Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Deleted Scene: Take 12 - In Another Castle (Part 8)

8 ~ Path to Awesomeness

Laughing in relief, DJ flopped onto his back and glanced at the ceiling. “Hey Lui, look up there.”
Lui stared intent at the mural on the ceiling and gasped. “It’s Hanna!”
“Pfft, silly Lui,” Christina said with a giggle. “That’s not Hanna. It just dimensional portal disguised as a PAINTING of Hanna.”
Misty wrinkled her nose as she stared at the mural. “Obviously… What makes you think it’s a portal?”
“Where would you stash yourself if you were trying to hide you? Somewhere only you would look, right?”
“Why not just use a mirror?” Misty asked.
Lui laughed nervously before Christina could answer. “So, do we have a way to get up there?”

“You do now!”
Darkness filled the room as black smoke laced with electricity encircled them. A billow of smoke rose up in front of the stunned crew. Silver wings swept back the darkness like curtains, revealing none other than EDJ.
“Miss me, losers?”
“What’s he doing here?!” Christina pouted.
“What, you don’t want to learn my evil laugh?” he said with a wink.
Christina brightened up instantly and clapped in delight. DJ and Misty were left just as confused as ever.
“You’re here to help us, right? Lui asked as he pulled DJ to his feet.

“Of course!” EDJ replied as he took out a few weapons. “Not. I’m just here to settle the score.”
He handed an extendible lance to DJ and muttered, “For future reference, try to remember I gave you that lance when you get your memories back, ok?”
EDJ next handed a bow and quicker of arrows to Misty. “You too, missy. By the way, what did you think of the new entrance? I’ve been working on it for a while.”
“It could have used some background music,” Misty admitted.
“Like a theme song about your wings with a chorus in the background chanting your name and a bunch of other words in Latin!” Christina chimed in.
EDJ laughed. “We’ll go with that.”

Coming up to Lui, EDJ stopped and stared at him for a few minutes. “Come on, loser. Let’s go save your girlfriend so she can stop controlling the world.”
“But she’s not my-”
“Yeah, right,” EDJ interrupted as he grabbed Lui and flew up toward the ceiling. Once they were close to the painting, EDJ threw Lui into the portal and flew back down.

As he neared the ground, EDJ threw a large fireball at the doors. “Let’s go, pansies! Charge!” he shouted as he crashed through what remained of the doors and swooped into the hall.
Anna was lying on her side, just barely conscious, but Jester was still fighting. Every time Jester threw an elemental attack at Shard, she effortlessly found a way to deflect or annihilate the attack with her own element.

Glancing at the busted doors and incoming reinforcements, Shard smirked.
“Well, you found me. Congratulations. Was it worth it? Because despite your violent behavior, all you’ve managed to break so far… are the doors to my throne room. Maybe you could settle for that and we’ll just call it a day. I guess we all know that isn’t going to happen.”

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