Thursday, October 29, 2009

Part Nineteen

Part Nineteen

Misty: What do you think happened?

DJ: I think that Ace rescued her, but lost the phone in the process. That's my guess, anyway... *has another sudden cold chill* Aaaaaahhhh!!! EO?

Hanna: EDJ!! We know you're here!! *Draws ice sword* Show yourself, you vile snake!!!

Ace: *huff huff* *out of breath* Hanna! DJ! Misty! Run!

Brady: Get back here, you little....

Naomi: *runs on all fours faster than Brady, Ace, and Hairam* *approaches Hanna* Let's go. Good job, you're almost out of the forest... Are you mad Ace didn't answer his phone?

Misty: 1. Why do we have to run? And 2. How did you he didn't answer?

Naomi: He found me, duh. And run...because of that! *Points down the forest trail to a giant monster weeping willow tree trying to grab whoever gets near it* That's what grabbed me! And he's somehow moving his roots! Let's get outta here, no?! *runs*

Misty: ... Ok, sorry. Must have missed that! *runs* *huff, huff* Where... are... we... going? *huff*

Naomi: Anywhere that's NOT here!

Ace: And away from this pest *huff huff* *gestures to Brady*

Brady: I have way more stamina than you, Ace. I'm gonna run you down like a WOLF!

Ace & Brady: Grrrrrrr.....

Naomi: The exit!

Monster Tree: Scrrrrreeeeeeeeeeech

Ace: Augh! *covers ears*

Naomi: Deafening! *folds cute little feline ears down*

Brady: Grrrr... Naomi, Hairam! You two get out of here! I'll take this thing down by myself. Go ahead, Ace. Get a head start. You'll need it. Bring it on! *party exits the forest*

Naomi: you think he'll be alright?

Far off Tree Monster: SCCREEEEEEETCH!!!

Misty: Well, I don't even know who he is, so I have no idea! But proly. Who is he anyway?

Ace: He's my original. He's trying to capture me and put me back inside his body. I think he wants his fantastic leadership skills back. But what he doesn't know is that I'm trying to help you all find Lui, so we can put an end to Thorae once and for all, so every other will go back inside their originals. That's who he is, and why he wants me. His capturing me would just hinder the search for Lui, and I don't want that. So let's get moving to Latum Village and get some motor-bikes. We can leave him in the dust.

Naomi: Did you hear that? It sounded like yelling. It's probably just my imagination again...

Hanna: *near the front of the group* I didn't hear it. Then again, I don't have cat ears...

Hairam: *in the back of the group* What?! I'm helping some loser get his cooler other inside him? First EDJ, now Brady. Why do I keep helping all the losers?

*EO, who flies overhead, far enough away so that he cannot be caught, but close enough to be heard*

EO: Losers? I resent that!!!! What are you doing here in Thorae? Did Lui get sent here?

Hairam: I came here looking for you! Remember?! And you lied to me!

Hanna: DJ, I think I heard your EO!

EO: Ah yes, Hairam! I'm glad to see you found Hanna safe and sound. As you can obviously tell, I didn't kill her. Or anyone else, for that matter... Hanna! DJ!! How are you? It's been a while, hasn't it?

Hanna: EDJ! Long time no see, not long enough unfortunately. What are you doing here?

Hairam: Hanna?....Hanna!!!!

Hanna: *turns around and finally sees Hairam* *Eyes widen* Tangerine?!

Misty: Tangerine? huh? Somehow I have the feeling I missed something.

Hanna: You missed nothing. She is Tangerine as I am Blackberry.

Hairam: Hanna!!! I thought you were dead!!! *runs up and hugs Hanna*

Hanna: I...I know. *Hangs head in shame* I knew that you thought I was dead. I didn't do anything. I'm sorry. *Turns away*

Hairam: Don't be sorry. You didn't do anything wrong! It must have been something really important, right?

Brady: Loser? Is that what you think? Ah, well. If I come across as a loser, so be it.

Ace: She went to rescue her friends from EDJ. *double takes* Wha? You?

