Thursday, October 22, 2009

Part Ten

Part Ten

Hanna: We're going to get you out, Lui, all right?

Lui: Ok...

Hanna: I guess we'll find out... *leaves then returns a while later with frozen EDJ* Now what?

DJ: I guess we just follow the instructions in the book. *glances at closed book* we have to unfreeze him?

Hanna: I don't think so... How do you think it would cause someone to be trapped in the first place?

DJ: Some sort of evil joke, I don't know any more than that...I think the only way to really find out would be to talk to EO himself... Where do we start with this?

Hanna: I suppose we should just put him close to the fire and monitor how much ice melts. Or we could try chiseling away some of the ice. Which do you think is best?

DJ: Umm...the first choice sounds easier, and it would probably be safer...we don't want him to escape and us be too tired from chiseling to chase him...


Hanna: Yeah, he's here... Is something wrong, Lui?

Lui: He.......responsible......for.......this?

Hanna: In part.... Don't worry Lui, we won't let him escape. We're just going to melt him enough to get information, ok?

DJ: OK...

Hanna: Most assuredly, I will make him pay... How are things coming along with the ice, DJ?

DJ: I can actually hear him breathing a little now...but his face is still covered. Should we direct the flame toward his head a bit more?

Hanna: Yeah, that sounds good Lui...are...are you ok in there?

Lui: I guess.....slightly......painful....though.

DJ: How's this? *gestures toward EO*

Hanna: I guess that's good. EDJ? I think he's coming around...

EDJ: *gasps violently* Ha! I knew you would come back for me eventually! How can I be of service, Hanna?

Hanna: Ha! We both know that helping me is the last thing you want to do... However, we have no other choice. How do we get someone out of a mirror?

EO: Why should I tell you, Hanna?

Hanna: Because, I hold your very life in the palm of my hand. Don’t think for a moment that I won’t cause you as much pain as humanly possible, because I will if that's what it takes for me to get him out of there alive! Now then, will you tell me?

EDJ: Ha! You? Inflict pain on me???? You make me laugh! HAHAHAHAHA!!!!! You wouldn't dare hurt me, I'm the only one who can tell you how to rescue your precious Lui! Why do you care so much about him anyway?

Hanna: Sentimental value, if you must know. He is my friend! Besides, it is because you are the only one who can tell us how to rescue him that I would be willing to inflict great pain upon you! Now tell us before I run out of patience! How do we get him out?

EDJ: You have to throw the mirror onto a very jagged rock, and say the words "Mirror, be gone!" Do you believe me?

Hanna: No, I don't believe you!!!! Are you out of your mind?!?!?!?! That could KILL him!!!!!! What's the real way to get him out?

EO: Ha! You think I would just out and tell you? You're going to have to do worse than threats... What's in it for me?

Abby: There is high risk involved with anything we do. Is there like a secret door or something we can find?

EO: How should I know?!??! This isn't my cabin, after all... Who are you and why aren't you on my side?

Hanna: She's on our side because you're the one still stuck in ice at the moment...

Abby: I am Abby and I wish not to kill anyone. I was climbing this mountain. Why do you wish to kill Lui who is innocent?

EO: Who said I wanted to kill him? I just want to see him suffer for a change!

Hanna: DJ, any ideas to break him?

DJ: Hmm....he's a pretty tough one. Are we allowed to use semi-violent actions?

Abby: We might have to, what do you think?

Hanna: ....depends upon what kind of semi-violent actions we're talking about ... Do you think they would work?

Abby: I think it would work; it’s worth a try at least. What do you suggest DJ?

DJ: We may have to resort to that, seeing as mere threats don't seem to carry much weight with him.

Abby: *To EDJ* Well. . .technically if you want him to suffer that is the same thing as killing him.
EO: Ha! Killing him would only shorten his agony! Why would I want to do that?

Abby: They are his friends and he seems like a nice person we are not going to be killing him anytime soon!!!

Hanna: Agony...? What do you propose we do, DJ?

DJ: We could burn his fingers...perhaps. Is that too evil?

Abby: Agreed, probably lame idea, but we could maybe put more ice back on him?

DJ: That didn't really seem to affect him too much the first time...

EO: Ok, that's your can watch him suffer instead!

DJ: How about dry ice?

Hanna: I don't think that would work. Besides that would only fill the cabin with carbon dioxide causing suffocation... it true...what EDJ said about being in there?

Lui: You.....mean......painful? Only.....little.....really.......except........for......chains.....

DJ: about we liquid nitrogen his hair?

Abby: That would be kinda funny, but would it work? Man I am just glad I am not stuck in that mirror. Lui is having a pretty good attitude overall about it though.

EO: Perhaps for now, but eventually his good attitude will turn to despair! BWAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!

DJ: *To Abby* I'm not sure...I just said that because it would exact personal satisfaction... What do you think, Hanna?

Abby: Hang in there Lui! Should we try for just personal satisfaction?

Hanna: No, I don't think it would work even if we did. Maybe we should go about things differently... EDJ, what will make you tell us?

EO: Now we're talking!!! Hmm...I want you to rebuild my castle. How about that?

Hanna: I still find it pointless to be discussing such things considering WE have YOU captured, but I can’t stand seeing Lui that way.... What if we do rebuild your castle?

EO: Then you have to let me live in it in peace...if you agree to that, I'll tell you how to rescue Lui. Ok?

Hanna: Not yet. How can we let you live in peace? You will just keep wrecking havoc upon all the innocent people in the world!

EO: No, I just want a computer simulation game that lets me be evil without actually wreaking havoc on the inhabitants of this world... Is that too much to ask?

Hanna: Then I suppose you won't mind playing said game in your prison cell. Will you?

EO: I would actually get a prison cell with a computer and an expensive videogame like that? I could deal with something like that, I think. And that's only if I cooperate with you, right?

Hanna: Right. No internet though. Think you can handle that?

EO: Aw, that's the best part of the game though... How about internet access for only that game?

Hanna: Only for that game, maybe. If we do, will you tell us how to get Lui out?

EO: Ummm..... Can I have a few minutes to think it over?

Hanna: I suppose that’s alright. It would appear that we won’t be going anywhere anytime soon. *Whispers so that EDJ can’t hear* DJ, how do we know he isn’t lying if he does tell us how to get Lui out?