Monday, October 19, 2009

Part Six

Part Six

Hanna: *draws ice sword* How's it going?

DJ: Hanna! You're here to help us! An entire army of them are chasing after us!!!

Lui *pants* YAY, we're saved! *both DJ and Lui draw swords* How did you get ahead of us?

Hanna: I took the shortcut. I'm afraid you are a bit confused... Didn't you hear the news?

DJ: No, the door was closed, and I had to take a call from a friend.

Lui: What's the news?

Hanna: *Smiles as now blood-red eyes flash* I have been set free. The Hanna you once knew has dissolved in the darkness of her own heart. That puts you in quite a predicament now, doesn't it?

Lui: Hanna? Is that even you? *calls out to EO* Hey, I bet this is some sort of fake! Nice try though!!!

DJ: *hangs head in defeat*

Lui: Where's the real Hanna?

Hanna: Your ignorance humors me... I am Hanna, for there is no other. She tried keeping me locked up for as long as she could. My release was inevitable, you simply delayed it. See now, your comrade has already given up your friend, haven't you?

Lui: can't be the real Hanna! I won't believe it!!!

DJ: Lui, stop pretending! You know what she's done, and you know what it is that we must do now.

Lui: What are you talking about?

Hanna: Hmph, this will be too easy... You continue to hope when it is obvious that none exists. Honestly, I thought she would have chosen smarter friends… Make this a challenge for me, will you?

DJ: I intend to! Lui, I need you to be brave for me, ok? Don't let your anger consume you. Let your sword be your guide, not your emotions.

Lui: *sniff* Ok, I'll try DJ.

DJ: Can you handle both of us together? *realizes that EO is standing at the doorway behind him after he issues challenge*

Hanna: I’m sure I could if I wanted to. Sadly, someone else already claimed battle with you... *Turns to Lui* You don’t even possess enough courage to stand on your own two feet. Pathetic, isn’t it?

Lui: That's not very nice! Besides, I'm standing, aren't I? En garde! *thinks* I've always wanted to say that!

DJ: EO, I've had enough of your tricks, prepare to see my sword barrage!

Lui: Umm...can we fight verbally, and not with swords?

Hanna: Why not, words have always had a longer lasting effect than swords. Though I was hoping for a fight… You probably couldn’t even block my attacks anyway, could you?

Lui: Well then, if it's a fight you want, it's a fight you'll get! You'd be surprised at how well I wield a sword.

DJ: Prepare for defeat, EO!

EDJ: Never! You'll never be able to out maneuver me, slime!

Lui: YAAAAAAHH!!! Charge!!! Can you keep up?

Hanna: Pfft, too easy! *easily counterattacks* Once I'm finished with you, I'll destroy everyone else my weak self befriended. What can you do to stop me?

Lui: I can keep you busy long enough for DJ to do something...whatever that is.

DJ: Hang in there, Lui! You can do it! Lui: *uses spin attack* Why did you join that loser anyway?

Hanna: *Dodge and slashes* I’m evil, that’s what I do. Besides, he helped me escape... What do you care?

Lui: *Ducks in and parries* You used to be my friend, that's why I care! It hurts me to see you like this, so I'm doing this to help you! Does that make sense?

Hanna: *Spins around and jabs* Ha! As if you could possibly continue to help her... That little glass of yours is always half-full, isn't it?

Lui: *Backs up, stops, counters attack* Why shouldn't it be? That's always the best way to look at things! Otherwise, I would have no hope and end up like you! And who would want that?

Hanna: You test my patience, wimp! Yaaah! *charges with sword* Let’s get this over with! DJ, how are you holding up against aforementioned slime?

DJ: Just fine, thanks for asking. Although I haven't gotten anywhere near his armor yet...

Lui: Ah, it seems I struck a nerve! Let's continue...perhaps we'll see what happens when you're really angry! *sidesteps at last second* Who will deliver the first blow? Haha!

Hanna: I will!!! *almost falls but quickly recuperates and slashes again* Wait, which DJ was it that answered me?

EDJ: We do look irritatingly alike, don't we?

DJ: Sadly, yes. Wait, was that question addressed to the other me? *turns around to find sword slashing directly toward skull, parries with milliseconds to spare*

Lui: Why must you do this?

Hanna: Why? What kind of question is that?! I detest persistent good-doers. You think you can save everyone and you can’t! Sorry about that mix-up, boss. DJ had me confused... *To Lui* You just don’t get it, do you? You. Can’t. Bring. Her. Back!

Lui: No, it is you who have it mixed up...there is always good in a person, no matter how small. There is always a chance that good will prevail, take Darth Vader for instance. Is that a good example?

Hanna: Oh, please! Darth Vader?! HA! That shriveled old prune didn’t even stand a chance! He even turned on his superior!!! *Attacks again* You're a waste of my time! Die already, will you?!

Lui: Ok, but you'll have to beat me first! I'm not done with you yet. Yes, but he died free from the grip of his tormentor, and you can live free from the grip of yours!