Brady: Come on, Ace. Give it up.

Naomi: You're okay...*sigh* whatever...That was quick.

Brady: There is another reason I'm here, you know that right?

Ace: What?

Brady: You people DO know that I'm not here to get Ace back...right?

Ace: ...

Brady: Ace! You told that story again, didn't you?! What did he tell you people?

Hanna: he told us a lot of things.... What in particular were you referring to?

Brady: What did he tell you pertaining to the reason I'm here?

Hanna: If I remember right, something along the lines of getting all others back into their originals.... oh, and something about you wanting your leadership skills back. Care to explain the situation?

Brady: Dang it! Why do these guys keep following me? Huh? Oh. Right. No that's wrong. Listen, umm...the reason I came here is to stop you guys from trying to destroy Thorae. It will get you all killed. Rescue Lui and get out. I don't want you here. Do you understand?

Hanna: Believe me, that last thing I want to do is destroy this place and kill myself. Do you think I'm here because I want to be? I only came to get Lui out. That's it. Once he's safe, I'm gone. Who's following you?

Brady: Some loser confederacy. And that's not the reason you will die. Even getting Lui out might become risky.... the creator of Thorae lies in wait for you. You seem pretty uncaring for a person who is in a life or death situation. Will you let me go with you? Just until you get Lui out...then...then I'll make sure nothing bad happens to...never mind. What do you say?

Hanna: *Narrows eyes* Uncaring?! You have no idea how much I care for his safety... Come along if you wish, doesn't mean I won't kill you the second I find out if you've double-crossed us. Why is Thorae's creator against us?

Misty: *frustrated* Come on guys! Here *pulls something out of bag* Here. Both of you take a happy pill!! Now then... *camly* Are we better now? *then frustrated... again* And Brady, who ever you are, stop making these people argue! Hanna is very caring about Lui. You wouldn't believe what she's been through! *breathes out* There I said it.

Hanna: *Relaxes a bit and takes a deep breath* Sorry Misty. I shouldn't have become angered so easily. I'm okay now. Just...don't make me take that pill. Please?

Misty: That's ok. I guess I'm just a little on edge right now. You don't have to take it. Brady on the other hand...

Hairam: *Smiles* Thanks Misty!! *Suddenly stops and listens carefully* *Shivers*

Misty: Err... you’re welcome. I don't know what I'm being thanked for though. haha *stops mid-laugh*What's wrong?

Hairam: *Whispers* She's here........

Hanna: Huh? Who's here?

Hairam: Ember…

Hanna: What?! Now Ember's here too?!

Hairam: I couldn't tell earlier because of all the distraction. She's invisible, but she's here. I think she's been here the whole time.

Hanna: Augh! We've been leading her to the portal the whole time?!?!

Misty: Oh brother. This can't be happening!! grrrrr.... What now?!

Hairam: You've met her before?

Hanna: Umm... yeah. See, we kinda bumped into her a while back.....and kinda almost... um...killed her?

Ember’s voice from a distance: Hahahaha, you couldn't kill me even if you wanted to!

Hanna: Where is she?!

Misty: Ummmmm.... *stutters* Ha..Hanna. She's right behind you! Look out!

Hanna: Huh? *Spins around and ducks just in time, as Ember was about to slash her head off*

Ember: Hey there, losers! Miss me? *Vanishes*

Hanna: Grrrrr.... Hairam! Where is she?

Hairam: She's going to attack from where you least expect it! I'll try to find her. *disappears*

Misty: *lets out breath she didn't know she was holding* Wow, that was close! Where did Hairam go?

Hanna: She can see things other people can't while she's invisible. She should be able to see Ember.

Ember: Bwahahahahahahah!!!!!!! You'll never find me!!!!

Misty: That's interesting. Think she'll find Ember?

Hanna: Positive.

*A tree suddenly catches fire*

Hanna: Yup, I think it's safe to say she found her...

Misty: *blink, blink*... Shouldn't we get away from that tree??

Hanna: Not really. *freezes enough of the tree to put the fire out* See, no problem. Hairam! If you need anything well, I'm here if you need me.

