Monday, April 18, 2011

Deleted Scene: Take 3, Part 6 - The Weakness of Shard

The Weakness of Shard

FreakShow: Poking you is fun
ShardsIce: so is shoving an icicle through you, I'd bet
FreakShow: *shrugs* prolly
FreakShow: but that would hurt
FreakShow: I was not aware pokes hurt that much
ShardsIce: they usually don't, but they annoy beyond belief >_>
FreakShow: *shrugs* ok, no more pokes
ShardsIce: *nods*
FreakShow: *pokes Shard again*
ShardsIce: You just said no more pokes! >_>
FreakShow: I know! and the funny thing is, you believed me *laughs*
ShardsIce: *glares*
FreakShow: *hides behind tree*
ShardsIce: *clenches fist* *takes a deep breath* Heh, you're doing well *smirks*
FreakShow: mmm, thanks
FreakShow: why are you holding back though? I find that odd
FreakShow: unless you aren't, and just have nothing to hold back
FreakShow: *smirks *
ShardsIce: That's it! You're going down! *shoots into the air* come out from behind that tree!
FreakShow: mmmm, I would rather not *looks at fingers and leans against tree*
FreakShow: quite the show you got there... too bad I am the Ring Master *evil laugh*
ShardsIce: *stays in the air* what’s that supposed to mean?!
FreakShow: *shrugs* you figure it out, I have no clue
FreakShow: *sildes out from behind tree*
ShardsIce: *glares* I could unleash my total fury, though I like to pace myself... otherwise, you'd be dead before I could enjoy killing you
FreakShow: *giggles* I have no fury... just I-don't-care feelings
FreakShow: *sets the grass on fire* *puts on gasmask*
ShardsIce: creepy grass... it does burn green... *cough* *flies higher*
FreakShow: mhmm, it also contains a chemical that causes intense hallucinations and paralysis, if breathed in *giggles again*
ShardsIce: *cough* you expect me to believe that?! *cough* you're far more delusional than I thought
FreakShow: *shrugs* its your choice to believe it or not. I am simply the messenger
FreakShow: and I have been called delusional many times...
ShardsIce: *cough* *cough* ...doubt....
FreakShow: aww, don't give up THAT easily. Think girl! *shakes head*
ShardsIce: *glares* I'm NOT *cough* giving in *cough* just *cough* *looks around*
FreakShow: just what? Buying time you cannot pay for?
FreakShow: ahh, that is a good one
ShardsIce: waiting *cough* for *spots lake* THAT! *dives into the water*
FreakShow: ahh, very resourceful. Very good *claps*
FreakShow: *starts to dump oil in lake*
ShardsIce: *part of the lake freezes and icicles shoot out at FS*
FreakShow: eek! *melts the icicles quickly, setting the oil on fire in the process*
FreakShow: *hides behind another tree*
ShardsIce: *walks out of the lake and looks around*
FreakShow: *pauses* I hate to cut our little chat short, but I must vanish for a time *smirks* *disappears*
SA: wow, it’s pouring! and Freak Show actually helped figure out the main plot line for TSA... but what do you care? *thinks*
ShardsIce: ...exactly... *winces*
ShardsIce: *blinks* *shakes head* nah....
SA: is something wrong?
ShardsIce: course not... just... *blinks* why are you purple? and now I'm seeing double *shakes head*
SA: ..... O.o I am not purple... I dare say something IS wrong
ShardsIce: *shakes head* no, it’s not. ....and now you're yellow.... *blinks*
SA: ................
ShardsIce: (OO) there are three of you....
SA: *waves hand in front of Shard’s eyes* Focus!
ShardsIce: what do you think I'm TRYING to do?!
SA: you are trying to push help away, that’s what
SA: now what is wrong??
ShardsIce: I'm not pushing help aw... bubbles... Augh! *squeezes eyes shut* everything's in so many colors! ...and...and... *falls to knees*
SA: yes you are. You are telling me nothing is wrong, when something clearly is
ShardsIce: *clutches head* I'm FINE!!
SA: no, you’re not
ShardsIce: I can take care of myself, so just back off!
SA: *shrugs* fine
ShardsIce: *glances up and jumps back* Get away from me! All of you!
SA: there is only one of me *says softly*
ShardsIce: *shakes head vigorously* there has to be at least 30 of you...all in different colors...Stop moving already!
