Monday, April 18, 2011

Deleted Scene: Take 3, Part 6 - The Weakness of Shard

The Weakness of Shard

FreakShow: Poking you is fun
ShardsIce: so is shoving an icicle through you, I'd bet
FreakShow: *shrugs* prolly
FreakShow: but that would hurt
FreakShow: I was not aware pokes hurt that much
ShardsIce: they usually don't, but they annoy beyond belief >_>
FreakShow: *shrugs* ok, no more pokes
ShardsIce: *nods*
FreakShow: *pokes Shard again*
ShardsIce: You just said no more pokes! >_>
FreakShow: I know! and the funny thing is, you believed me *laughs*
ShardsIce: *glares*
FreakShow: *hides behind tree*
ShardsIce: *clenches fist* *takes a deep breath* Heh, you're doing well *smirks*
FreakShow: mmm, thanks
FreakShow: why are you holding back though? I find that odd
FreakShow: unless you aren't, and just have nothing to hold back
FreakShow: *smirks *
ShardsIce: That's it! You're going down! *shoots into the air* come out from behind that tree!
FreakShow: mmmm, I would rather not *looks at fingers and leans against tree*
FreakShow: quite the show you got there... too bad I am the Ring Master *evil laugh*
ShardsIce: *stays in the air* what’s that supposed to mean?!
FreakShow: *shrugs* you figure it out, I have no clue
FreakShow: *sildes out from behind tree*
ShardsIce: *glares* I could unleash my total fury, though I like to pace myself... otherwise, you'd be dead before I could enjoy killing you
FreakShow: *giggles* I have no fury... just I-don't-care feelings
FreakShow: *sets the grass on fire* *puts on gasmask*
ShardsIce: creepy grass... it does burn green... *cough* *flies higher*
FreakShow: mhmm, it also contains a chemical that causes intense hallucinations and paralysis, if breathed in *giggles again*
ShardsIce: *cough* you expect me to believe that?! *cough* you're far more delusional than I thought
FreakShow: *shrugs* its your choice to believe it or not. I am simply the messenger
FreakShow: and I have been called delusional many times...
ShardsIce: *cough* *cough* ...doubt....
FreakShow: aww, don't give up THAT easily. Think girl! *shakes head*
ShardsIce: *glares* I'm NOT *cough* giving in *cough* just *cough* *looks around*
FreakShow: just what? Buying time you cannot pay for?
FreakShow: ahh, that is a good one
ShardsIce: waiting *cough* for *spots lake* THAT! *dives into the water*
FreakShow: ahh, very resourceful. Very good *claps*
FreakShow: *starts to dump oil in lake*
ShardsIce: *part of the lake freezes and icicles shoot out at FS*
FreakShow: eek! *melts the icicles quickly, setting the oil on fire in the process*
FreakShow: *hides behind another tree*
ShardsIce: *walks out of the lake and looks around*
FreakShow: *pauses* I hate to cut our little chat short, but I must vanish for a time *smirks* *disappears*
SA: wow, it’s pouring! and Freak Show actually helped figure out the main plot line for TSA... but what do you care? *thinks*
ShardsIce: ...exactly... *winces*
ShardsIce: *blinks* *shakes head* nah....
SA: is something wrong?
ShardsIce: course not... just... *blinks* why are you purple? and now I'm seeing double *shakes head*
SA: ..... O.o I am not purple... I dare say something IS wrong
ShardsIce: *shakes head* no, it’s not. ....and now you're yellow.... *blinks*
SA: ................
ShardsIce: (OO) there are three of you....
SA: *waves hand in front of Shard’s eyes* Focus!
ShardsIce: what do you think I'm TRYING to do?!
SA: you are trying to push help away, that’s what
SA: now what is wrong??
ShardsIce: I'm not pushing help aw... bubbles... Augh! *squeezes eyes shut* everything's in so many colors! ...and...and... *falls to knees*
SA: yes you are. You are telling me nothing is wrong, when something clearly is
ShardsIce: *clutches head* I'm FINE!!
SA: no, you’re not
ShardsIce: I can take care of myself, so just back off!
SA: *shrugs* fine
ShardsIce: *glances up and jumps back* Get away from me! All of you!
SA: there is only one of me *says softly*
ShardsIce: *shakes head vigorously* there has to be at least 30 of you...all in different colors...Stop moving already!
SA: *puts a ring of fire around you* yeah... too bad I am no doctor. Hopefully that will keep you there while I think *thinks*
ShardsIce: *tries to fly away, but crashes back to the ground* ...ow... come on... *tries to stand and falls* ugh
SA: fascinating
ShardsIce: *curls up and closes eyes* Stay away from me! At least put the red flames out! PLEASE?!?!
SA: *shuts off the fire* at least you got THAT color right
ShardsIce: *shivers* just....stay...away....
LadyofGraceAndHope: maybe it was a bad time to come
SA: *shrugs* I don’t know
SA: Shard is suffering from hallucinations, it seems
LadyofGraceAndHope: oh dear, that’s very sad. Poor girl
ShardsIce: I don't need your PITY!!
SA: then you shall not get it
SA: yeah... I could help her, but why would I want to do that?
LadyofGraceAndHope: you have a point there
SA: *holds up little blue bottle* I suspect Freak Show did this... and if so, judging by the scorched grass, this could make Shard all better
ShardsIce: *blankly stares back*
SA: *smiles* but she wants me to stay away. It is her choice... though she seems to be paralyzed as well now
LadyofGraceAndHope: well, now’s a good time
SA: *shrugs* *dips a little dart it bottle and shoots Shard with it using a blowgun* I love those things
LadyofGraceAndHope: why did you do that?! wait... will it help her?
SA: aye, it is an antidote
ShardsIce: *blinks*
LadyofGraceAndHope: uhmmm why would there be grass that burns green if the grass is already green?
ShardsIce: *coughs weakly* who cares... deadly stuff...
SA: no kidding
LadyofGraceAndHope: I don’t care for grass that is already green
ShardsIce: yeah... *tries to sit up* *fails* black grass you can always count on to already be dead
SA: true that
SA: ^_^ glad you are alright though
ShardsIce: speak for yourself >_>
ShardsIce: *tries to sit up again* ugh *pulls dart out* did you really have to shoot me?
SA: yeah, since you would not let me near you
ShardsIce: what could I really do about it while paralyzed?
SA: well, if I made you unparalyzed, you might have been angry that I got near you, and then badness
ShardsIce: *growls* can one of you at least help me up?
SA: oh, right *hands Shard a stick*
LadyofGraceAndHope: *walks over and grabs Shard’s hand*
SA: oh fine *walks over and grabs the other hand, pulling Shard up*
ShardsIce: whatever *tries to stand on own* Now if you'll just let me go...
LadyofGraceAndHope: let her go?
SA: *ahem* are you sure you can stand?
ShardsIce: Sure I'm sure! Now let me go!
SA: *lets go*
ShardsIce: *falls* ouch.... grrr...
SA: ......
ShardsIce: all right, fine, so I can't. Big deal
SA: *shrugs* you should soon enough
ShardsIce: *nods* at least you're getting your normal color back...
ShardsIce: I'd like to knock his lights out one of these days... *tries to stand again* he had no right to toy with me like that
SA: of course he didn't, he did it cause he wanted to *helps support Shard*
ShardsIce: did I ask for help? >_>
SA: nope, but you needed it
ShardsIce: says you
SA: duh
LadyofGraceAndHope: can you feel anything?
ShardsIce: *thinks* I mostly feel.... anger... annoyance... and apathy...
LadyofGraceAndHope: what have you done today, Shard?
ShardsIce: Yo, no reason to go accusing me! I didn't do anything today! Really!
ShardsIce: *thinks* ok, I tried to fight the freak guy and I got whooped. That's it
LadyofGraceAndHope: haahaha, he whooped you!
ShardsIce: *glares* I was doing all right until he cheated!
LadyofGraceAndHope: well, you cheat a lot too
ShardsIce: *folds arms* what's your point?
LadyofGraceAndHope: hehehe, my point is you cheat a lot and he cheated you this time instead you cheating and beating him
ShardsIce: I see your point, I'm going soft... I KNEW this would happen! *sulks*
LadyofGraceAndHope: you amuse me greatly!
ShardsIce: *wrinkles nose* how's that? Is it the fact that I got BEAT or the fact that I'm going SOFT?!
LadyofGraceAndHope: BOTH!
ShardsIce: *runs sword through LOGAH* *apathetically* let's not let the word out, deary. No need to let the whole world know
FreakShow: you are a bit tooo soft Shard
LadyofGraceAndHope: I don’t die any more!
FreakShow: and I lack style, actually...
ShardsIce: *yanks sword out of LOGAH* do tell me there is a cure for weird
FreakShow: death
FreakShow: destruction
FreakShow: ...poison gas.... *smirks*
ShardsIce: *glares*
LadyofGraceAndHope: *laughs crazily*
FreakShow: *blinks*
ShardsIce: *chops LOGAH's head off*
LadyofGraceAndHope: *new head pops up*
FreakShow: hey! I did that earlier
ShardsIce: *chops new head off* he did
FreakShow: I need more ways to kill people... *thinks*
ShardsIce: *shrugs* I say if you find a way, stick with it
LadyofGraceAndHope: *another head pops up* we could do this all night, sugar....
FreakShow: *shakes head* where is the fun in that? The style? If you just do it one way, it becomes predictable, and then people can dodge it
ShardsIce: *chops LOGAH's legs off*
ShardsIce: *chops LOGAH in half*
ShardsIce: try that on for size XD
FreakShow: .... now there is a conundrum
LadyofGraceAndHope: *jellies back together*
ShardsIce: *hacks LOGAH in half the other way*
ShardsIce: how I dislike these immortals, they never die >_>
ShardsIce: *twirls sword and stabs FS*
FreakShow: now..... that was unexpected....
FreakShow: *laughs* jk jk
ShardsIce: *twists sword and yanks it out* is there NO respect for the evil around here?!
FreakShow: *shakes head* ‘fraid not
FreakShow: define "evil"
ShardsIce: me *sheathes sword* how about a way to kill you?
FreakShow: there are various ways to kill me. and you evil? I suppose... you need to be a bit less merciful though, methinks *smirks*
ShardsIce: I'm not trying to be merciful! AUGH! This is USELESS!
FreakShow: yeah, it is uber frustrating when your foe just won't die
ShardsIce: No kidding *sigh* back in the day, mortals feared me. People knew not to mess with me... *facepalm*
FreakShow: and now, people view you as a softie
ShardsIce: more or less >_>
FreakShow: you need to do something so evil, it would put you right back up there
ShardsIce: you think I don't know that?
FreakShow: *snorts* yeah
ShardsIce: *sigh* it matters not. I could fight to win my respect back, but in the end.... I'd rather die now than die a pitiful shadow cowering in fear after years of fighting have withered me away to nothing more terrifying than a bunny....
LadyofGraceAndHope: am I seriously that goofy at night
ShardsIce: you want me to answer that?
LadyofGraceAndHope: yes
ShardsIce: you are no more insane than my sister, Kandi
LadyofGraceAndHope: the brown haired one?
ShardsIce: she has black hair like I do... just she wears pink... a LOT of pink...
ShardsIce: Anna would be the brown haired one
LadyofGraceAndHope: they must be beauties!
ShardsIce: *shrugs* Anna could lose a few pounds and Kandi got all her looks from me, considering she could be my twin
ShardsIce: so... I guess Kandi looks awesome *shrugs*
LadyofGraceAndHope: *stares*
ShardsIce: *glances down at self and looks back up* I know I'm beautiful, but quit staring... it's rude in most countries...
LadyofGraceAndHope: hehe shocking, you’re talking about rude!
ShardsIce: *shrugs* I also talk about stealing from me, lying to me, cheating me, and double crossing me LadyofGraceAndHope: yeah, I lied to you
LadyofGraceAndHope: big deal right!
ShardsIce: if it's to me, it IS a big deal. If it's anyone else, I'll be the first in line to dish it out
LadyofGraceAndHope: fool......
ShardsIce: why do you keep calling me a fool? It's annoying >_>
LadyofGraceAndHope: because Shard, I like annoying you!
ShardsIce: obviously
ShardsIce: *growls* who are they to tell me I'm not evil?! I'm NOTHING but evil!
ShardsIce: One day, immortals. One day they will cower before my reign of terror. The very mention of my name will once again strike fear into the hearts of those who claim bravery. They will wish in vain for death end to their suffering.
ShardsIce: my day will come
FreakShow2: yes it will... ^_^