Misty: Oh I see. Forgot about that. See, I'm pretty lame so I forget about that stuff.

Hanna: You're not lame.

Misty: Err... maybe if you just did a ton of icy snow everywhere around where she's at it would freeze Ember. Think that would work?

Hanna: Eh, I don't think that would work. It would take a HUGE amount of energy to do it.

*An arrow suddenly flies between Hanna and Misty and hits a tree behind them*

Hanna: WHOAH!! Watch your aim, Hairam!!! You're gonna kill someone!!!

Hairam: *reappears and falls to the ground panting* It's not like I can help it!!

Hanna: *Rushes over* You all right?

Hairam: Yeah, I'm fine.

Hanna: *Helps Hairam to her feet* You don't look fine.

Brady: You guys are funny. Here. Let me create an electric current in the air so when she vanishes next it'll warp her right to us. Simple as that. *Waves hand quickly* There. No problem. And answering your earlier question, the creator of Thorae is against us because when we rescue Lui from the portal, it will shut the portal down. You people really have no idea, do you?

Ace: You're being very rude, Brady. So you say you're not here for me?

Brady: ...No. *solemn* Hey Hanna, will you forgive me? I mean, for being rude earlier...I'm not usually like this. I've been through a lot for the past four years and...I'm just so anxious to put an end to all this. Please...forgive me.

Hanna: I understand. You're forgiven. I also apologize for my behavior. I was...harsh. *Kind smile* I appreciate your help. Umm... you wouldn't happen to know how Lui got in that portal to begin with, would you?

Brady: *starts happily* Well, yeah it's textbook stuff and I--um....yeah...I mean...Ace just, uuhhh told me, you know. I ummm, yeah.

Naomi: What's wrong with you?

Brady: Uhh, nothing it’s just I uh think we should go. We can't take too long or the Clockwork Syndication will catch us. You see?

Ace: *shakes head* I totally forgot about them...They've been kinda dormant.

Brady: *addresses Hanna's party* The Clockwork Syndication is who we need to focus on taking out at the moment. They currently possess the west gate which Lui is in. All we have to is go to The Clocktower and stop their leader, Daigen.

Ace: You make it sound easier than it is. Care to have the situation explained to a full extent? Or are you content with the short version?

Misty: I guess the full extent. As long as it won't take more then 20 min... It won't right?

EO: It better not...I've got other things to deal with. Heh. Besides, I don't think they would be too happy about seeing me again after the last time I was here...

DJ: EO, why are you willing to help us now, after everything that's already happened?

EO: Let's just say that the CS and I have had some quarrels in the past...I'd rather not go into particular details if it's possible. Anyway, I don't mind coming along, if you all don't mind. Is that ok with you?

Hanna: As long as DJ can keep me from breaking your limbs, I think we'll be just fine. Why did you come here anyway?

EO: That's a good question...I'm not entirely sure, to be honest. Perhaps I wanted a little revenge on the CS...perhaps I just wanted to have someone to talk to for a while. But anyway, that doesn't really matter. Do you think the CS will recognize me after 5 years?

Hanna: Unless that has anything to do with the whole portal situation, I don't really care.

Hairam: *to EO* Why did you lie to me?

EO: Sorry, old habit. Besides, once you said that you thought I had killed Hanna, I couldn't tell you that it was me! I apologize for that though. So, we're supposed to go to the West Gate and then the Clocktower, right?

Hanna: I'm not entirely sure, perhaps. Wait, you're SORRY for lying?!?! Hah! As if!!

EO: Hmmph...fine then, don't believe me. Whatever, I don't really care, nor do I expect you to believe me anyway. Nevertheless, I am trustworthy.

DJ: I never told you the story about EO being here, did I?

Misty: No you didn't. It's not a long one though is it?

DJ: Long enough for while we're waiting for Brady, Ace, and Naomi...

EO: It's not important, really. It's more time-consuming than it is interesting...

DJ: Want to hear it?

Misty: Why not. Ok, what is it?

