Saturday, October 17, 2009

Part One

Part One

Evil DJ: What are you going to do about it?

Hanna: Hahahahaha!!! This is where you have underestimated me! The ice is my element!! I will fly through that ice and snow to rescue them!!! Do you really think you can defeat me?

EDJ: Of course! I already have henchmen waiting outside your silly little headquarters to capture you and prevent you from rescuing your friends which should be being pushed out of the plane by the time you finish reading this post. Now what are you going to do? BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA!

Hanna: First of all, you CAN'T mess with my hidden HQ. Second, you will REGRET ever messing with my friends. Third, I'm going to make you WISH that you NEVER messed with ME! You have yet to witness my true power! I SHALL rescue my friends!!! You know NOTHING of what I can really do!!! The question is not what I am going to do. The question now stands, what will YOU do?

EDJ: I will destroy your friends! What is your true power?

Hanna: MY FRIENDS are my strength!!! … and flight... You probably don't even have friends, do you?

EDJ: Of course I do! You should be meeting Slim and Gary very soon! They'll be coming to capture you... Oops...did I say that out loud?

Hanna: But of course!!! The evil always slip up and tell the secret. I know they are not your true friends!!! Are they? You wouldn't trust them with your life!

EDJ: ...No, they only like me for the money... which I have lots of, considering I make my own. Have you rescued your pesky friends yet?

Hanna: Ha! I knew it! You don't even know who you can trust! Quite so, I have indeed rescued my beloved friends! They are now in a place where even you, with your black and foul talons, can never reach!!! Now I shall come for you! What are you after?

EDJ: Well, that's good, because that was just a little diversion! By now, my heat ray should have melted about...62% of the Arctic ice. At 91%, a giant flood will conquer the world, except for the town of... where I am (can't tell you that, now can I?) BWAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!! Have you given up hope yet?

Hanna: NEVER!! I shall destroy your heat ray!!! Didn't I tell you that ice was my element?!

EDJ: Unfortunately for you...there are 3 heat rays! (maybe more, I forget) Do you know where any of them are?

Hanna: It should not be difficult to find them. Most likely, they are placed in strategic locations!How much time do I have left?

EDJ: Umm, according to my computer, it is at 73% you have less than 30 minutes left!!! BWAHAHAHAHA!!!!! Guess how many backup plans I have waiting in the extreme case that this fails?

Hanna: Only as many as you think you need!!! I have already destroyed 2 of your heat rays!!!You always try to be one step ahead, don't you?

EDJ: Of course! Wait, I do, not try... Have you found the third one yet?

Hanna: Yes! I have destroyed it already! Why go for world domination?

EDJ: Because it beats sitting around reading... What is my next plan?

Hanna: I happen to like sitting around reading. I wouldn't expect you to understand, the evil are never content... As for your next plan, you might as well say it out loud (again) I am already infiltrating your lair!! Will you give up quietly?

EDJ: Never! You still have to figure out which room I'm in! Don't forget to stop in and visit my crocodile room! Are they hungry?

Hanna: Most likely, evil people never take proper care of their pets! You evil are all alike!Seriously, do you even posses any originality?

EDJ: Sure I do! The next room is the one with laser tripwires, (not the original one), and the one after that is a giant bottomless hole in the ground... good luck beating that! Do you like my design schemes?

Hanna: Of course I do! They're so easy to beat! Why do you continue to fight?

EDJ: Who said I'm fighting yet? I'm just letting you tire yourself so I can destroy you myself! BWAHAHAHAHA!!!!! *Guards! Turn on the ultra machine-guns!*

Hanna: You continue to fight against the side of good!! I may tire, but I will not let you escape!!!*Uses ice shield to block machine-guns* What are you really after?

EDJ: Your death! Without you, your friends will be helpless to stop me! BWAHAHAHAHA!*Guards, pull the lever!* What lever?

Hanna: You are indeed EVIL!!! And how should I know what lever?!!

EDJ: Oh,'re one of them. *looks at manual* Oh yes, that's right! That lever is the one that starts the flamethrowers! How will your ice shield work against that?

Hanna: I just have to get across the room as fast as I can!! I'll create a tunnel of ice to the door and get through!! Them? Who's them??

EDJ: Those goodie-two-shoe people who always try to wreck my plans! (with about a 50% success rate, btw) How about the Baldrog room?

Hanna: Ha! I have a 99.9% success rate!! I'll easily get through that room!! (if I had any idea what a Baldrog room was...) What is this evil Baldrog room?!?!

EDJ: Well, you remember the giant fiery thing from the first LotR movie? I captured it, cloned it, released the original, and brought back the clone to that room! What's the plan?

Hanna: Oh, that makes sense...My plan is to freeze the very life of that horrible creature of evil!!! Will that work?