Deleted Scene: Take 3, Part 5 - The Light of Truth

The Light of Truth

ShardsIce: ....Macey.... lesson number five... cheat
GuardianofLight1: *light sword flashes into view*
ShardsIce: *winces* again with the flashing lights
GuardianofLight1: *twirls sword around* should have wore sunglasses then
EvilMacey: ack.... *glares*
GuardianofLight1: *smiles*
ShardsIce: what are you so happy about?
GuardianofLight1: who said I was happy? I just smiled. It could be a weary smile, a resigned smile
EvilMacey: I dislike this lad
GuardianofLight1: *eyes flash as he looks at Macey*
ShardsIce: *whispers to Macey* be careful with this one, he be .... different...
EvilMacey: *blinks and tilts head* Different?
GuardianofLight1: *smiles again*
ShardsIce: you find that amusing?
EvilMacey: *glances at GL*
GuardianofLight1: who said I was laughing?
EvilMacey: *narrows eyes*
GuardianofLight1: ye assume too much, Shard
ShardsIce: *smirks* keeps me alive
GuardianofLight1: *shrugs*
GuardianofLight1: *points sword at Macey*
EvilMacey: don’t point that thing at me, fool!
GuardianofLight1: fool, am I?
ShardsIce: *watches* this should be interesting...
GuardianofLight1: *glances at Shard*
GuardianofLight1: *creates a second sword and points it at Shard* indeed
ShardsIce: *blinks* cheater
GuardianofLight1: isn't that your rule number 5?
GuardianofLight1: I am just using my available resources to even the odds
ShardsIce: *smirks* call it what you want
GuardianofLight1: I shall *swords hum slightly* heh, lightsabers... *coughs*
ShardsIce: now THAT is really cheating... atypical of your kind...
EvilMacey: aye!
ShardsIce: *shakes head* ugh
GuardianofLight1: they are not REALLY lightsabers :P
GuardianofLight1: they are swords made of light
ShardsIce: whatever, they're too bright for my liking
GuardianofLight1: like I said, you should have worn sunglasses
ShardsIce: >_>
EvilMacey: *narrows eyes*
GuardianofLight1: tsk tsk
ShardsIce: I've had enough of this. *nods to Macey* take him out
EvilMacey: but you said he’s different
GuardianofLight1: *chuckles*
ShardsIce: now you are amused
GuardianofLight1: I am. You tell her to take me out as if that were something easy
ShardsIce: should be
GuardianofLight1: *laughs* and why is that?
ShardsIce: *turns to Macey* I guarantee you, lop off his head and, just like any other human, he dies
GuardianofLight1: who said I was human? *grins*
GuardianofLight1: I suppose that is mostly true
ShardsIce: *growls a little* you sure ask a lot of dumb questions
GuardianofLight1: you are the one making a lot of dumb statements
ShardsIce: *glares*
GuardianofLight1: *laughs*
ShardsIce: what do you find so funny?!
GuardianofLight1: lots, the fact that you are so flustered
ShardsIce: *folds arms* I am NOT!
GuardianofLight1: suuure *points both sword at Macey*
EvilMacey: I do not like you at all, Guardian of light
GuardianofLight1: that’s too bad
EvilMacey: *glares*
ShardsIce: *turns to Macey* what are you waiting for?! Kill him already!
EvilMacey: *hesitates* I’m scared...... *glances back at Shard*
ShardsIce: *glares*
EvilMacey: *grabs sword and slowly walks forward* *eyes turn to a solid black*
EvilMacey: *she smiles slightly and stands in stance* I’m ready...
GuardianofLight1: *twirls sword in right hand and gets in a defensive stance*
ShardsIce: *watches*
EvilMacey: you can make the first move... *watches*
GuardianofLight1: *lowers swords and chuckles* I think not
EvilMacey: coward are you?
GuardianofLight1: me? *laughs*
EvilMacey: *nods*
GuardianofLight1: no
EvilMacey: *pulls out dagger*
GuardianofLight1: I am just dignified enough to let the lady make the first move
EvilMacey: how noble.... *rolls eyes*
EvilMacey: *dashes quickly to the right and swipes a low cut to an upper*
GuardianofLight1: *blocks with sword and slashes with the left one*
EvilMacey: *jumps back and blocks with right sword*
EvilMacey: Is that all you got!
GuardianofLight1: *left sword flashes and turns into a shield*
EvilMacey: that’s not fair!
GuardianofLight1: it’s not?
EvilMacey: *glances at Shard*
EvilMacey: never mind...
ShardsIce: *smirks*
GuardianofLight1: ^_^
EvilMacey: *puts attention back to GL*
EvilMacey: go on,... make your first move.
GuardianofLight1: *points sword at TDW*
GuardianofLight1: riiight
GuardianofLight1: you’re EM, forgive me
EvilMacey: *holds up sword*
GuardianofLight1: *sword extends several inches*
EvilMacey: *takes a step forward* men first
GuardianofLight1: *brings large, rectangle shield up and charges at EM*
EvilMacey: *closes eyes* *whispers words in a different dialect*
GuardianofLight1: *vanishes in front of EM and reappears behind her with out making a sound*
EvilMacey: *blinks* *starts to turn around*
GuardianofLight1: *taps EM's shoulder* hi
ShardsIce: *facepalm*
EvilMacey: *gasps* ACK!
EvilMacey: *stumbles back some*
GuardianofLight1: *eyes flash bright blue*
EvilMacey: *holds sword out and watches his eyes*
GuardianofLight1: *watches*
EvilMacey: *Slowly calls Shards name* S-sh-shard.... *takes a step back*
ShardsIce: what do you want?
GuardianofLight1: what happened to you EM? You used to be good. It is sad to see you in this state
EvilMacey: *bursts out* NO! Don’t play that with me!
GuardianofLight1: it’s the truth
EvilMacey: NO! It’s not....... it cant be!
EvilMacey: I remember nothing of that!
GuardianofLight1: it is... have you already forgotten?
EvilMacey: *narrows eyes* you’re LYING!
GuardianofLight1: am I? you know deep down, I am not
GuardianofLight1: you’re friends surrounding you, laughing together, having a good time, fighting side by side
EvilMacey: SHA--.....* puts hand beside head* STOP....
ShardsIce: *walks forward* Ok, ok, enough chit chat. *points sword at GL* stay away from her, you hear?
GuardianofLight1: It seems I have fallen deaf to your petty threats, Shard
ShardsIce: *glares*
GuardianofLight1: *appears behind EM and places a shining hand on her shoulder* you know it is true... do not listen to her lies, they will get you nowhere
EvilMacey: * pain pierces head* NO!
GuardianofLight1: *sends images of her past into EM's head*
EvilMacey: *looks around*
ShardsIce: I said stay away from her!*charges and slashes at GL, making sure not to hit EM*
EvilMacey: *stares*
GuardianofLight1: *vanishes and reappears in front of her*
EvilMacey: *blinks*
ShardsIce: *twirls sword and jabs*
EvilMacey: I”m confused.....
GuardianofLight1: *dodges and hugs EM* don't be...
ShardsIce: *blinks*
EvilMacey: *shakes*
GuardianofLight1: *glows brighter*
EvilMacey: what are you doing?! I don’t like this feeling of.....
ShardsIce: *shoves GL away from EM* CUT IT OUT!!
GuardianofLight1: *staggers and looks at Shard* you cannot silence the truth
EvilMacey: what is wrong with me?!
GuardianofLight1: listen to the truth EM...
ShardsIce: *narrows eyes* you listen to him and all you worked for will be lost
EvilMacey: *tears start streaming down face* *looks all over the place*
GuardianofLight1: it is not too late
EvilMacey: *closes eyes*
GuardianofLight1: we miss you
ShardsIce: *grabs EM's hand and pulls her away* Don't listen to him!
EvilMacey: *winces* the voices......again.....
GuardianofLight1: *sends light beam that swirls around EM*
EvilMacey: *sighs*
ShardsIce: *glares* grrrr.... *charges at GL*
GuardianofLight1: *flashes over to EM again*
GuardianofLight1: I do not have to give in to your demands. Make your choice EM
ShardsIce: *grits teeth* if you will not listen to me, you will die... *rushes forward and runs sword through GL*
EvilMacey: It’s like a game of tug of war one side says to let go...the other…*stares forward*
GuardianofLight1: *lets sword go through and turns, twisting it out of her hands and sends a barrage of light at Shard*
ShardsIce: ACK!! *falls back*
EvilMacey: Shard....all that you said....was it true?
GuardianofLight1: *yanks sword out and grunts, blood pouring out of the wound*
ShardsIce: Of course it was! Look! Even now his life is flowing out of him!
EvilMacey: but he didn’t even fight back....
GuardianofLight1: *stabs sword through Shard’s leg and into the ground, pinning her*
ShardsIce: *screams in pain*
EvilMacey: *walks slowly over to GL and looks into his eyes putting a hand on his shoulder*
EvilMacey: was what you said...was that true?
GuardianofLight1: *falls to knees and starts to pant* aye...
ShardsIce: *trembles a little* YOU'RE USELESS!!
EvilMacey: *images start flashing through her mind*
GuardianofLight1: *falls to the ground and breaths no more*
EvilMacey: *gasps and stands up* I- I think I understand...........
ShardsIce: *shakily reaches for sword and yanks it out*
GuardianofLight1: *stops glowing*
ShardsIce: *breathes heavily* ....I told you he would die... foolish mortal...
EvilMacey: *gently picks GL up and carries him over to a nearby tree*
ShardsIce: *tries to stand, but falls back to the ground* Ugh... you *turns to EM* what have you done?!
EvilMacey: I have seen the truth. I was blinded by your words. Now the light has showed the truth
ShardsIce: *growls*
EvilMacey: *stares at Shard sadly* I feel so sorry for you...
ShardsIce: not this again
EvilMacey: *takes out flask and leans down and pours it into GL's wound*
ShardsIce: *blinks* ...what about ME?!?! Stop wasting it on the one already dead!
EvilMacey: *walks over to Shard and stares at her*
EvilMacey: *shakes head* he will not die.
EvilMacey: *stares at her sadly*
GuardianofLight1: *sword glows faintly next to Shard*
EvilMacey: you have been blinded as well, Shard
ShardsIce: by the glowstick?! No kidding! Get that thing away from me
EvilMacey: no…by evil and lies *picks up sword gently*
EvilMacey: I have seen it..... you will be changed one day.
ShardsIce: *pained smirk* you have no idea what you're talking about
EvilMacey: *smiles warmly at her*
ShardsIce: *struggles to stand again*
GuardianofLight1: *sword starts to fade*
ShardsIce: oh, I see you found the off switch. Nice work
EvilMacey: *runs over to GL and lays the sword in his hand*
ShardsIce: .....
GuardianofLight1: *sword bursts into a million beams of light and fly into GL*
ShardsIce: ...that...was kinda spooky...
GuardianofLight1: *starts to glow*
GuardianofLight1: *wound flashes and heals*
EvilMacey: this feeling... it’s strange
EvilMacey: *smiles* I LOVE IT!
EvilMacey: *hugs herself feeling loved*
GuardianofLight1: *glows brightly and stands*
ShardsIce: *finally stands and uses sword for support* ...ugh...bleh, you sicken me...
GuardianofLight1: *hugs EM* you are no longer EM...
GuardianofLight1: *vanishes*
LadyOfGraceAndHope: my names is LOGAH
ShardsIce: ...superb...
LadyOfGraceAndHope: *smiles at Shard*
ShardsIce: *glares*
LadyOfGraceAndHope: would you like some help with that there leg?
ShardsIce: No, I like limping with jolts of pain coursing through my leg... WHAT DO YOU THINK?!?!
LadyOfGraceAndHope: I think you do not like all, but of course you wont admit that
ShardsIce: no duh, just fix it so I can be on my merry way
LadyOfGraceAndHope: *takes out vial* this is some medicine to heal wounds such as yours, since you are wounded...
ShardsIce: you figure that out on your lonesome?
ShardsIce: *falls to the ground with a wince* would you heal this before I have to slap you to China?
unknown: someone is in a bad mood
ShardsIce: >_>
LadyOfGraceAndHope: *walks over and smiles at Shard then pours medicine on her wound*
unknown: *shakes head* why?
ShardsIce: *grits teeth* because she doesn't want to die, that's why
LadyOfGraceAndHope: *stops medicine* No, I am not afraid of dying
LadyOfGraceAndHope: You have to have all of this medicine in your wound
ShardsIce: .....what's your point?
LadyOfGraceAndHope: tell me you’re sorry and I continue
ShardsIce: What?! Your friend is the one who did this to me! Why do I have to apologize?!
LadyOfGraceAndHope: Forgiveness
ShardsIce: *blinks*
LadyOfGraceAndHope: that’s right, Shard, ask for forgiveness
ShardsIce: Why? >_>
JackSilver: have you always been evil, Shard?
ShardsIce: pretty much
JackSilver: that is hard to believe…
LadyOfGraceAndHope: it’s the only way to go back to yourself
ShardsIce: I AM myself, now give it here! *makes a grab for the medicine*
LadyOfGraceAndHope: *holds it up and away from her*
LadyOfGraceAndHope: no, you aren’t
ShardsIce: *points sword at LOGAH* listen lady, just hand it over and we can forget this ever had to happen...
LadyOfGraceAndHope: No, I won’t
ShardsIce: *glares*
JackSilver: *stares at Shard*
ShardsIce: what are you looking at? >_>
LadyOfGraceAndHope: *watches her intently and smiles* you need to feel loved.
LadyOfGraceAndHope: *glances over at Jack*
JackSilver: aye
ShardsIce: *blinks* excuse me?
JackSilver: *hugs Shard*
ShardsIce: (OO)
LadyOfGraceAndHope: *grins*
LadyOfGraceAndHope: that’s exactly what I was waiting for *hugs Shard as well*
ShardsIce: *wriggles desperately* GET OFF ME!!!
LadyOfGraceAndHope: *holds tightly*
JackSilver: ^_^ *does not let go*
ShardsIce: I SAID LET GO!!!
JackSilver: no!
LadyOfGraceAndHope: Never!
CrisisCloud: *hugs Shard* ^_^
ShardsIce: ACK!!
CrisisCloud: Hi
ShardsIce: *screams* LET ME GO!!!
CrisisCloud: ..... *plugs ears*
ShardsIce: *shuts eyes* S-STOP! PLEASE!!!
JackSilver: you need this, Shard...
CrisisCloud: *wonders where Lui went*
ShardsIce: (OO)
LadyOfGraceAndHope: you need it soooo much!
CrisisCloud: *backs up and calls him*
LadyOfGraceAndHope: absorb the love, girl!
CrisisCloud: Like a sponge ^_^
JackSilver: ^_^
LadyOfGraceAndHope: *nods*
ShardsIce: NOOOO!!! NEVER!!! *squirms around even more*
CrisisCloud: Ah, he's coming
LadyOfGraceAndHope: *keeps iron grip* goody
ShardsIce: NO! NO! NO!
LadyOfGraceAndHope: YES!
CrisisCloud: See ye later, I have to catch him first
LadyOfGraceAndHope: YES!
JackSilver: yes....
ShardsIce: NOOO! ... if ...if he....
JackSilver: *hugs tighter*
ISCLui: *waves*
ShardsIce: (OO)
ISCLui: Hihi
LadyOfGraceAndHope: hello!
JackSilver: hi
ISCLui: *steps closer*
LadyOfGraceAndHope: *hugs tighter*
ISCLui: You're funny ^_^
LadyOfGraceAndHope: Come join us, Lui!
ISCLui: *giggles* *steps a little closer*
ShardsIce: *struggles to get free* LET GO!
ISCLui: I like you, what's your name? ^_^
ISCLui: *hugs*
ShardsIce: (OO)
ISCLui: *giggles*
ShardsIce: *goes very still*
JackSilver: ^_^
LadyOfGraceAndHope: *chuckles*
LadyOfGraceAndHope: *sings* SHARD IS LOVED!
ISCLui: ^_^
ShardsIce: ....
LadyOfGraceAndHope: *continues to hug Shard*
ShardsIce: *shakes head*
ISCLui: *steps back* You're my new friend *giggles*
HannaDrows: I'm your old friend
ISCLui: ^_^ YAY!!!
HannaDrows: *sigh*
LadyOfGraceAndHope: is this a good thing?
ISCLui: *claps and jumps up and down*
JackSilver: ^_^
HannaDrows: *blinks* you guys can let go of me now...
ISCLui: *giggles* She's mine, after all
HannaDrows: ....
ISCLui: Hehe
HannaDrows: *blushes* j-just let go
JackSilver: *backs up*
LadyOfGraceAndHope: aye *lets go*
HannaDrows: *takes a deep breath*
ISCLui: *giggles again*
LadyOfGraceAndHope: *watches observantly*
HannaDrows: *smiles a little*
ISCLui: ^_^ *runs off giggling into the sunset*
LadyOfGraceAndHope: I’m satisfied.
HannaDrows: *watches him with a smile*
LadyOfGraceAndHope: She’s good to do as she wishes
JackSilver: *tilts head*
LadyOfGraceAndHope: oh, and you will no longer need the medicine
LadyOfGraceAndHope: You never did. ^_^
HannaDrows: *blinks* *looks back at LOGAH* I didn't?
LadyOfGraceAndHope: *shakes head* You didn’t
HannaDrows: *blinks* I don't understand...
LadyOfGraceAndHope: you have passed the test I was assigned to give to you
HannaDrows: *tilts head*
JackSilver: *coughs* and the sword was made of light
LadyOfGraceAndHope: you will understand, in due time
HannaDrows: .....o...k....
LadyOfGraceAndHope: ^_^
JackSilver: Always Hope
HannaDrows: *sigh*
JackSilver: *grins*
LadyOfGraceAndHope: cheer up lass
HannaDrows: *smiles a little*
LadyOfGraceAndHope: *smiles warmly at her* ^_^
HannaDrows: ...thanks...
JackSilver: *pokes Hanna*
HannaDrows: *blinks* what?
JackSilver: hi
HannaDrows: ...hi....
JackSilver: ^_^
LadyOfGraceAndHope: heh, I will always be watching ^_^
HannaDrows: .....that's not exactly the most comforting thought...
LadyOfGraceAndHope: in a way
HannaDrows: heh, ah well *stands up a little wobbly*
JackSilver: *grabs her arm* ye ok?
HannaDrows: *nods* yeah, I'm ok. Just... a little tired I guess... that last fight.... *sigh*
HannaDrows: *turns to Jack* thank you
JackSilver: *nods* I see... no problem ^_^