EDJ: Is that rat still fighting?

Hanna: Yes, he is. I think I shall stop toying with him soon though... Tormentor? Is that what you think of him?

Lui: Yes, he's the one that twisted your mind into the shape that created this evil apparition of your former self! What do you mean, "toying with him"?

Hanna: One move is all it will take to disarm you... He didn't twist my mind, I have always been here! She never told you, did she?

Lui: No, she didn't. However, he did twist your mind. You were normal when you came in, and he used this entire castle to shift your mind so that the evil in you could escape. Why should she have told me?

Hanna: She was never normal! She had always been fighting the evil within herself! She tried her hardest to keep it a secret from you!!! Maybe if she had told you, her defenses wouldn't have snapped! I thought "friends" were supposed to know everything about each other... Maybe she never valued you as true friends to begin with?

Lui: I think it was out of greater respect for us that she didn't tell this to us. She didn't want to subject us to any trouble by telling us. Perhaps all the stress did cause her to snap, but that doesn't mean we're still not here for her! Why don't you just go fight EO?

Hanna: .... What would be the point in that?

Lui: I don't know, I just thought I'd try something to distract you... Did it work?

Hanna: Augh! You little!!! It almost worked... *knocks the sword from his grip* Ha! What can you do now? Lui: I can continue to talk... How does that sound?

Hanna: Annoying... I think I'll let you keep your puny life until I finish watching him take out your friend. How does that sound?

Lui: Sounds good! Any extra minutes I have are worth spending on trying to convince you of the error of your ways. What would it take for you to return to our side?

Hanna: Nothing. Why would I want to be trapped again?

Lui: Who says you have to be trapped? There are events (closely monitored) that allow people to vent their evil side every once in a while. (Quite good for training as well.) Doesn't that sound fun?

Hanna: No, now stop talking! I'm enjoying the show... Hmm... Who's winning? I can't tell them apart when they're moving so fast.

Lui: doesn't look like either of them have gained any ground on the other... *slowly edges toward sword* Does it all look like a blur to you too?

Hanna: Freeze! *freezes Lui's feet to the floor* Ha! I'm more observant than you think... Can you tell them apart when they're not moving?

Lui: Ow! Yes, EO's eyes are much darker and more sinister. Can you see that?

Hanna: Ah, yeah. Good point. Hey, um... Evil DJ... Need any help?

EDJ: Shhhh! I'm concentrating!!!

Lui: *very secretly pulls out heat gun, making sure that Hanna does not perceive this motion* See, why do you remain loyal to that loser when he treats you that way?

Hanna: Oh, just stop talking or I'll freeze your face! It will all be over with soon enough... Augh, why doesn't your friend just lose already?! He's holding off the grand finale.

Lui: Wow...that's cold! Wait, what's the grand finale? You can tell me, since I'm already disarmed and no longer pose a threat.

Hanna: Cold is my specialty... From what I can tell, the finale will be where the most important choice is made... Does that made sense to your puny brain?

Lui: Puny brain? Ha! That's hilarious...and completely wrong! What is the most important choice?

Hanna: *Sigh* This battle is going to take awhile. *Sits down on floor* The most important choice… *Whispers seemingly to self* Come on DJ, you can do this. Let’s put an end to all this fighting… Even feigned defeat would allow me to stop him. *Eyes momentarily turn to normal blue/grey color before returning to red*

*Turns to Lui and whispers so that the other DJs can’t hear her* you.... you *Lui stares in shock*

Lui: That Hanna, yes. It's all so shockingly clear now! Why do you ask this?

Hanna: Just don't do anything we'll both regret... Ok?

Lui: Umm...I think so. Can I have my sword back then?

Hanna: No, you're still the enemy. Not that I would have any strength left to care... How much longer do you think they'll keep fighting?

Lui: Until something happens to break the equilibrium... What (or who) could do that?

Hanna: Hmm... I guess it's time to play dirty. *freezes a section of the ground near the fighting DJs* Which one will fall?

Lui: Hm....I'm not sure! Perhaps I can try something too... *uses small wrist light to make a reflection on the ice, alerting the real DJ to the danger* Was that satisfactory?

Hanna: Time will tell. Evil DJ, let me be of assistance! Please?

EDJ: Sure... How do you wish to assist me? Shoot him in the leg with your ice, perhaps?

Hanna: Nah, there's no fun in outright disabling someone... better to slip them up a little. *motions to ice patch* Will that work?

EDJ: *flashes an evil grin* Yes, that should work nicely! But how to get him onto it?

Hanna: Pfft, beats me. Maneuver your attacks and advance or something... Why ask me?

EDJ: I thought you were the master swordsperson...and that you would know this stuff!

DJ: Hey EO, let's walk this way!

EDJ: After you, DJ! Lui: What is he doing?

Hanna: You’re more the master swordsperson than I am, EDJ... Which one were you talking about, weakling?

Lui: Who are you calling weakling? You're the one with the violently swinging emotions that can't stay straight for an hour at a time! Oh, I was talking about normal DJ... Why is he headed right toward the ice patch?