EO: Fine. DJ, you tell her.

DJ: Ok, EO. Originally, it was just me (EO and Lui weren't around yet). I'm not sure exactly how EO and I split, but it happened. You remember me talking about the big argument EO and I had?

Misty: Maybe, sort of. But continue.

DJ: Well, anyway, after that fight, EO and I went our separate ways. Somehow, through some treachery by companions of his, he was banished to Thorae by some evil magic. Go ahead, EO.

EO: Fine. After that, I discovered what I believed to be an abandoned area, and claimed it as my own. Little did I know that this land actually belonged to the organization, the Clockwork Syndicate. It was on the other side of the West Gate... But anyway, they told me to get off the land or they would attack me. When I resisted, about 20 of them ganged up on me and attacked me, setting fire to the building I was in. I was captured and held for about 3 months, at which time I was sentenced and banished from Thorae. I was sent to Earth, ironically...

DJ: Pretty crazy, isn't it?

Ace: Now it makes sense...

Brady: Right! And then... never mind... Are we taking EDJ with us?

EO: I'm coming with you. I don't really care if you don't like it either. So, are we ready to go?

Brady: Yeah, we are... Ok...we'll make a quick stop to get some jet bikes in Latum Village, if nobody minds. We can increase our pace like that.

Ace: Sounds fine to me.

Brady: Be careful, though... Latum Village is known for its ruffian population, so be on your toes.

Ace: The village is about four miles from here.

Naomi: *sigh* It's that far? I forgot...

Brady: It'll be fine if we leave now.

Ace: I get enough of evil others from Jester, ok, EDJ? Please stay out of my way...

Brady: I have no protest to him coming along...let's get going.

EO: Fine Ace, I'll try not to be too annoying.

Brady: Have any of you any experience with Jet Bikes?

EO: Yes...they were almost brand-new when I was first banished here. I found one and tried it out, although it's been quite a while now.

DJ: No. Are they hard to operate?

Misty: Nah, it just takes a bit to get used to. For one thing they are off the ground. Basically like a motorcycle in the air. But you know, are we trying to not be seen when we get to the tower thing? If so, I don't think we should take the bikes, since they are quite loud.

EO: We have to get to the gate first, then the tower... But anyway, I think we can get mufflers for them to keep them quiet. And besides, we need to get away from the CS agents chasing us...for now. Sound ok to you?

Misty: Yup, sounds fine. Let's see what Hanna thinks though. ok?

Brady: Actually I know a guy who can get us bikes with never-before-released advanced mufflers already installed on them. They are quite silent. And they are not hard too operate. They come with a handy manual with, like, two pages. Where did Hanna go?

Hanna: Hmm…? I'm here. Just... thinking. *Looks at Hairam with concern* Are you sure you're ok?

Hairam: Yeah, I'm fine. Just a little tired from that fight, I guess.

Hanna: If you insist.... *turns attention to Brady* What do we do when we actually get to this clock place?

EO: 1. Find out how to rescue Lui. 2. Beat the life out of those CS agents.
Sound good?

Ace: Actually, yes.

Brady: Clocktower is on the Northwest coast, it acts as a lighthouse as well for incoming ships from over seas...

Ace: I shudder to think of those other continents out there...

Brady: I'm sorry this couldn't be a simple task for you, Hanna...This will be over soon enough. Where will you be going to on Earth when we are finished?

Hanna: …haven’t decided... Why do we have to beat the life out of the CS guys?

EO: BECAUSE I SAID SO!!!!!!!!!!!!! Ahem...sorry about that. I guess I won't force you to if you'd rather not...

Misty: One question, if we *ahem* beat the life out of the CS agents, would that destroy this place? And all the others?

Brady: No. It will simply let us rescue Lui. Why do you ask?

Misty: Because I thought you said that earlier. Brady, you said that Ace stole something from you. Did he?

Brady: Yes, but it doesn't concern you. It's between Ace and I now.

Misty: ... Ok, just trying to help. And understand you two!