Deleted Scene: Take 3, Part 4 - The Trickery of Shard

The Trickery of Shard

TheQuiteWatcher: *watches quietly to see what Shard does*
Shardsice: ...interesting...
TheQuiteWatcher: *glances away*
Shardsice: *turns to TQW* Hey, angel food cake, want a fight yet?
TheQuiteWatcher: Actually,........ I do. But not with you.
Shardsice: oh? who with then? and why not me?
TheQuiteWatcher: You’re a fool, that’s why and I am already fighting the evil.......
TheQuiteWatcher: I don’t know which side is winning
Shardsice: *blinks* evil, of course
TheQuiteWatcher: I keep hearing voices...
Shardsice: yeah, I'm one of them :P
TheQuiteWatcher: *clutches head* GO AWAY!
Shardsice: *smirks*
Shardsice: *walks over to TQW and sits next to her*
TheQuiteWatcher: *turns away* STOP!....- Jus-JUST GO AWAY!
TheQuiteWatcher: *falls off log clutching head*
Shardsice: *watches* you don't have to keep fighting it, you know. *says softly* you can give in
TheQuiteWatcher: *screams* NEVER!!!!!!!!.... I WONT!....... I Can't........
TheQuiteWatcher: I will not give in!
TheQuiteWatcher: *tears start dripping down cheek*
Shardsice: *puts hand on TQW's shoulder and smiles softly* it's ok. Giving in makes it all the pain go away. All that anger you hold, you can't keep it back forever
TheQuiteWatcher: YES! I can!...... I will! I- *winces and clutches head again*
TheQuiteWatcher: Just .........go away..... *speaks weakly*
TheQuiteWatcher: I--Will----------NEVER--- g-giv..........
Shardsice: *shakes head* I wouldn't leave you like this. *pulls out tissue and wipes away tears with a smile* like I said, giving in makes it easier
TheQuiteWatcher: HOW DO YOU KNOW?!!!!!!!!!!! YOU'R A MURDERER!!!!!!
TheQuiteWatcher: I can’t.......*she whispers*
Shardsice: hehe, I wasn't always an assassin, you know. I just did that cause I got bored…and there was money involved...
Shardsice: I'm not asking you to do anything you don't want to
TheQuiteWatcher: *covers her face with her hands and shakes her head*
TheQuiteWatcher: One voice...
Shardsice: here... *helps TQW up and sits her on the log again* there now, just take a deep breath and let it go
TheQuiteWatcher: it speaks of treasures..........paradise
TheQuiteWatcher: *breaths deeply*
Shardsice: *nods* there, we feeling better now?
TheQuiteWatcher: A little............
Shardsice: *smiles* see? It's not all that bad, you know you want to let all that anger and frustration go
TheQuiteWatcher: *hesitates*
TheQuiteWatcher: yes, but...
Shardsice: no buts. by giving in, you don't have to waste your energy holding it all back
TheQuiteWatcher: *head starts pulsing in pain*
TheQuiteWatcher: I've always held back......
Shardsice: I know
Shardsice: it's what you people do. *shakes head* all you ever do is fight
TheQuiteWatcher: I don’t want to fight it. *the words unexpectedly burst from her lips*
TheQuiteWatcher: *stares at the ground*
Shardsice: I know. You're probably scared right now, but it's going to be ok. *smiles*
TheQuiteWatcher: *nods suddenly* what’s happening to me........?
Shardsice: *puts hand on TQW's shoulder again* let it go, let it all go
TheQuiteWatcher: *suddenly she closes her eyes* *breaths deeply* I’m letting it go.......all of it... she says in a soft voice*
Shardsice: *nods* that's a good girl
TheQuiteWatcher: *she says it over and over again*
TheQuiteWatcher: *suddenly her eyes burst open*
Shardsice: *tilts head*
TheQuiteWatcher: its gone...........
TheQuiteWatcher: *she blinks then smiles*
TheQuiteWatcher: ITS GONE! I LET GO!
Shardsice: *smirks* see? that wasn't so bad, now was it?
TheQuiteWatcher: no, it wasn’t
TheQuiteWatcher: I feel different and strange
Shardsice: *nods* ye get used to it...
TheQuiteWatcher: *nods*
TheQuiteWatcher: I don’t really remember anything, that’s odd....
TheQuiteWatcher: I just remember letting go.......
Shardsice: *tilts head* well then, let's make some new memories you can look back on later
TheQuiteWatcher: okay!
Shardsice: *nods* now, what do you want to do? do you have any goals yet?
TheQuiteWatcher: *thinks* strangely...........
TheQuiteWatcher: I need help thinking of some, got any in mind?
Shardsice: *smiles* I've got a few
TheQuiteWatcher: *grins at Shard* I'm listening.
Shardsice: *looks around* we need to get back to civilization...
TheQuiteWatcher: sounds good but I don’t know where that would be
Shardsice: I'll take care of it
Shardsice: *both Shard and TQW suddenly appear on a crowded city street*
TheQuiteWatcher: *blinks*
TheQuiteWatcher: wow! how did you do that?!
TheQuiteWatcher: I want to learn! You have to teach me that!
Shardsice: hehe, I've got connections. Be patient and I'll teach you the tricks of the trade
Shardsice: *some punk roughly bumps into TQW*
TheQuiteWatcher: HEY!
Shardsice: wow, he didn't even stop to say sorry...
TheQuiteWatcher: *she turns around and shoves the kid to the ground harshly*
Shardsice: *smiles* lesson number one...
Shardsice: don’t get offended... get even
TheQuiteWatcher: *nods* I will remember that!
Shardsice: *nods* I thought so
TheQuiteWatcher: *grins*
Shardsice: *walks into a mall*
TheQuiteWatcher: *looks around*
TheQuiteWatcher: wow
Shardsice: see anything you like?
TheQuiteWatcher: *nods and points to necklace*
TheQuiteWatcher: I like that..... a lot.
Shardsice: nice choice, I think it would suit ye
Shardsice: go get it
TheQuiteWatcher: Yeah....... I don’t think they would mind if I borrowed it......
TheQuiteWatcher: *walks over, glances around, then quickly grabs the necklace and put it into her pocket*
TheQuiteWatcher: *walks back grinning*
Shardsice: *nods* good enough... lesson number two...
Shardsice: if you want something, take it
TheQuiteWatcher: I like that.
Shardsice: as do I
Shardsice: now, what makes you happy?
TheQuiteWatcher: Watching people......... unhappy.........or pained.
Shardsice: exactly
TheQuiteWatcher: *grins*
Shardsice: *looks around and see a little kid with a lollipop* *turns to TQW* have a whack at it
TheQuiteWatcher: *walks over to the kid* Hey kid!
Shardsice: *watches*
TheQuiteWatcher: *kid looks at her*
TheQuiteWatcher: give me your lollipop! *shoves him up against wall*
Shardsice: *smirks*
TheQuiteWatcher: *grabs lollipop and kicks him in the gut*
Shardsice: *claps* nice job
TheQuiteWatcher: *leans down to his ear and whispers* How do you feel? in pain?
TheQuiteWatcher: *she gently pulls his finger back until she hears a satisfied crack*
TheQuiteWatcher: *she stands up and runs back to Shard*
Shardsice: very nice, lesson number three...
Shardsice: do whatever makes you happy
TheQuiteWatcher: Oh I will, I’ll make sure of it...
Shardsice: *nods* now...
Shardsice: one more lesson...
TheQuiteWatcher: *listens intently*
Shardsice: *shoves TQW against wall and holds sword to her throat* lesson number four...
Shardsice: NEVER turn on me
TheQuiteWatcher: *GASPS*
Shardsice: you got that?!
TheQuiteWatcher: let go........yes! I got it!
Shardsice: *lets go and sheathes sword* good *smiles*
TheQuiteWatcher: *stares at Shard frightened and rubs neck soothingly*
TheQuiteWatcher: I will never betray you......
Shardsice: *nods* good, we have an understanding
TheQuiteWatcher: *nods* I understand.
Shardsice: so.... you want some ice cream?
TheQuiteWatcher: *grins* Yes.
Shardsice: *looks around* there be a place *points*
TheQuiteWatcher: can I watch you this time?
Shardsice: sure
Shardsice: *walks over to ice cream stand* can I have... *turns to TQW* what flavor?
TheQuiteWatcher: caramel...
Shardsice: *nods* right, I'll take one caramel and one vanilla... *takes the ice cream and walks away* *turns back to yelling attendant* ...she seems upset...
Shardsice: *hands ice cream to TQW*
TheQuiteWatcher: yeah, but who cares *grabs ice cream*
Shardsice: *walks outside and sits on bench*
TheQuiteWatcher: *sits on bench too*
Shardsice: so, you got any family?
TheQuiteWatcher: *pauses...*
TheQuiteWatcher: I don’t know? I don’t really remember
Shardsice: *shrugs* fair enough
TheQuiteWatcher: *licks ice cream*
TheQuiteWatcher: what about you? *glances at Shard*
Shardsice: well, I have an original and a younger sister... then a side of me I don't want to talk about
TheQuiteWatcher: what would happen if I did ask about your other side?
Shardsice: I would say don't go there...
TheQuiteWatcher: O-oh-okay...
Shardsice: *nods* and if you pressed it, I would say she's the side of me that I hate
TheQuiteWatcher: I understand... *nods*
TheQuiteWatcher: do I have a side?
Shardsice: *shrugs* if you did, trust me, it's gone now *smiles*
TheQuiteWatcher: *nods* okay.
Shardsice: hhhmmm... do you hear something? *listens intently* I hear sirens
TheQuiteWatcher: *listens* is that bad?
Shardsice: maybe...
TheQuiteWatcher: I must go into hiding for the night......
TheQuiteWatcher: I hope I see you again
Shardsice: *nods* likewise
Shardsice: *smiles* apprentice
TheQuiteWatcher: *smiles* indeed master
TheQuiteWatcher: *leaps off bench*
Shardsice: farewell, and don't let the cops get you
TheQuiteWatcher: oh trust me, they wont!
TheQuiteWatcher: *fades into the darkness*
Shardsice: *smirks* fast learner, that one

Deleted Scene: Take 3 (What were they thinking?!)

Coauthors On The Undeadness Of EDJ

*At first*

BBM: hehe, come to think of it, the undead monkey from PotC be as annoying as the undead EDJ
Misty: undead? oh... right... I forgot
BBM: Aye. Evil Hanna's still trying to find ways to finish the job
*shrugs* ain't working out though. He remains as alive as he was when he was alive

*later on*

BBM:EDJ was mostly dying when he got turned into living dead, what if he was left mostly dying

Blackberrymew: *sniffles* this is EXACTLY why we can't have Shard win in ISC!
Mistysmountains: IK!
Blackberrymew: *nods*
Mistysmountains: *thinks about what BBM and herself would do if EDJ were to show up right now* XD
Blackberrymew: (OO)
Blackberrymew: *dies*
Mistysmountains: Not you too...
Blackberrymew: er...that's not even funny.... cause he can't die and...sorry
Blackberrymew: this kinda thing should never happen.... though I admit.....I enjoy exploring and alternate endings.
Blackberrymew: least this one path I've seen where it leads
Blackberrymew: the other major one be if Hanna sees Lui and splits
Blackberrymew: into two, that is...not like leaves
Blackberrymew: *blinks* that didn't come out right either
Blackberrymew: *hears In The End play*
Blackberrymew: DOES fit EDJ....
Blackberrymew: *sigh* Iul be one of the kinds a people ye dislike seeing go....despite how mean they be.... ye can't help fee sorry for them and just wish ye could help them.... and *sobs*
Blackberrymew: *sniffles* if DJ kills him off.... I'll kill him >_>
Mistysmountains: But he keeps going on about how it can be the second book, trying to get EDJ back and ladadadadada...
Blackberrymew: fire sword chronicles
Blackberrymew: *hears Leave Out All The Rest* (OO) *sniffles*
Mistysmountains: what if the only way to help him, is the same way the-- ...
Blackberrymew: *secretly plays song called Cloud Smiles*
Blackberrymew: awwww, man, this song is making me cry too
Mistysmountains: what if the only way to help him, is the same way the pirates helped Jack in the third movie?
Blackberrymew: *thinks* (OO) go to Davy Jones' locker?! :O
Mistysmountains: if EDJ feels better in the OD
Blackberrymew: *thinks* go to the OD and get him back..... this sounds familiar.....
Blackberrymew: *thinks* Shard left him in a state of mostly deadness..... maybe if ye took him to Miracle Max....nah
Blackberrymew: what would happen if DJ and EDJ merged...then since EDJ be too weak to have his own life.... what if we never see him again?!?!
Blackberrymew: What if we gave him his own cookies!
Mistysmountains: what if there was someway to give him a jolt back into reality. Meaning, back into real life
Mistysmountains: And... I bet if we defibbed him in the OD... it just might work
Blackberrymew: *thinks* how exactly do WE get to the OD?
Mistysmountains: If you take Davy Jone's locker...
Mistysmountains: you could say DJ's locker
Mistysmountains: well, before EDJ died, Crazy C sent him to the OD
Mistysmountains: maybe, he can remember how she did it
Mistysmountains: we could have a scientist (also known as Crazy C) get the others to the OD
Blackberrymew: *nods* point is, she means/meant/will mean something or another to him sometime.... but what? *taps chin*
Mistysmountains: what if the OD is basically like Earth, only another demension? Like, everyone has a duplicate there
Mistysmountains: and this girl whose name we can't remember is the OD's Melody
Blackberrymew: *hears Because You Live come on*
Mistysmountains: Maybe that's why she's so important to EDJ though
Blackberrymew: that would make Lui pretty much DJ's only other who hasn't had his girl friend person die on him.....
Blackberrymew: this is not looking good for Hanna (OO)
Blackberrymew: ah, then there was that idea that people with more than one other were special
Blackberrymew: twas an idea that Brady mentioned. his others said he was the only one to have more than one other. meaning people with two others are rare... amybe there's a connection between that and why the CS wants Hanna and DJ

Deleted Scene: Take 6 - Everybody Needs Somebody

Everybody Needs Somebody

Catherine: When they get Lui back, EDJ should totally say something really blunt to him about how Hanna likes him.

Catherine: DJ! Instead Lui should confess his love when they get him back! *says while melting and squealing*


EDJ: Reasonable? How about, (I love you!) let's go get Lui.


DJ: He's my other, isn't he?
EDJ: (No, I'm her new love-interest.) We were just talking about an old friend of mine, that's all. Nothing important, right Hanna?


Misty: DJ! Does EDJ like Hanna??

C - aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaccccccccccccccccccccccckkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk!!!!

DJ: Awkward moment! No...just being kind-hearted. Attempting to correct his past behaviors, at least a little.

Misty: C- "uh huh, riiiiiiight. sounds like a love triangle in the making! 'cept EDJ wouldn't stand a chance. and I was gonna say something else... I can't remember cuz SOMEONE tried to steal the laptop! (cough, Misty, cough cough)"

*rolls eyes* *idea!* Unless Eve (Misty's EO) Isn't bad on Thorae like EDJ and they get hitched! jk

Misty: Well quoting DJ here, "If anything, Brady would applaud our ingenuity. I hope."

DJ: In all seriousness, I don't think EDJ would stand a chance either.

Misty: *Misty and Catherine nod in unison* No, he doesn't.

Anna: Y'all are doomsayers...

DJ: You don't want it to happen either, and you're just not admitting it!

Anna: ....pfft... yeah right...

DJ: Come, let us convince Savannah to join the club of EDJ doubters.

Misty: C - "Savannah, come to the dark side!"

Yes, Savannah, it's so much fun over here on the fun side of the SC.