Hanna: Heh, all in a day's work, wimp. Besides, they're both heading toward it. Whoever gets there first loses. How will this end?

Lui: Well, it will (invariably) end with someone I know well being destroyed (either physically or mentally, or both)...but you should already know that! I'm just going to call you moody from now on! Hehe, isn't that nice of me?

Hanna: ...If looks could kill, you'd be lying on the floor by now... Maybe I should just kill you now. What could possibly be stopping me?

Lui: Maybe you don't have the guts to kill a defenseless enemy? I bet you'd rather take me down while I was still fighting! Isn't that right, moody?

Hanna: Grrr, Stop calling me that! I could kill just as easily as ripping petals off a flower! The only reason I'm keeping you alive is so that I can cause your friend as much pain as possible! How does killing you in front of him sound?

Lui: Ooh, that sounds like fun, although I would much rather not be killed at all. Is that a possibility?

Hanna: You're weird, you know that?

Lui: Perhaps so, I'm banking on the fact that you won't kill me because of it. (Maybe I can plead insanity...) Technically, we're not arch-enemies already, are we?

Hanna: You don’t have the brainpower to be my arch-enemy. DJ on the other hand... How goes it, EDJ?

EDJ: Fair, I'd say. *turns attention to DJ briefly* Hey, keep walking that way, slime! *turns attention back to Hanna* Why are you just talking to your prisoner?

Hanna: Because you’re taking too long and I have nothing better to do. Besides, it’s not like he can understand my half of the conversation anyway. What would you have me do?

EDJ: Cover the whole floor with ice! BWAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!! Can you do that, or are your powers too drained?

Hanna: I'm trying to reserve my strength. Even if I did cover the whole floor with ice, that would also put you at a disadvantage. I'll see what I can do... *freezes a spot closer to good DJ* Will that work?

EDJ: Yeah, I guess so. Keep working on it though.

DJ: Hey, why don't you just stick to talking to Lui?

Hanna: I tried, he can't get it through his head that I'm evil and he's boring me. Keep working on it?

EDJ: Yeah, you heard me right. I'll just leave you to figure out the meaning of that...

Lui: Have you had enough of my incessant babbling yet, moody?

Hanna: *Glares evilly* Stop calling me that, you pathetic loser!!! What will make you stop?!?!

Lui: Hmm, let's see: death, an iced-shut mouth, a promise to let me go after the DJ/EO fight is over, you giving me my sword back, and possibly a few others. How about the sword?

Hanna: Ha! I don't think so. In fact, I'm more inclined to freeze your mouth shut! Though I can't do that now, can I?

Lui: Nah, that would leave you nothing to do...except ice the floors some more. And that seems pretty tedious. Is it?

Hanna: Not so much that as the fact that it’s draining. I want to save as much of my power as I can, I’ll need it. But I can’t expect you to understand, can I?

Lui: Umm...not the part about ice powers specifically, but I do know what you mean about saving power. (That's what I'm doing now) What would happen if I called you moody again?

Hanna: Call me that again and I shall be very much inclined to render you unconscious... Why do you keep calling me that anyway?

Lui: Because of the response it elicits! It's funny to watch you get angry and try not to do something bad to me. Were you given instructions not to hurt me?

Hanna: You wish. It is my choice entirely to keep you alive until DJ has been defeated. Seriously, how hard is it to make someone slip?!?

Lui: Harder than it would seem, since both of them know that those patches are there! Why don't you just shoot ice directly at the ground next to their feet?

Hanna: I was thinking of doing that, but then there would be a chance that EDJ would slip. How in the world could she not find you annoying?

Lui: Well, I'm sure most everyone finds me annoying at times. Although I'm definitely trying quite hard to be as annoying as possible right now... if you couldn't tell. If I can't call you moody, what can I call you?

Hanna: I don't know! Just not that! I'm still Hanna, believe it or not. Why not just call me by my name?

Lui: Because I'm saving that for when you turn back to normal. Until then, you're not Hanna to me. How about squeaky?

Hanna: Then I guess that means you'll never call me Hanna again... Squeaky?!?! What kind of retarded name is that?

Lui: Ah, good. I see you like that one...perhaps I'll start using that (until you threaten to KO me or something!) So, squeaky, isn't this entertaining? Where's the popcorn?

Hanna: Seriously, I think I would have preferred moody over squeaky... Aaaugh! This is taking forever!!! DJ, do you miss the Hanna you once knew?

DJ: Huh? Oh, yeah! However, I don't see her as that far gone still. She's near the surface, ready to break free if given the chance.

Lui: I can speed it up if you'll let me get my sword back!

Hanna: Never!!! I was thinking that would distract him... EDJ, did it work?

EDJ: Nope...this guy's pretty good! Why don't you help me?

Hanna: My pleasure! *draws sword and charges toward the ongoing battle* How will you fight against the both of us, DJ?

1 comment:

  1. Evil was here! BWAHAHAHAHA!!!
    (and she actually read the whole thing)