Naomi: Hey will you put these over there? *hands Misty a bag*

Misty: Ummmm... What is it? *peeks in bag* And over where?

Naomi: Hey, don't look in it! Just put it under that tree for the time being...thanks.

Misty: Well, you could tell me what’s in it you know! What is in it anyway?

Brady: Whatcha got there in that bag Misty?

Misty: *holds bag in one hand (the one Naomi gave her) and has one over shoulder (her own) while looking confused* Which one?

Brady: The one you're holding.

Misty: How should know?! Naomi won't tell me.

Ace: Are you hiding something?

Misty: Why would I be hiding something? It's Naomi who won't tell what's in the bag!

Brady: Oh, that's Naomi's bag? Sorry. I didn't know.

Misty: *rolls eyes* That's ok.

Brady: Why do you have Naomi's bag?

Misty: Because she handed it to me. Maybe you can get her to say what's in it. Think it's possible?

Ace: I'll try... Lady Naomi?

Naomi: What's in that bag Misty has?

*10 seconds later*

Ace: *Gripping arm* She says it's personal...ow... She needs you to put it somewhere cause she's going to search for some plants.

Brady: You think we should look inside it anyways?

Misty: *looks to see if she's gone* If she's gone now yeah! Wow, did she burn your arm, Ace?

Ace: Wow I guess so, I thought she just punched it...I hope there's a bandage in that bag...

Misty: I have one in my bag. One second. *pulls out a few herbs and a bandage. mixes the herbs together* Here let me see it. *yanks Ace's arm* Whoops, sorry bout that. This might sting a little *puts the herb mixture on the cut and then the bandage* There, it should feel better soon.

Ace: ...Thanks. : )

Misty: Yup, no problem.

Brady: I will look in the bag and show you if there is anything of interest, how does that sound?

Misty: Hey, why do you get to look in it? She gave it to me. How about we ALL look in it?

Brady: Oh, fine. Open it... What's in it?

Hanna: *Acts like she doesn't care, but looks over anyway*

Misty: Just this, this... thing. *pulls out gadget* Does it look familiar to you?

Brady: Put that back! Right now! ...err... Is there anything else?

Misty: ... *keeps holding and looking at gadget* What is it? Yeah a piece of paper. Hey! It says what it is. Would you read it, Ace?

Ace: N-no, I don't think we should...

Misty: Why not? It's just a... thing.

Brady: Hey! Naomi's diary is in here! Will you read it?

Misty: I don't think we should. That's just rude!

Brady: I think I already know what it says... And Naomi was never meant to have that gadget. Give it to me, will you?

Misty: *looks at Brady suspiciously and rather annoyed* Why should I? You won't even tell me what it is! How am I to know that you were meant to have it? I think until I can talk to Naomi about it I'll stick it in here. *places it in bag* Unless... You tell me what it is.

Brady: It doesn't belong with her! *thinks* Dang it, Misty you're gonna blow my cover! *desperate look* Please?

Misty: How do I know it belongs to you? You haven't given me any reason for me to think it belongs to you! Why can't you just tell me what it is?

Brady: What? Don't you see my name engraved on the back? I paid 50 extra credits for that!

Misty: *looks on back* ... But your name isn't on the back.

Brady: *Angry with himself* D'oh, Just let me have it! I can't tell you what it is. I don't even know how Naomi got it! If I tell you what it does will you let me have it?

Misty: *rolls eyes* Fine, ok!! Here!! *thrusts it into his hands* Now what is it?

Brady: It's a duplicator...I got it from a non-mainstream source...Thank you. Why does it matter? And where did my name go?

Misty: That's... strange. Why does what matter? And how should I know? I just saw the thing. Maybe Naomi had something to do with it.

Hanna: *Slightly annoyed* Are we almost there yet?

Misty: I think maybe. I'm not sure though. Hungry?

Hanna: … not really. Why do you ask?

Misty: Because you haven't eaten anything since we were at HQ and that was what, 2 days ago?

Hanna: …I think that was only one day ago. Besides, I'm just fine.

Hairam: She's lying.

