, I will always be watching ^_^
HannaDrows: .....that's not exactly the most comforting thought...
LadyOfGraceAndHope: in a way
HannaDrows: heh, ah well *stands up a little wobbly*
JackSilver: *grabs her arm* ye ok?
HannaDrows: *nods* yeah, I'm ok. Just... a little tired I guess... that last fight.... *sigh*
HannaDrows: *turns to Jack* thank you
JackSilver: *nods* I see... no problem ^_^