Thursday, May 9, 2013

Deleted Scene: Take 12 - In Another Castle (Part 5)

5 ~ Gypsy Bard

“Whaddya mean we don’t have any marshmallows?” squealed a voice from one of the cells. “I demand a marshmallow!”
“For the last time,” an irritated guard mumbled as he glared at the prisoner. “We don’t have any.”
“How could you not have marshmallows?! They’re my life source! I need sugar to survive!” The prisoner sniffled as she sunk to the cobblestone floor.
“I have some food you can eat,” said the person in the neighboring cell as he offered some fruit through the bars.
“Oh, THANK YOU!” the girly voice squealed. “I just adore… apples? Ew. No thanks. You got any strawberries and chocolate?”
“Sure do!”
“Sweet!” After munching on the fruit and chocolate, the prisoner noticed the guard was missing. “Oh hey, where’d grumpy go?”

Out of the shadows crumpled said guard as DJ and Misty walked into the light.
“We’re all gonna die!” cried the girl in the first cell.
“Yay! It’s DJ and Misty!” her cell neighbor exclaimed. “They came to save us!”
DJ scratched his head. “Lui, I presume?”
“That’s me!” Lui affirmed. “How’s Hanna?”
“Who is this Hanna everyone keeps talking about?” Misty grabbed the keys from the unconscious guard and unlocked his cell door.
“Oh, right. I forgot that you forgot.”
DJ pointed to the cell with the high-pitched girl. “Who are you?”
“Me?! Why, I’m the great and powerful CHRISTINA! But you can call me Princess.”
“Highness,” Misty said as she held up the keys. “You want out?”

A few minutes later, Misty, DJ, Lui, and Christina were making their way up the long stone stairways of the main tower.
“Where are all the guards?” Lui asked.
Misty and DJ stopped walking.
“Oops. I thought we had forgotten something,” Misty said as she opened her map. “How are Anna and Jester still fighting all those soldiers by themselves?”
“Wait, wait, wait,” Christina voiced dramatically. “You mean to tell me we have members of our party sacrificing themselves so the rest of us can stop a crazy dictator?”
DJ took the map from Misty and examined it. “It would appear that way.”
Christina shrugged and kept walking. “Cool.”

“Maybe we should go back and help them,” Lui suggested.
“What nonsense,” Christina said with a dismissive wave of her hand. “Those guards are practically storm trooper knockoffs. Unless the demise of your friends is pivotal to the plotline, they’re just fine.”
“But they’re our friends!” Lui insisted. “DJ and Misty might not remember them, but I do! We need to go help them!”

Christina critically observed Lui for a few minutes. “You’re very persuasive for a guy who can’t ask a girl out. No matter, I shall retrieve your so-called friends for you.” Pulling a crystal ball out of thin air, the ball started shimmering. It floated in midair and a bright light from the orb flooded the stairway with rainbows. Once the episode was over, everyone except Christina was surprised to find Anna and Jester in their presence. Being just retrieved from battle, both held weapons frozen midswing.
Jester interrupted the silence. “Well, this is awkward.”

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