Hanna: *Shocked* What?! No, I'm not! I'm not hungry!
......well......maybe......just a very tiny bit..... maybe…. It doesn't matter, alright?!

Misty: ... Ok. Well, I'm going to eat something. Would you like something Hairam?

Brady: *slightly annoyed with Hanna's mood* Chill out. We're almost there. Then we can grab a bite to eat and get some jet bikes and go. How's that sound?

Misty: Well, I have some stuff in my bag, we could use that or grab something. I have stuff more... err... earth-like though. Do we have to pay for the bikes?

Brady: I don't pay for anything around here...

Misty: *rolls eyes* Ok sorry I asked.

Ace: There's the village down this hill.

*party sees a small, yet advanced town at the foot of the hill*

Ace: It's not much, but it'll get us what we need.

Brady: I think I'll just grab a few sandwiches from my fridge. I have a timeshare here. Don't worry it's on the way to the bike shop. What size helmet are you?

Misty: Medium. I'll... *stops mid-sentence* *whispers* he found me. How? *addresses Brady and Ace* I'll meet you down there ok? *runs in forest without waiting for answer*

Brady: *carefree* Meh. *shouts* OKAY SEE YA LATER!

Ace: What? What's goin' on?!

Brady: I don't know, but she can hold her own. She says she'll meet us in the village. I'm not worried.

Ace: Not so fast...

Brady: The CS is still after me. As long as I'm here this party is a prime target for attacks. Let's just go.

Ace: ...

Misty: *Running* *shouts* TALON! TALON! Where are you boy? *spots a falcon in a tree* Talon! How did you find me? Anywho, I'm glad you're here. You can help me and Hanna and them. Let's go. *holds her arm out* Hup, hup *Talon flies onto her arm. She pets him* Good boy. Now let's go find the others. *walks back to the village*

Brady: What do you think she was talkin' about, though?

Hanna: I don't know. It seems like everyone either has someone after them or are trying to find someone else.

Ace: I'm not looking for anyone. Nor is anyone after me. In fact, I'm on rather friendly terms with the CS.

Brady: You ARE?!...

Ace: Ummm, yeah.

Brady: Well that may come in handy. Anyway, please step right this way into my lovely timeshare condo. Are you sure you aren't hungry?

Hanna: ...maybe.... Why, got anything good to eat?

Brady: Depends on your view of good. What do you like?

Hanna: Borscht, if you have any clue of what that even is. Fruit is fine though. Do you have any green apples?

Misty: *walks into village* Now let’s see. He said he had a time share condo. And knowing Brady he probably has a really big one. So hmmm.... *walks around some* Well there's the bike shop. He said it was close by, so I guess *squints* There it is. *walks up and knocks on Brady's door* *knock, knock* Brady?

Hanna: *Opens door* Hey Misty. You found it. What did you run off for?

Misty: This. *holds out arm to show the falcon* This is Talon. Normally he says at home, but I would have been home by now. So he found me. Don't ask me how. *Talon flies off her arm and finds a spot on the couch*

*looks over Hanna's shoulder* I see Brady fell asleep in the fridge. I guess we should move him huh?

Hanna: Go ahead. Need any help?

Misty: *tugs at him* Yes, he sleeps like a rock, both mentally and physically. Where should we put him?

Hanna: Anywhere I guess. So, what should we do? Drag him or something?

Brady: *Wakes up* Hmmm? What? Sorry, I haven't had any sleep for the past three and a half days... Oh yeah...I got fruit...uhh...I have one red apple, a green apple, two oranges, a few pares, one bunch of grapes...Tell you what, why don't I just make one big fruit salad? *pulls out duplicator* Feel free to talk amongst yourselves. *flashes from kitchen and chopping sounds* We don't have much time but, uh...go ahead and have some...I already ate.

Misty: Oh, thanks. *takes some and eats. Gives some to Talon*

Brady: Where do you think Ace went?

Misty: *looks around* He's not here? That's strange. Maybe he went to get the bikes?

Hanna: How should I know? I'm not his baby-sitter.