EDJ: Hmm, considering the fact that it is resistant to elemental attack, I don't think so...I've never actually tried. (I think it would bite my head off) Let me know what you find in the next room, ok? (I forget what it is)

Hanna: Taste my blade, creature of evil!!! A maze maybe?

EDJ: Is that what it was...that might be it. What is the maze made out of, now?

Hanna: From my observation, titanium alloy (10 times stronger than steel) and resistant to elements with a roof to prevent aerial vision... Wait, why am I telling you?!

EDJ: Because I forgot, and it's your job to be nice to people, even evil people like me!
How far into the maze are you?

Hanna: I may be nice to people, but you're still going to pay for what you've done! I'm 3/4 of the way through and you are going down!! Do you believe that I will seriously catch you?

EDJ: Only after you get past the next 4 rooms... and you'll probably be quite a bit tired out by then... Won't you?

Hanna: Maybe I will, but that doesn't matter! I won't let you get away! What's in the next room?

EDJ: Hmm, I do believe that's the one with all the cute puppies... What's so bad about that?

Hanna: Dare it be what I think it means.... You're not planning what I think you're planning! Are you?

EDJ: Bwahahahaha!!!! Do you know what the next room contains?

Hanna: I hope it doesn't contain what I think it contains! What does it contain?

EDJ: Chick-flicks!!!!! 100 TV's all showing the same one, at full volume! How will you survive this one?

Hanna: AAAAUUUGGHHH!!!!! THE AGONY!!!!!! *shoots icicles at the screens *

*breaths deeply* That was a close one!!How did you know? No one other than the select few were supposed to know!!

EDJ: Haha, Lui told all your secrets when I threatened him with American Idol... Is that true?

Hanna: NO!!! You evil person!!! How could you threaten Lui??!! You'll pay!!!

EDJ: Haha, at least your friend DJ didn't talk... he's a tough one. Guess what I did to him?

Hanna: Of course he's tough! He's better than anything you could ever be! Nooooo!! How dare you hurt my friends to get to me?!

EDJ: Bwahahahaha!!! I dare! I dropped him into a room full of chocolate and told him that if he talked, he could eat as much as possible... Why didn't it work?

Hanna: He's better than that!! He wouldn't sell his friends out!! No matter what!! He's loyal!! Too bad you don't have friends like him, huh?

EDJ: Hmm, who needs friends like that when I can lock myself deep in a super-secure headquarters? Did you survive the room with the talking trees?

Hanna: Eh... room with talking trees? I must have taken a wrong turn... Will that room lead me closer to you?

EDJ: Oh no, you must have found the secret shortcut!! That's not good... Does it look like a really narrow, winding tunnel?

Hanna: Haha! I should have figured you'd use a secret shortcut! Where are you hiding, coward?!

EDJ: Umm... in the room at the end of the tunnel. I'm the one wearing the invisible robot-suit... How far are you into the tunnel?

Hanna: Halfway. For a shortcut, this tunnel is pretty long... What makes you so afraid?

EDJ: ...Ah, I see you on my surveillance cameras now... *Guards, cut the lights in the tunnel* Can you still see?

Hanna: AAAugh!! Of course I can't see! No matter, I shall continue!!!You don't seem very smart for an evil person, do you?

EDJ: Not to you, perhaps... but in reality, I was voted the third smartest supervillain in all of villain-hood! What do you think about that?

Hanna: I think that you flatter yourself to make yourself believe that you are a success. In reality, you are nothing but a coward!!! Isn't that right?

EDJ: Perhaps...but this so-called 'coward' will destroy you and your friends! Have you gotten to the part of the tunnel with the giant spikes?

Hanna: You most certainly will not! This very minute, they are being protected by my fellow companion!!!Yes, I flew right over them! I see the door now!! Where are you?

EDJ: BWAHAHAHAHA!!! I'm the one with the dark-orange lightsaber... How are you going to break the lock?

Hanna: Freeze it, of course. *bursts through the door* Show your face! Why is it so dark in here?

EDJ: Oops...just a second on that. *Guards, turn on the ultra-bright lights!* How's that?

Hanna: Painfully bright! But then again, you did just turn on the lights for an enemy... Why would you do that? To purposefully blind me?!

EDJ: =D You catch on quick! En garde!!! What weapon do you brandish?

Hanna: My Ice Blade! Take that and that!!! Will you be able to evade my attacks?

EDJ: I'm not too concerned about evading them, just counter-attacking them! Can you keep up after your long journey through my castle?

Hanna: I have to! For the sake of all mankind, I shall defeat you!!! Did you think I would give up so easily?

EDJ: Of course so... especially after I tell you the next trick I had in store! Can you guess what my next revelation is?

Hanna: You are highly over-confident... What is this next plan of evil that you have created?

EDJ: It's not so much as a plan, per-se... it's just to demoralize you.You could have come in the back door... it leads directly to this room! Bwahahahaha, doesn't that make you want to quit?

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