Anna: >_> ...who's side are you on? Tis evil I say!

Misty: Tis not!

DJ: Tis too!

Tis not!

Ok, tis not!

Gutless flip-flopper.

(random conversation/end)



Misty: NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!! Get back to Savannah, the LOVE of your LIFE!! jk jk

C - smooth DJ, real smooth

Anna: O_o Uh....ri-ight..

C - Hanna, if Lui doesn't like you back, do you think maybe you could give EDJ a chance?


Anna: They finally get Lui out.

Hanna: *walks up to Lui* ...Lui?

Lui: ...who are you?

Hanna: *cries, but with a sad smile*an old friend, but that doesn't matter any more. *hugs Lui and whispers* All you need to that I will always love you. *swiftly turns around and walks past DJ* Take care of him for me. *leaves never to be seen or heard from again*

THEZelgius: :O Somebody threw their heart into the wood-chipper!

Mistysmountains: *cries* Tis too sad!

Mistysmountains: that's when Lui grabs hanna's arm and says, "Want to go out sometime?"

Mistysmountains: Hanna loves him and she knows it!!!!!

BlackBerryMew: Bah, she knows it not

Mistysmountains: *shakes head* She does

BlackBerryMew: Nah, she's an airhead sometimes

THEZelgius: Which her? Evil or normal Hanna?

BlackBerryMew: normal

THEZelgius: Evil Hanna knows it, and would take advantage of it

Mistysmountains: (OO) True

BlackBerryMew: very true

Mistysmountains: very, very true

BlackBerryMew: normal Hanna just be in denial I think

THEZelgius: Even after EO's ultimatum?

BlackBerryMew: Hehe, made her stop to think about it. Tis why her evil came out

THEZelgius: Hehe, unintended side effect there

BlackBerryMew: apparently XD


Mistysmountains: Hanna and Brady could elope!

THEZelgius: Hanna marries Brady, they have 12 children and take over Thorae

THEZelgius: (Brady) *steals the speed bike from Eve, whisks Hanna off her feet, and they fly away to live happily ever after*

THEZelgius: (EDJ) *grabs Eve and flies off into the sunset*

Mistysmountains: "And the official ISC star award goes to... George, the guard!"

THEZelgius: For his thrilling performance and bravery in the defiance of death by a true villain

Mistysmountains: (: Thank you, thank you. I'm so glad to be given this opportunity


Eve: Wow, this loon is really starting to creep me out. *starts to whisper into sleeve* Black swan is moving in, I repeat, black swan is moving in. Oh, right. I'm not an FBI agent. :P


Mistysmountains: Cryptic decided to go to a mental hospital and NOT kill all the people there

Mistysmountains: DJ decided that he liked pie more then anything else, so he stops helping the others rescue Lui

Mistysmountains: Once Hanna FINALLY reaches Lui, Lui realizes how depressing she is all the time, and doesn't like her anymore

Mistysmountains: So, EDJ realizes this is his chance, and decides to marry Hanna

Mistysmountains: Alzymus decided that even though Zione is a bounty hunter (or whatever he is) he would let him roam free and do as he pleased. He even helped Zione

Mistysmountains: ISC has a really lame ending

THEZelgius: *rewrites the final chapters*

THEZelgius: Cryptic ends up running away from the CS with Hanna instead of turning her in, elopes with her

THEZelgius: EDJ and DJ rescue Lui and they return to earth and become its dictators

THEZelgius: Alzymus captures Zione and has him executed, then gets killed to silence the conspiracy

THEZelgius: Brady and Eve live forever and ever on the destroyed-yet-stuck in the water ship

THEZelgius: Misty.....builds a hut on the beach and lives there quietly for the rest of her life

THEZelgius: Ace and Naomi commit suicide and die together

THEZelgius: *thinks* Hairam and Christina die randomly at the hands of a serial killer

Blackberrymew: and the rest of this story couldn't be written because two of our coauthors eloped

Blackberrymew: as far as Kandi being kidnapped, she's been kidnapped afore. Though that left the kidnappers going to metal therapy... yeah, they were left fingerpainting afterwards


Brady: Somebody inform me of what you are talking about! DX

Misty: Errr... DJ?

Anna: Uh oh...Brady's back...Ya'll are in trouble! XD

DJ: Oh no! Brady's returned too soon! I was all Savannah's idea!

Anna: What?! It wasn't me!

Misty: Er... ummm... welllllllllllllll.... This is awkward

DJ: I'm just going to sit and watch. This should be entertaining!

Misty: NOOOOOOO!!!!! DJ you need to help me! *pouts* fine... I guesss... No wait! I change my mind!

C- Say your prayers. Y'all are doomed.

Misty: Ok, well Brady let's just say Ace and Naomi are going to live happily ever after!


Anna: Hanna, we’ve come across some difficulties

Hanna: …?

Anna: it would seem that we have to go back and rewrite part 25

Hanna: What? What about everything we’ve been through?!

Anna: I know, I know, but it must be done

Hanna: ...but...Lui... we’re getting closer!

Anna: *raises eyebrow* ...that’s really all you ever think about any more, isn’t it?

Hanna: ...

Anna: never mind. What this means is that we’re going to have to delete everything that happened. Completely erase it.

Hanna: *thoughtful look* what about us?

Anna: well, you won’t have same knowledge you do now. Because it never happened

Hanna: *pales* you mean...?

Anna: Yup. I’m going to have to erase everything. *pulls on sunglasses and pulls out silver object*

Hanna: what’s that?

Anna: remember that flashy thing on MIB?

Hanna: ...yes...

Anna: *holds it up* no, you don’t *flash*

Hanna: *blinks* Anna?

Anna: ...oops...

Hanna: what are you doing in Thorae?

Anna: um…I want a hat… or a cape... *pulls on cape* there ^_^

Hanna: *crosses arms* what are you really doing here?

Anna: *pushes buttons on device* …nothing…

Hanna: is that the flashy thing on MIB?

Anna: …um… *points* There’s Lui!

Hanna: WHAT?! *spins around* I don’t see anything *turns*

Anna: *flash* Your boat is that way *points* *walks away*

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Deleted Scene: Take 5 - Big Battle Blast