Misty: Yeah Brady, you're his other. Shouldn't you know where he is? And where did Naomi go?

Brady: No need to get all hostile, Hanna. I was merely inquiring. It's no big deal. I'm sure he'll show his face around here soon enough... Everybody all set?

Hairam: I'm ready, but where's Mace?

Hanna: If you're talking about Jester, he stayed behind. * suddenly stops and turns to Hairam* What...what did you just call him?

Brady: What? What are you talking about? Who's Mace?

Hanna: I think she meant Jester...

Hairam: Is that his name? Oh, yeah.

Hanna: *Looks at Hairam suspiciously* Hmm.... It's probably nothing... *continues walking* Let's go.

Misty: And hopefully we'll see Naomi as well. Come Talon. *Talon flies onto her arm* What's the matter Hanna? *to Hairam* You're sure you're ok?

Hanna: It’s nothing for you to worry about. Let's just get out of here, okay?

Brady: *shrugs* Oh well... The bike shop is right around the corner... *Suddenly changes moods to a more melancholy tone* I hope he's here... Will you leave that bird out here, Misty? I don't think he's allowed in here. *Gestures to a “no pets allowed” sign*

Misty: Ummm... I... hmmmmmm... I guess. I'll leave him at your house. I don't want anything to happen to him. Be right back. *runs off to house*
*comes back a few minutes later* Ok, ready?

Brady: *mumbles* This is more than I bargained for, chief...*sigh* Let's go in. Hey, Lanny? You here?

*weird warp noise*

Gruff voice: *loud stumbling and crashing* Oh! Yeah! Hold on! I'll be right there! Dang these boxes! *Comes to front desk* What can I do yeh for, mah good man?

Brady: Lanny, it's me...Brady? You know...

Lanny: Brady?! Oh, you really did come! Oh, sorry I'm late...I didn't recognize you. My, you've grown!

Brady: We need, jet bikes...

Lanny: Seven? Chief didn't say you needed THAT many! I only got six customs here!

Brady: We picked up an unexpected guest. Okay, just give me what you've got. I guess Naomi and I can share a bike or something...

Lanny: Heh, I've, uhh heard about 'er! You've been makin' quite the interesting tale!

Brady: You guys would all prefer helmets right?

Misty: Yeah. Who's chief?

Brady: He's old friend...

Lanny: Yeah, we just call him a term of endearment kinda thing. eheh.

Brady: *nervously* Anyway it's not important. You got those bikes now, Lanny?

Lanny: Yep. They're right out back.

Brady: Great. Thanks, man. This helps a lot.

Lanny: Believe me, I'd hate to be in your situation. *walks into back room and then silence*

Brady: Let's go, okay?

Misty: OK whatever. How are we going to find Ace and Naomi?

Brady: They'll be here. Naomi knows where to meet us and Ace I'm sure just went to run some errands. Though I haven't seen DJ lately, either. Where do you think HE ran off to?

Misty: DJ's right here. He's been following us. He just looks deep in thought. Ready?

Ace: Ready.

Brady: Where did you come from?

Ace: I was out...

Brady: Okay, I'll take it....*hops on bike* Everyone all set?

Naomi: Sorry I'm late! Ok! Which bike is mine? *looks around and notices everyone's already on a jet bike*

Ace: You'll have to share a bike...Who has the biggest bike?

Brady: That would

Naomi: Oh, great...Whatever I didn't know how work one of these, anyway...*hops on bike behind Brady*

Brady: Ignition! Check! Manual override in gear...Let's do this. *determined smile flashes across his face* Bring it on! Everyone all set? Try not to fall behind, okay? heheheh! Yeah!
Let's ride!

*Brady's bike takes off with amazing speed*

Naomi: Whaa!!—

EO: Wooooo! I had forgotten how much fun these things were!

DJ: Hey, these aren't too bad after all. And they are pretty quiet, actually. Sorry about me being so quiet. EO and I have been ESPing each other. Is that ok with you?

EO: As if it really matters what you think anyway...