SA: *puts a ring of fire around you* yeah... too bad I am no doctor. Hopefully that will keep you there while I think *thinks*
ShardsIce: *tries to fly away, but crashes back to the ground* ...ow... come on... *tries to stand and falls* ugh
SA: fascinating
ShardsIce: *curls up and closes eyes* Stay away from me! At least put the red flames out! PLEASE?!?!
SA: *shuts off the fire* at least you got THAT color right
ShardsIce: *shivers* just....stay...away....
LadyofGraceAndHope: maybe it was a bad time to come
SA: *shrugs* I don’t know
SA: Shard is suffering from hallucinations, it seems
LadyofGraceAndHope: oh dear, that’s very sad. Poor girl
ShardsIce: I don't need your PITY!!
SA: then you shall not get it
SA: yeah... I could help her, but why would I want to do that?
LadyofGraceAndHope: you have a point there
SA: *holds up little blue bottle* I suspect Freak Show did this... and if so, judging by the scorched grass, this could make Shard all better
ShardsIce: *blankly stares back*
SA: *smiles* but she wants me to stay away. It is her choice... though she seems to be paralyzed as well now
LadyofGraceAndHope: well, now’s a good time
SA: *shrugs* *dips a little dart it bottle and shoots Shard with it using a blowgun* I love those things
LadyofGraceAndHope: why did you do that?! wait... will it help her?
SA: aye, it is an antidote
ShardsIce: *blinks*
LadyofGraceAndHope: uhmmm why would there be grass that burns green if the grass is already green?
ShardsIce: *coughs weakly* who cares... deadly stuff...
SA: no kidding
LadyofGraceAndHope: I don’t care for grass that is already green
ShardsIce: yeah... *tries to sit up* *fails* black grass you can always count on to already be dead
SA: true that
SA: ^_^ glad you are alright though
ShardsIce: speak for yourself >_>
ShardsIce: *tries to sit up again* ugh *pulls dart out* did you really have to shoot me?
SA: yeah, since you would not let me near you
ShardsIce: what could I really do about it while paralyzed?
SA: well, if I made you unparalyzed, you might have been angry that I got near you, and then badness
ShardsIce: *growls* can one of you at least help me up?
SA: oh, right *hands Shard a stick*
LadyofGraceAndHope: *walks over and grabs Shard’s hand*
SA: oh fine *walks over and grabs the other hand, pulling Shard up*
ShardsIce: whatever *tries to stand on own* Now if you'll just let me go...
LadyofGraceAndHope: let her go?
SA: *ahem* are you sure you can stand?
ShardsIce: Sure I'm sure! Now let me go!
SA: *lets go*
ShardsIce: *falls* ouch.... grrr...
SA: ......
ShardsIce: all right, fine, so I can't. Big deal
SA: *shrugs* you should soon enough
ShardsIce: *nods* at least you're getting your normal color back...
ShardsIce: I'd like to knock his lights out one of these days... *tries to stand again* he had no right to toy with me like that
SA: of course he didn't, he did it cause he wanted to *helps support Shard*
ShardsIce: did I ask for help? >_>
SA: nope, but you needed it
ShardsIce: says you
SA: duh
LadyofGraceAndHope: can you feel anything?
ShardsIce: *thinks* I mostly feel.... anger... annoyance... and apathy...
LadyofGraceAndHope: what have you done today, Shard?
ShardsIce: Yo, no reason to go accusing me! I didn't do anything today! Really!
ShardsIce: *thinks* ok, I tried to fight the freak guy and I got whooped. That's it
LadyofGraceAndHope: haahaha, he whooped you!
ShardsIce: *glares* I was doing all right until he cheated!
LadyofGraceAndHope: well, you cheat a lot too
ShardsIce: *folds arms* what's your point?
LadyofGraceAndHope: hehehe, my point is you cheat a lot and he cheated you this time instead you cheating and beating him
ShardsIce: I see your point, I'm going soft... I KNEW this would happen! *sulks*
LadyofGraceAndHope: you amuse me greatly!
ShardsIce: *wrinkles nose* how's that? Is it the fact that I got BEAT or the fact that I'm going SOFT?!
LadyofGraceAndHope: BOTH!