Big Battle Blast

Blackberrymew: ....what? they be fun to watch
THEZelgius: *draws sword and walks casually to BBM*
Blackberrymew: *blinks* uh oh
THEZelgius: What if ye be the one doing the fighting?
PretenderAnon: Good question.
Blackberrymew: well… that be a different approach... *backs up*
Mistysmountains: (OO)
Silverangel3: Z and BBM fighting? oooh!
Blackberrymew: >_>
Silverangel3: *grabs popcorn*
Mistysmountains: *sits and watches*
THEZelgius: *puts on artificial wings first, then races toward BBM*
Mistysmountains: Oh, good idea, SA. *grabs popcorn*
Blackberrymew: EEk! *takes to the air and races to the clouds*
THEZelgius: *gives chase*
Mistysmountains: *whispers to SA* So... who do you think will win?
PretenderAnon: Might I have a taste of your popcorn?
Mistysmountains: Sure *holds out popcorn*
PretenderAnon: *reaches out and takes five pieces* Thanks.
Mistysmountains: No problem
Silverangel3: hhhmmm.... who will win?
Blackberrymew: *looks back at Z while keeping a good distance away* Give it up! You should know better than to mess with me!
Mistysmountains: Uh oh... Why are BBM's eyes turning red...?
THEZelgius: Ha! Ye thinks that just because ye can fly, ye can win every time. Silverangel3: *nods* BBM, defiantly :P
THEZelgius: It be not happening this time!
THEZelgius: *shoots fireballs toward BBM*
PretenderAnon: that even fair?
PretenderAnon: Or legal, for that matter... Ah well, tis entertaining
Blackberrymew: *dodges the fireballs and sends a flurry of icicles back* Mistysmountains: I think... we might want to make like weasels and head to the bomb shelter
PretenderAnon: Good idea
Silverangel3: nah *covers head with a dome of light*
THEZelgius: *slashes icicles before they can do any damage*
THEZelgius: *grabs the bag of sand out of his pocketses and throws it at BBM, but misses and watches as it falls back down toward the others*
Blackberrymew: *smirks* Ye be testing me, Z. Pitiful. *ice starts forming on Z's armor* THEZelgius: *flashes with light and the ice melts away instantly*
Mistysmountains: I think they are going to be in an endless battle for all eternity. PretenderAnon: THAT would be interesting
Mistysmountains: Kinda like Jack and Barbossa
THEZelgius: Nice try, my friend
Blackberrymew: Heh, who said I was trying? I'm just warming up
Mistysmountains: (OO)
Silverangel3: warming up? I did not know ye did that
Silverangel3: that would be, say, the opposite of what ye do :P
THEZelgius: *waits for BBM to make the next move*
Blackberrymew: *eyes flash red* make fun all you want, I have the upper hand. *dives at Z, drawing sword in the process, and crashes into him*
Mistysmountains: uh oh
THEZelgius: *blocks BBM's sword and flips her over, flinging her toward the earth in the process*
THEZelgius: Not anymore, ye don't
Jacksilver: oooh, a fight!
Mistysmountains: Hey Jack! You came at just the right time
Jacksilver: *sits next to Misty*
Mistysmountains: BBM and Z are going to be in a battle for all eternity
Jacksilver: really? wow
Mistysmountains: Aye!
PretenderAnon: Hi Jack.
Mistysmountains: Popcorn?
Jacksilver: hi PA
Jacksilver: sure!
Mistysmountains: *gives Jack popcorn*
Jacksilver: thanks ^_^
Mistysmountains: No problem. :)
THEZelgius: The world needs a new hero!
Blackberrymew: *lands in a crouch and propels back into the air*
THEZelgius: *shines light off his sword and holds it in a ready position*
Jarontheswift: a fight? (OO) *sits next to Jack*
Jacksilver: yeppers...
Mistysmountains: hi Jaron
Aidanwhite: hi all! I heard there was a fight?
Jarontheswift: hey misty...Aidan
Jacksilver: yo Aidan
PretenderAnon: That is correct. BBM and Z... *points up to the air*
Aidanwhite: hi everyone
Mistysmountains: Hi Aidan
THEZelgius: *flies down and uses the light to blind BBM*
Blackberrymew: Grr *shields eyes and looks back at the ground* spectators.... THEZelgius: Spectators, ye say?
Jacksilver: I count 5 spectators ^_^
Aidanwhite: hhhmmm...
Mistysmountains: ^_^
Mistysmountains: Aidan, Jaron, popcorn?
Aidanwhite: no thanks
Jarontheswift: nope
Jarontheswift: thanks though
Jacksilver: ^_^
THEZelgius: Should be fun
Jarontheswift: ...
Blackberrymew: ...indeed...
Mistysmountains: (OO)
Jacksilver: I sure hope that does not mean what I think it does...
Mistysmountains: jjjaaaacccckkkk........ don't even say that!
Mistysmountains: *really thinks they should head for the bomb shelter*
THEZelgius: *as he approaches BBM, he slashes right then turns sharply to the upper-left*
Blackberrymew: *just barely avoids the attack* What about them?! *points*
Jacksilver: what about us?
THEZelgius: The spectators?
Aidanwhite: *nods*
THEZelgius: *turns head, then grins*
Mistysmountains: ....
THEZelgius: Ye be thinking what I'm thinking?
Jacksilver: *loosens sword in scabbard*
Mistysmountains: *isn't liking the sound of this*
Jacksilver: go ahead guys... >:D
Blackberrymew: *smirks Hanna-style*
Jarontheswift: sure thing ;)
Jarontheswift: have fun yall
Mistysmountains: heh
Aidanwhite: *giggles* hehe
Aidanwhite: ^_^
THEZelgius: *flies down in a nosedive*
Aidanwhite: byes!
Anduril2: WOW
Jacksilver: you are just in time
Mistysmountains: So it's all of us
Mistysmountains: against them?
THEZelgius: Should be a good fight, no?
Mistysmountains: The odds are sounding good so far.
THEZelgius: Evenly matched, I think
Blackberrymew: *nods*
Mistysmountains: *gulp* Err, Jack, there's just one problem
Jacksilver: hhhmm?
Mistysmountains: I LEFT ME SWORD AT HOME!
THEZelgius: *pulls up just before hitting the ground and lands, running toward the group*
Jacksilver: XD
Jacksilver: *takes out HopeBringer*
PretenderAnon: *watches from his seat*
Mistysmountains: hmmm
Mistysmountains: *sits with PA*
Mistysmountains: Never liked fights anyway. :P
Silverangel3: *takes out SilverStar*
THEZelgius: *runs bye PA and MM, tossing each of them a sword as he runs bye*
Jacksilver: *nudges SA* we can take em’
THEZelgius: *draws Light's Bane*
Mistysmountains: Why did Z do that?
Silverangel3: who knows
PretenderAnon: Hmmm, that be an interesting thing. *plays with the sword gently*
Mistysmountains: Is he suggesting we join them?
PretenderAnon: That would work, Misty
Mistysmountains: *shrugs*
Jacksilver: *snorts* that is what you think
PretenderAnon: *stands up* Might as well. *starts walking after Z*
Mistysmountains: *follows*
Blackberrymew: *sheathes sword and watches from the air* Hehe, I can't believe that worked
Blackberrymew: *smiles innocently*
THEZelgius: *waits for MM and PA to catch up*
PretenderAnon: *points sword at Z*
Mistysmountains: PA? *watches*
THEZelgius: He be the one that started it.
Mistysmountains: who started it?
PretenderAnon: ..............
THEZelgius: ...............
Blackberrymew: *smirks* wasn't me ^_^
Silverangel3: Jack... you can handle this yourself, I believe *sheaths sword and flies away*
THEZelgius: None of ye can keep up!
THEZelgius: I'll take the lot of ye down!
Mistysmountains: *stays out of it*
Mistysmountains: Never, ever get on Z's bad side :P
Blackberrymew: *stays in the air* indeed
Jacksilver: *unfurls wings and shoots into the air towards BBM*
THEZelgius: *wonders if SA's rule still be in effect*
Mistysmountains: hahahahaha!!
Mistysmountains: That is a good point, Z
Jacksilver: nah, go ahead ;)
THEZelgius: *grins, then races toward Jack*
Jacksilver: *attacks BBM*
Mistysmountains: The no killing rule
Blackberrymew: HEY! *dodges*
THEZelgius: *changes course*
Jacksilver: *attacks BBM again*
Blackberrymew: What ye be attacking me for? *draws sword and blocks*
Jacksilver: *shrugs* I know not
Blackberrymew: >_>
Jacksilver: if I don’t attack you...
Jacksilver: who should I attack?
Blackberrymew: anyone but me
THEZelgius: *stops* Ugh, no one wishes to fight the Great Z
THEZelgius: *waves to Jack*
Jacksilver: there be my opening
Anduril2: and me
Jacksilver: *dives towards Z*
THEZelgius: *waves hand over sword, making it glow with a dark red light*
Anduril2: *draws Stärke*
Jacksilver: *collides with Z, slashing at him*
Blackberrymew: *watches with a smile*
THEZelgius: *blocks the blow, twirling and delivering a few blows of his own*
Anduril2: I want to know friend from foe
PretenderAnon: I be just a simple pedestrian spectator
Jacksilver: *dodges and stabs at Z's stomach*
THEZelgius: *draws a hidden dagger to parry the stab*
Anduril2: * does an upper cut at Z’s head*
Jacksilver: hhmmm...
THEZelgius: *dodges the punch and roll out of the way*
Jacksilver: you cannot escape >:D
THEZelgius: *stands back up and races toward Jack savagely*
Jacksilver: *throws a series of slashes and jabs Z's way*
THEZelgius: *jumps over the attack and slashes on the way down*
Jacksilver: ack! *looks at bloodied wing and huffs*
THEZelgius: *lands behind Jack and turns, crouching in a fighting position*
Jacksilver: *raises sword and waits*
Mistysmountains: *watches stunned into silence*
Silverangel3: ik, Misty, ik
THEZelgius: *lights the sword again and flashes a shock wave toward Jack*
Silverangel3: BBM has become silent it seems
Blackberrymew: *gently floats down to MM* Popcorn?
Blackberrymew: heh
THEZelgius: Or not
Silverangel3: so it seems
Mistysmountains: that's ok, BBM, thanks though
Jacksilver: *flies into the air, ignoring the pain*
THEZelgius: *watches Jack*
Blackberrymew: *nods and watches the battle continue, jotting down a few notes every now and then*
Mistysmountains: hahaha!! XD
THEZelgius: :P
Jacksilver: sends a wave of light of his own at Z*