Misty: ESPing? Whatever it is, it’s ok with me. So, we are headed in the right direction, right?

EO: ESP means Extra-Sensory Perception. We can sort of send each other messages without actually having to speak them. It only works with others...and it requires a lot of concentration. But yeah, this is the right way.

Misty: Oh, I see.

EO: By the way, the clock tower is awesome! One of the coolest places in all Thorae.

DJ: Are we gaining any time on the CS?

Misty: Well, I haven't see anyone... Wait I have an idea. Talon, go up and see if there is anyone following us. *Talon flies up* This may take a bit ok?

DJ: Ok.

EO: Or, I could fly up using the artificial wings built into this cape of mine...that might be faster. Want me to look ahead and let Talon look back for the CS?

Misty: Sure. That works. *looks up* See anything Talon? *Talon flies down and makes gestures* He "says" that there aren't people for miles. And they are walking. I think we are good. See anything EDJ?

EO: I wouldn't put it past them to have some sort of anti-tracking device to make them invisible from above...but yeah, I can see the Clocktower way off on the horizon. The West Gate isn't terribly far, maybe about an hour off still. Depends on how fast we push these things.

Misty: Ok. We'll keep our eyes open.

DJ: So Misty, did you have an Other? If you don't mind me asking…

EO: Yeah, I'm actually a bit curious myself...

Misty: ... Why do you ask?

DJ: Perhaps it would give us some insight into why you're so willing to help us. So?

Misty: *thinks then says* Yes, I do have an other. But we don't get along at all. She's an evil other like you, EDJ. In fact, she's a lot like you. She's the whole reason I live here. Yes, I used to live on Earth. Minnasota in fact. See, about a year ago she *shudders* *gulp* killed my sister, Enya. Or at least I think she did. I've never seen Enya since the huge fight we, had. It... hurt. Very badly. I've always blamed her. I didn't want her to hurt anyone else. So we came here. I live here so I can keep an eye on her. And the reason I'm helping you is because... *glances at EDJ* is because I don't want anyone else to hurt the way I did. By their others. *sigh* It's my goal in life I guess. *looks up at DJ not mad, but more sad* Anything else you want to know?

DJ: Wow, I'm really sorry to hear that. I'll definitely do my best to help if the situation ever arises.

EO: Touching. Let's keep going now, ok?

Ace: Yeah.

EO: Enough talk...

DJ: Sorry about him. He's more of an introvert anyway...

EO: Only if I want to be, DJ.

DJ: *ignores EO* So Brady, what's the plan?

Brady: *yelling over the sound of the wind rushing passed his ears* We keep going until these jet bikes give out! Then we get to clocktower and take out General Diagan!

DJ: Ok, sounds like a plan, however under-thought out it may be at this point.

Naomi: *clinging to Brady, wide-eyed* S-slow down!

Ace: We are coming up to Gaea Rift now! What's the plan?

DJ: What happens if they give out over the Gaea Rift?

Brady: I'd like to think they're more durable than that!

Naomi: Oh, man, now I'm scared! Why'd you have to say that DJ?!

EO: I put it into his mind to say it. You know, through ESP... Besides, I can fly over it without these bikes.

DJ: Yeah, but what about the rest of us?

EO: Oh...that's true. Well, Hanna can fly, can't she?

Ace: Yes, she can.

Hanna: Certainly, I just can't carry all of you that can't fly.

Brady: I'm not letting anything happen to anyone!

Naomi: You better not!.... What's that noise? It sounds like it's coming from below us…

Unknown cloaked person: Get away from here now or I'll shoot your jet bikes down into the Rift! Who are you?

Brady: Are you with the CS?

Naomi: Who is this clown?

Unknown person: Clown?!?!?!?!? YOU DARE MOCK ME???? FEEL MY FURY!!!!!!!

*shoots at bike carrying Brady and Naomi*

Brady: *swerves out of range of the shot* Wha!

Naomi: Watch how you drive this thing!

EO: Cryptic? Is that you?

Ace: If you're an enemy, I hope you know I will kill you, right?