ShardsIce: *runs sword through LOGAH* *apathetically* let's not let the word out, deary. No need to let the whole world know
FreakShow: you are a bit tooo soft Shard
LadyofGraceAndHope: I don’t die any more!
FreakShow: and I lack style, actually...
ShardsIce: *yanks sword out of LOGAH* do tell me there is a cure for weird
FreakShow: death
FreakShow: destruction
FreakShow: ...poison gas.... *smirks*
ShardsIce: *glares*
LadyofGraceAndHope: *laughs crazily*
FreakShow: *blinks*
ShardsIce: *chops LOGAH's head off*
LadyofGraceAndHope: *new head pops up*
FreakShow: hey! I did that earlier
ShardsIce: *chops new head off* he did
FreakShow: I need more ways to kill people... *thinks*
ShardsIce: *shrugs* I say if you find a way, stick with it
LadyofGraceAndHope: *another head pops up* we could do this all night, sugar....
FreakShow: *shakes head* where is the fun in that? The style? If you just do it one way, it becomes predictable, and then people can dodge it
ShardsIce: *chops LOGAH's legs off*
ShardsIce: *chops LOGAH in half*
ShardsIce: try that on for size XD
FreakShow: .... now there is a conundrum
LadyofGraceAndHope: *jellies back together*
ShardsIce: *hacks LOGAH in half the other way*
ShardsIce: how I dislike these immortals, they never die >_>
ShardsIce: *twirls sword and stabs FS*
FreakShow: now..... that was unexpected....
FreakShow: *laughs* jk jk
ShardsIce: *twists sword and yanks it out* is there NO respect for the evil around here?!
FreakShow: *shakes head* ‘fraid not
FreakShow: define "evil"
ShardsIce: me *sheathes sword* how about a way to kill you?
FreakShow: there are various ways to kill me. and you evil? I suppose... you need to be a bit less merciful though, methinks *smirks*
ShardsIce: I'm not trying to be merciful! AUGH! This is USELESS!
FreakShow: yeah, it is uber frustrating when your foe just won't die
ShardsIce: No kidding *sigh* back in the day, mortals feared me. People knew not to mess with me... *facepalm*
FreakShow: and now, people view you as a softie
ShardsIce: more or less >_>
FreakShow: you need to do something so evil, it would put you right back up there
ShardsIce: you think I don't know that?
FreakShow: *snorts* yeah
ShardsIce: *sigh* it matters not. I could fight to win my respect back, but in the end.... I'd rather die now than die a pitiful shadow cowering in fear after years of fighting have withered me away to nothing more terrifying than a bunny....
LadyofGraceAndHope: am I seriously that goofy at night
ShardsIce: you want me to answer that?
LadyofGraceAndHope: yes
ShardsIce: you are no more insane than my sister, Kandi
LadyofGraceAndHope: the brown haired one?
ShardsIce: she has black hair like I do... just she wears pink... a LOT of pink...
ShardsIce: Anna would be the brown haired one
LadyofGraceAndHope: they must be beauties!
ShardsIce: *shrugs* Anna could lose a few pounds and Kandi got all her looks from me, considering she could be my twin
ShardsIce: so... I guess Kandi looks awesome *shrugs*
LadyofGraceAndHope: *stares*
ShardsIce: *glances down at self and looks back up* I know I'm beautiful, but quit staring... it's rude in most countries...
LadyofGraceAndHope: hehe shocking, you’re talking about rude!
ShardsIce: *shrugs* I also talk about stealing from me, lying to me, cheating me, and double crossing me LadyofGraceAndHope: yeah, I lied to you
LadyofGraceAndHope: big deal right!
ShardsIce: if it's to me, it IS a big deal. If it's anyone else, I'll be the first in line to dish it out
LadyofGraceAndHope: fool......
ShardsIce: why do you keep calling me a fool? It's annoying >_>
LadyofGraceAndHope: because Shard, I like annoying you!
ShardsIce: obviously
ShardsIce: *growls* who are they to tell me I'm not evil?! I'm NOTHING but evil!
ShardsIce: One day, immortals. One day they will cower before my reign of terror. The very mention of my name will once again strike fear into the hearts of those who claim bravery. They will wish in vain for death end to their suffering.
ShardsIce: my day will come
FreakShow2: yes it will... ^_^

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