THEZelgius: *twists his sword, parrying most of the blow, but gets hit in the left shoulder*
Jacksilver: *lands back on the ground and sighs*
THEZelgius: *does a back flip and beckons to Jack*
Jacksilver: *rushes at Z*
Mistysmountains: (OO)
THEZelgius: *quickly pulls up sword and slashes at the quickly-moving Jack*
Jacksilver: *parries and slashes back*
Anduril2: *runs to help jack defeat Z*
Silverangel3: *holds back Anduril* whoa there, tiger
Anduril2: *stops*
Silverangel3: you shall only get yourself killed XD
Silverangel3: tis their fight, it seems....
Anduril2: I know my stuff
Silverangel3: go and join if ye want then ;)
THEZelgius: *jumps back and dodges Jack's slash* *watches Jack and Anduril*
Anduril2: just Z, Jack and me
THEZelgius: *grins*
Mistysmountains: *watches*
Anduril2: is that it?
THEZelgius: For now
Mistysmountains: ...
Anduril2: Ok *circles to the side of Z*
THEZelgius: Ye be joining me then, Anduril?
Anduril2: no, against
THEZelgius: One on one for now
Anduril2: *Lunges at z*
THEZelgius: *blocks Anduril's attack and kicks his arm*
Anduril2: * feels pain to up from his wrist* *Does a beat-parry at Z*
THEZelgius: *backs up carefully*
THEZelgius: *pulls out pistol*
Anduril2: cheat
THEZelgius: Pirate
Mistysmountains: XD haha!!
Blackberrymew: EPIC!
THEZelgius: ^_^
Mistysmountains: niiice
Anduril2: *dives behind a barrel of fish *
THEZelgius: *shoots the barrel several times for good measure*
Silverangel3: poor fish :(
Mistysmountains: ... (OO)
THEZelgius: *without looking, points the pistol at MM and shoots*
Mistysmountains: .................
Mistysmountains: *Z misses* :P *runs*
THEZelgius: ^_^
Mistysmountains: *turns to watch Z and Anduril*
THEZelgius: *throws his dagger at Anduril's leg *
Anduril2: *catches Z right arm*
THEZelgius: AH! *drops the gun but kicks it out of the way*
Anduril2: *ends up behind Z*
THEZelgius: *twirls the sword in his left hand and turns to face Anduril again*
Anduril2: *turns around and does a flying parry at Z’s head*
THEZelgius: *ducks and jabs the sword upward at Anduril as he flies over*
Anduril2: *nicks Stärke*
THEZelgius: *points and laughs*
Mistysmountains: At least he didn't "chip" you,
Anduril :P
Anduril2: *waits for Z to attack*
THEZelgius: Next time I won't miss, Anduril *slowly starts circling around Anduril*
Anduril2: *the sword starts to glow*
THEZelgius: *watches, then waves his hand over his sword, turning it dark red*
Anduril2: why don't we charge Jack?
THEZelgius: *agrees with Anduril*
Anduril2: On the count of three
Anduril2: one
Anduril2: charge
THEZelgius: Hehe, that works too
Jacksilver: ?
Jacksilver: *puts a wall of light around self* there
THEZelgius: Shiny
Anduril2: *returns to fighting Z*
Jacksilver: good
THEZelgius: *ignores Anduril and walks to Jack*
Anduril2: waits
Jacksilver: O.o
THEZelgius: *holds out a sheathe with a brand new sword in it*
Jacksilver: I do not need a new sword XD
Mistysmountains: *wonders what Z is up to*
Mistysmountains: Z, what are you up to?
THEZelgius: *asks SA to name it*
Mistysmountains: Let's call it Steve
THEZelgius: Oh great and mighty Steve!
THEZelgius: Whaddya want?!
Mistysmountains: XD
THEZelgius: :P
Mistysmountains: Exactly
THEZelgius: Steve ATE Vern!
Mistysmountains: (OO) *laughs*
THEZelgius: *claps*
Mistysmountains: hmmmmm
Mistysmountains: ...
Mistysmountains: Here you go.
Mistysmountains: *hands Z one cookie*
THEZelgius: *scarfs down the cookie*
Mistysmountains: ...
THEZelgius: *wonders what SA be naming the sword*
Mistysmountains: Want another?
THEZelgius: AYE!!
Mistysmountains: Ok
Mistysmountains: one second
Mistysmountains: let me go get them out of the oven
THEZelgius: Pie would be better though
Mistysmountains: *goes to get them out of the oven*
Mistysmountains: Pie you say?
Mistysmountains: Ok *grabs pie* *grins*
THEZelgius: *ducks*
Mistysmountains: here you go
Mistysmountains: *HANDS pie to Z*
Jacksilver: ...
THEZelgius: *smiles and takes pie* Thank ye!
Jacksilver: Marshmallow
THEZelgius: Aye
THEZelgius: *eats Marshmallow Pie*
Mistysmountains: HAH!
Mistysmountains: I put sleeping powder in there!
THEZelgius: *passes out*
THEZelgius: *talks in his sleep* The secret to....domination
Jacksilver: :O
THEZelgius: .........cheese........Pringles
Jacksilver: and pickles?
THEZelgius: .............Monopoly
Jacksilver: Monopoly? XD
Mistysmountains: that takes care of that problem
THEZelgius: Aye.....pickleses
Jacksilver: HUZZAH!
THEZelgius: And giving Z lots of money and swords
Mistysmountains: *drags Z to bottomless pit and tosses him in*
THEZelgius: *falls*
Mistysmountains: Okie-dokie
Mistysmountains: now
Mistysmountains: Where did BBM run off to?
Blackberrymew: nowhere
Mistysmountains: Oh, hi Larry!
Blackberrymew: tossed the only other person capable of happy endings
Mistysmountains: Who's the other person?
Blackberrymew: >_>
Jacksilver: ?
Mistysmountains: Oh, wait *facepalm*
Mistysmountains: you're right
Blackberrymew: YE PROMISED!!
Jacksilver: ???
Blackberrymew: be evil.....
Jacksilver: XD
Mistysmountains: BBM! FLY DOWN THERE ARE GET HIM!!!!!!!
Mistysmountains: HURRY! BEFORE IT'S TOO LATE!
Blackberrymew: You tossed him, not me
Mistysmountains: I can't fly, you can
Jacksilver: he went kersplat
THEZelgius: *wakes up and lands on the bottom*
THEZelgius: *builds an escape tunnel*
Jacksilver: or not
Mistysmountains: Z, there is no bottom
THEZelgius: *builds an underground village*
Mistysmountains: Oh fine *jumps in bottomless pit*
THEZelgius: *hides it from MM*
Mistysmountains: this might take a wh-- *lands on ground* or not
Mistysmountains: Hmmm
Jacksilver: *pushes BBM in there too*
Blackberrymew: Ack!
Jacksilver: get in there and save em’
Mistysmountains: LARRY! You decided to join me! *is happy*
Mistysmountains: now... where is Z...
Jacksilver: *trips and falls in*
Mistysmountains: JACK! You too!
Jacksilver: hi!
Mistysmountains: Wow, this is great! :D
THEZelgius: *climbs out the escape tunnel and ends up in the popcorn tent*
Blackberrymew: *looks at MM with an annoyed look* this is all your fault
Mistysmountains: *looks at Larry and grins* I know! Isn't it great?!
Blackberrymew: .....
THEZelgius: *eats the entire tent of popcorn*
THEZelgius: *then walks back over to the pit*
Mistysmountains: Now, knowing Z… he would build an underground tunnel and an underground village then go to the popcorn tent, eat it all, and then go over to the pit
Mistysmountains: but you know, that's all just a guess
Jacksilver: XD
Mistysmountains: hehehe
Blackberrymew: ......
THEZelgius: *decides to go back to the ICEE store instead*
Anduril2: *pushes back Z into the pit*
Mistysmountains: Hey look! It's Z!
THEZelgius: *groans*
Mistysmountains: ^_^
Mistysmountains: Larry, I found him!
Blackberrymew: *folds arms* apparently
Mistysmountains: Aren't you proud of me?
THEZelgius: *slashes MM with Light's Bane*
Mistysmountains: ... Z... that wasn't very nice.
THEZelgius: *runs away*
Mistysmountains: *turns to Jack*
Mistysmountains: Jack, he slashed me *points at Z*
Anduril2: *Stärke is out in a moment* you don't cut an unarmed lady!
Blackberrymew: she has arms
Mistysmountains: XD
THEZelgius: *uses Light's Bane to hide himself in the village*
Mistysmountains: *follows Z* Z? Where'd ya go?
Anduril2: you’re wounded
Mistysmountains: I know
Mistysmountains: I didn't say I ran, I followed
Mistysmountains: there's a difference *nods*
Anduril2: Jack should go and get the evil villain
Mistysmountains: *rolls eyes* I can go
Mistysmountains: Jack can come if he wants. Come on Larry!
Blackberrymew: I have to?
Mistysmountains: Yes!
Mistysmountains: Let's go get Z!
Blackberrymew: *sigh* fine...
Anduril2: who is Larry?
Mistysmountains: *points at BBM* That’s Larry
Anduril2: really?
Jacksilver: *follows*
Mistysmountains: Yeah, y'all have never met?
Mistysmountains: Larry, Anduril. Anduril, Larry
THEZelgius: *stays hidden in the artificial shadow*
Anduril2: *runs after Z* *gets to the village*
THEZelgius: *puts headphones on and listens to a song while they're searching for him*
Anduril2: *looks behind a house*
Mistysmountains: anyway *walks into video game store*
Mistysmountains: Z! THERE you are!
Mistysmountains: LARRY!
Mistysmountains: I found him!
Mistysmountains: *drags Z out of hiding*
Blackberrymew: *is too busy browsing the store to notice*
Anduril2: *runs to help MM*
Mistysmountains: Come, come
THEZelgius: *the light shines on Z, revealing him to be a hologram*
Mistysmountains: Then how am I dragging him?
Mistysmountains: Larry!
Mistysmountains: A little help?!
THEZelgius: It be a fleshed-out holo
Mistysmountains: *blinks*
Anduril2: let’s see if he bleeds
Jacksilver: BBM! They have a bookstore!
Mistysmountains: BOOKSTORE! *runs*
Jacksilver: and it has ALL the best books in it!
Jacksilver: like, COTSK and DIOM
Blackberrymew: *blinks* what? oh... BOOKSTORE! *searches for ISC and TSA*
Mistysmountains: *looks* *holds book*
Mistysmountains: LARRY!
Mistysmountains: ISC! ISC!
Blackberrymew: :O
Jacksilver: :O
Blackberrymew: Awesome! I'll take 20
Mistysmountains: Well, of COURSE Z would but ISC down here. :P
THEZelgius: *grabs copy of ISC and returns to hiding*
THEZelgius: *slashes Anduril's leg from the shadows, then runs to another spot*
THEZelgius: *uses the escape tunnel to run away*
Anduril2: *limps after Z, the coward, before attacking*
Jacksilver: they have... TSA... :O
Mistysmountains: :O
Blackberrymew: :O
Jacksilver: *shows BBM*
Mistysmountains: OH! Can I see?
Jacksilver: sure
Jacksilver: there are 6 of them on the shelf O.o
Blackberrymew: *takes the book and flips through it* it be half blank
Jacksilver: ...more then half
Blackberrymew: *looks through ISC* THE end is missing?!
THEZelgius: THE end? Didn't know we had one yet... :P
Jacksilver: but the cover is awesome ^_^
Blackberrymew: hehe
Blackberrymew: well, any end be missing then
THEZelgius: *grabs a water hose and attaches it to the water tower and pours water down the tunnel*
Anduril2: MM, help me up the tunnel
Mistysmountains: Ok *walks over to Anduril*
THEZelgius: *the entire village starts to fill up with water*
Blackberrymew: *flies above the water, keeping the copies of ISC and TSA dry*
THEZelgius: ^_^
Jacksilver: ^_^
Jacksilver: *saves Misty*
Mistysmountains: Oh, thanks Jack
Anduril2: *swims by himself up the tunnel*
THEZelgius: *grabs a mirror and looks into it, absently noticing that his eyes have turned jet black*
Anduril2: *swims weakly*
Jacksilver: *saves Anduril too*
Anduril2: thank you
Blackberrymew: *gasp* NO WAY!! *grabs something floating in the water*
Jacksilver: what!!?!?!
Mistysmountains: WHAT IS IT?!
Blackberrymew: *holds up soaked cloth* ....we have t-shirts....
Jacksilver: :O
Blackberrymew: ...MM....
Mistysmountains: YES! YES! YES!
Mistysmountains: What? Tell me! What is it?
Blackberrymew: I'm moving here once we take care of the plumbing problem
Mistysmountains: YES!
Mistysmountains: Me too! *high fives BBM*
Jacksilver: *sees envelope floating down from the sky* *opens it*
THEZelgius: *shuts off the water*
Blackberrymew: what be that, Jack?
Mistysmountains: What is it?
Jacksilver: *puts Anduril down on dry land*
Jacksilver: they be round trip airplane tickets for everyone...
Blackberrymew: ....
Mistysmountains: :O
Blackberrymew: MM
Mistysmountains: yes?
Blackberrymew: Something be wrong about all this...tis too good to be true... We still have to find our long lost coauthor, I mean not TMO.
Mistysmountains: You're right
Blackberrymew: *nods*
Blackberrymew: So *tosses aside ISC action figures* which way?
Mistysmountains: XD XD XD hahaha!!
Blackberrymew: ^_^
THEZelgius: *wonders if they had a chance to visit the shrine of Z*
Mistysmountains: *rolls eyes*
Jacksilver: O.o
Anduril2: *climbs up the tunnel and sees sunlight*
THEZelgius: *hides*
THEZelgius: *opens the lid to the button*
Mistysmountains: Z, you can't hide forever!
Anduril2: Come out, you Coward
Jacksilver: *shoots button*
THEZelgius: *spears come out of the ground and impale Jack*
Jacksilver: *blinks*
Jacksilver: too bad I be flying...
THEZelgius: Or not
Anduril2: *limps towards Z*
THEZelgius: *watches Anduril*
Anduril2: *draws Stärke*
THEZelgius: *touches his armor with his hands, and the armor glows a brilliant blueish color*
Anduril2: Thinks about Z* He’s tricky, evil and protective
Blackberrymew: *nods* as any respectable person going against us should be
THEZelgius: *smiles* At least I get SOME respect
Anduril2: He’s new to fighting
THEZelgius: Not new, just unread in the terminology
Anduril2: He likes to be close to the opponent
Anduril2: *spots Z*
THEZelgius: *waves to Anduril*
THEZelgius: *nods* Then let me end it
Anduril2: NEVER
Mistysmountains: ... *sneaks up behind Z and tackles him*
Mistysmountains: LARRY! QUICK!
THEZelgius: *flips Misty over and sticks her with Light's Bane before realizing who it is*
Mistysmountains: ...
Blackberrymew: ...
Silverangel3: ...
Anduril2: that’s it, you don't do that!!!!
THEZelgius: *turns to Anduril*
Silverangel3: now ISC will never get finished
Silverangel3: oh well *rolls eyes*
Mistysmountains: (SA, a little help?)
Silverangel3: *heals Misty*
Mistysmountains: *wakes* huh?
Mistysmountains: What just happened?
Silverangel3: Z murdered your life!
Silverangel3: er
Mistysmountains: .... YOU DID WHAT?!?!
THEZelgius: *quickly darts to Anduril and slashes him before he can react*
Anduril2: *charges Z*
Silverangel3: *is confused now*
Anduril2: Z is bleeding heavily
Mistysmountains: *is confused with SA*
Mistysmountains: ACK! SA! Do something!
THEZelgius: *grabs a herb out of his front pocket and slaps it on the wound*
Mistysmountains: *shrugs* Or, that works
Anduril2: *put sword point at Z's neck*
Mistysmountains: Anduril, stop
THEZelgius: *rolls backward, avoiding the blade*
Mistysmountains: Boys, would y'all stop fighting?!
Anduril2: *follows Z down with sword*
Blackberrymew: *watches* ...MM...
THEZelgius: *quickly flings a bolt of fire at Anduril, hitting him in the face* Mistysmountains: Yes, BBM?
Anduril2: *jumps back*
Blackberrymew: Z be destructive.... but not this destructive
Mistysmountains: I know
Anduril2: *charges at Z*
THEZelgius: *turns and glares at BBM*
Mistysmountains: *sigh* *whispers to BBM* Ok, I'll handle Anduril, you get Z*
Mistysmountains: *walks over to anduril*
THEZelgius: *backflips and slashes at Anduril's neck*
Mistysmountains: *blinks*
Anduril2: *parries*
Mistysmountains: *grabs anduril and pulls him back with her away from Z*
Blackberrymew: *sigh* ....this is not good....
THEZelgius: *lands softly on his feet*
Mistysmountains: Come on, now. GA would not like it if ye were dead
Mistysmountains: I'd get blamed for it. Trust me, I know :P
Anduril2: She knows I'm a good fencer
Mistysmountains: ... That's not what I'm talking about. Just come on, you are wounded and have almost died a couple of times!
THEZelgius: *leaves Anduril with Misty*
Blackberrymew: *draws sword*
Mistysmountains: Z *turns to Z* You're not Z... are you?
THEZelgius: *walks slowly toward BBM, sword dragging lightly on the ground* Mistysmountains: You're EDJ
Mistysmountains: correct?
THEZelgius: Perhaps
Anduril2: Coward, you stabbed an unarmed lady
THEZelgius: Twas not on purpose, Anduril!
Mistysmountains: *turns to Anduril* It wasn't, now let me handle this!
THEZelgius: *turns back around and keeps walking toward BBM*
Mistysmountains: *turns back to Z* ((why do I feel like I'm dealing with my little brothers? XD))
Mistysmountains: Now, EDJ, why did you make that underground village down there?
THEZelgius: ...........
Mistysmountains: And why all the ISC stuff? And the slashing and whatnot?
THEZelgius: *stops and writes a message on a paper, attaches it to a dagger, and flings it at MM*
Mistysmountains: *ducks* *reads the note* If you can read this... you're too close Mistysmountains: *looks at EDJ* huh?
Silverangel3: XD
THEZelgius: *rolls eyes* The other side
Mistysmountains: Oh, right
Blackberrymew: hehe
Mistysmountains: *reads* *looks at EDJ* Ummm… EDJ … err
Mistysmountains: why do you own unicorn stationary?
THEZelgius: ......................
Blackberrymew: *facepalm*
THEZelgius: It be from the OD
Mistysmountains: OD?
Mistysmountains: Oh …that … right
THEZelgius: Areya gave it to me
Mistysmountains: in any case, This just says “BBM”
Blackberrymew: .....
Mistysmountains: and... that's it
THEZelgius: ........
Mistysmountains: *points at BBM* It's her fault?
Anduril2: this has to end in two min
THEZelgius: *pulls out pistol and shoots Anduril*
Mistysmountains: ...
Mistysmountains: that works
Mistysmountains: so, it's BBM's fault, EDJ?
THEZelgius: Possibly
Mistysmountains: Or it's because of BBM that you are doing this?
Mistysmountains: *gasp!* I knew it!
Blackberrymew: *blinks*
Mistysmountains: You DO have a secret crush on BBM!
Mistysmountains: And you want to get Lui out of the picture!
THEZelgius: *suddenly, Z's attitude changes and he returns to normal Z*
THEZelgius: *eyes change from black to green*
Mistysmountains: hahahahaha!!
THEZelgius: Twas not EDJ
Silverangel3: what?
Mistysmountains: Twas EZ?
THEZelgius: Nay
Mistysmountains: who then?
THEZelgius: Twas me
Mistysmountains: *blinks*
Mistysmountains: *backs away from Z*
Anduril2: *blinks* *feels pain all over*
THEZelgius: *runs over to Anduril and attempts to heal his wounds*
Silverangel3: *looks around for BBM*
Mistysmountains: *blinks*
Mistysmountains: Hey, Timmy, where's Larry?
Silverangel3: I know not
Blackberrymew: *stands in the shadows*
Mistysmountains: hmmm
Anduril2: *draws sword* Stay away, Z!
THEZelgius: *backs away from Anduril*
Mistysmountains: Anduril, Z's fine now
Anduril2: You won't kill me
THEZelgius: I have no desire to kill ye
Mistysmountains: Told ya
THEZelgius: Twas my.......
THEZelgius: Perhaps it would be better to show ye the journal entry from the incident
Anduril2: *Stärke still drawn*
THEZelgius: "It would appear that, on occasion, DJ and EO combine into one body, seemingly good at times, but at other moments can be overcome with a wave of terrible evil."
Mistysmountains: I remember that
Blackberrymew: *nods*
Blackberrymew: *walks out of the shadows and sighs*
Blackberrymew: *sits deep in thought*
Blackberrymew: *absently* ....bye.... *sheathes sword*
Silverangel3: what is wrong BBM?
Blackberrymew: Hhmm? Oh *shakes head* tis fine
THEZelgius: *sits down quietly*
THEZelgius: *decides to take action* *uses a giant vacuum to suck all the water out of the village*
Blackberrymew: *watches the random debris floating by as the water level lowers*
THEZelgius: *walks down and starts cleaning stuff up*
Blackberrymew: *stands up and paces a bit, glancing at SA's puppet show*
THEZelgius: *gets down to the library and game store to see that they've both been sealed shut and were spared from internal damage*
THEZelgius: *takes out a copy of ISC: The Game and puts it in his GameChampion*

Monday, April 11, 2011

Deleted Scene: Take 4 - Guess Who Won THAT Game

Guess Who Won THAT Game

Blackberrymew: *blinks*
Imakeyoulosethegame: *pushes hat down onto BBM"s head*
Blackberrymew: *blank stare turns into a glare*
Blackberrymew: *growls*
Imakeyoulosethegame: *backs up *
Blackberrymew: *eyes turn red*
THEZelgius: *watches*
Imakeyoulosethegame: *hides*
THEZelgius: *takes off glasses to reveal his eyes are black*
Imakeyoulosethegame: *hides behind z*
THEZelgius: *turns and slashes right through IMYLTG*
Blackberrymew: *smirks*
THEZelgius: *laughs evilly*
Imakeyoulosethegame: is cut i n half
THEZelgius: *waves to evil BBM* *waves*
Blackberrymew: *grins* pretty much *draws sword and slashes IMYLTG into a few dozen more sections*
THEZelgius: *joins in*
Imakeyoulosethegame: o h g r e a t t h i s i s j u s t p e r f e c t
Blackberrymew: *smirks* ye should have known better than to mock me the way you did
THEZelgius: *puts the pieces in a blender and makes a smoothie*
Imakeyoulosethegame: nwo hwta
Blackberrymew: Hmm.... though her being blended like that makes her target practice potential near to null.
Imakeyoulosethegame: htats otn airf
THEZelgius: *hands BBM the spare backs*
Blackberrymew: Eh, these are boring
THEZelgius: *hands BBM babies from the daycare*
Blackberrymew: *waves hand* no challenge there either
THEZelgius: *pushes teens out of the youth group*
Blackberrymew: *shakes head* those puny weaklings? you must be joking
THEZelgius: *hands them guns and points them at BBM*
Blackberrymew: *folds arms*
THEZelgius: *watches*
Blackberrymew: *stretches hand out toward group as a million icicles stab through each and every one of them*
THEZelgius: (OO)
THEZelgius: *drops a plane of mutant zombies on BBM*
Blackberrymew: Heh, you amuse me. *breaks the plane in half with a wall of ice. Takes her time freezing individual zombies and ripping them apart*
THEZelgius: Tis the idea
Blackberrymew: *shrugs* not really
THEZelgius: *gives half a dozen Navy Seals flamethrowers and points them at BBM*
Blackberrymew: *creates a concentrated blizzard to block her from view and freezes them into solid ice statues*
THEZelgius: (OO)
Blackberrymew: *smirks*
THEZelgius: Thine evilness hath no bounds!
THEZelgius: *is glad he be on evil BBM's .....whatever favorable side she has*
Blackberrymew: *sly grin* ye would do well not to get on my nerves. leave it at that
THEZelgius: Agreed
THEZelgius: *hands her a cheeseburger*
Blackberrymew: ..... *freezes cheeseburger to Z's hand*
THEZelgius: ....
THEZelgius: *shrugs*
THEZelgius: *shines light on it, thawing it and cooking it to perfection*
THEZelgius: *eats it*
Blackberrymew: *shrugs*
THEZelgius: *flings a dagger at an escaping baby mindlessly*
Blackberrymew: *shakes head* Killing a baby?
THEZelgius: *notices* Aye, I guess so
Blackberrymew: Heh, you kill without thinking
Imakeyoulosethegame: thats cold
Blackberrymew: The blob of liquid talks.... *freezes IMYLTG*
THEZelgius: I suppose ye be right
THEZelgius: Twas not thought-provoking
Blackberrymew: Indeed
THEZelgius: *radios a pilot* Aye, ye can drop the gas now
THEZelgius: *plane drops poisonous gas in the basketball stadium and kills everyone*
Blackberrymew: *shakes head* there is no fun in mindlessly killing the weak and worthless prey
THEZelgius: *shrugs*
Imakeyoulosethegame: *mumbles* canI be dethawed plz?
THEZelgius: You have a better idea for the moment?
THEZelgius: *takes the frozen container and runs it through the wood-chipper8
Imakeyoulosethegame: O.O
Blackberrymew: *watches* well... I usually prefer fighting one on one against a challenging opponent
THEZelgius: *looks at BBM cautiously*
THEZelgius: *calls two gladiators*
Blackberrymew: *rolls eyes* Your mind is as empty as my heart
THEZelgius: *turns and instantly flings a ninja star at BBM*
Blackberrymew: *barely catches it*
THEZelgius: .........don't question me
Blackberrymew: Nice. *smirks* You almost had me there.
THEZelgius: *nods quietly*
THEZelgius: *the gladiators walk in and stand quietly*
THEZelgius: *points and laughs*
Blackberrymew: Heh, foolish beings
THEZelgius: *creates a ring of shadow around the two*
THEZelgius: *shapes a javelin out of pure light and throws it through the neck of the first*
Blackberrymew: *watches with amusement*
THEZelgius: *the second cries out wildly and pulls at the javelin, burning his hands*
THEZelgius: *springs into the circle and slashes the legs of the surviving gladiator, taking him down to his knees*
THEZelgius: *attaches a metal rod to his back and flashes a bolt of lightning down it, electrocuting the gladiator*
Blackberrymew: *lazily claps* bravo, you took out two wimps
THEZelgius: But twas in an entertaining fashion at least
Blackberrymew: At the least
THEZelgius: *drops a rhino into the ring*
THEZelgius: *it charges through it and attacks BBM*
THEZelgius: *jumps onto its back and drives javelins into it*
THEZelgius: *jumps off and watches*
Blackberrymew: Heh *jumps to the side and pulls out sword, slashing the rhino as it runs by*
THEZelgius: *it turns and charges again*
THEZelgius: Mindless creature
Blackberrymew: Indeed
THEZelgius: *calls for something smarter*
Blackberrymew: *sheathes sword* I tire of toying with creatures that can't fend for themselves
THEZelgius: *monkeys fall in*
THEZelgius: (OO) That didn't work
THEZelgius: *sighs*
THEZelgius: I shall fire the resource manager promptly
Blackberrymew: Fire? Do yourself a favor and kill him yourself
THEZelgius: *calls the resource manager and sets him on fire*
Blackberrymew: *watches*
THEZelgius: Hehe
THEZelgius: That's better
Blackberrymew: Hmm...
THEZelgius: *manager falls to the ground*
THEZelgius: *looks for a guillotine*
Blackberrymew: *picks up rock and tosses it in the air a few times*
THEZelgius: *catches it*
THEZelgius: *drops it*
Blackberrymew: *watches*
THEZelgius: *picks it up and flings it at BBM*
Blackberrymew: *dodges*
THEZelgius: *rolls eyes*
Blackberrymew: Heh, we can't all waste our time on catching what's been thrown at us
THEZelgius: *shrugs* true
THEZelgius: *holds out a stick of dynamite* Wouldn't hurt to catch this though... *lights it*
THEZelgius: *tosses it at BBM*
Blackberrymew: *catches dynamite and puts out the burning fuse*
THEZelgius: See?
Blackberrymew: *shrugs* I could have avoided it all the same
THEZelgius: Heh, and risk it going BOOM!
Blackberrymew: I couldn't care less. I could have simply frozen it before it hit the ground.
THEZelgius: Aye, but what be the fun or drama in that?
THEZelgius: Variety be the spice of life
Blackberrymew: Indeed
THEZelgius: *thinks*
THEZelgius: *orders a dragon from the new manager*
Blackberrymew: *grins*
THEZelgius: *it drops onto the ground and breathes fire*
THEZelgius: *watches*
THEZelgius: *the dragon shoots a pillar of fire and POOFs the rhino*
Blackberrymew: *looks over at Z* I suppose you want me to take care of this. *sigh* very well then. I'll dispose of this excuse of a challenge. *flies into the air and brings sword crashing down on the dragon's head*
THEZelgius: *shrugs* I was waiting for it to make the first move*
THEZelgius: *throws a half-dozen spears of light into the dragon's neck*
Blackberrymew: *jabs sword through the dragon's mouth and slashes down its throat*
THEZelgius: (OO)
THEZelgius: *dragon attempts to breathe fire but just coughs up a bunch of slime*
Blackberrymew: *smirks* I'll let you finish the creature off
THEZelgius: Sure
THEZelgius: *jumps onto the dragons neck, creates a large sword billowing with shadow, and slices through the neck*
THEZelgius: *backflips off the falling neck, landing gracefully on the ground behind the legs of the dragon*
Blackberrymew: *nods* good enough, I suppose
THEZelgius: *drops the body into the chipper*
THEZelgius: Oh BBM
THEZelgius: 24
Blackberrymew: *facepalm*
THEZelgius: *laughs*